Yesterday, I downloaded this mod in hopes for a few hours of fun to play and my mum to watch, and I have to say, it have proved to be most challenging experience. I have been successful in the puzzles so far, only missed one secret wall I cannot return to. sadly, and one puzzle, the one with burial memoirs of three people was staring me right in my face.
Almost to the end of level 6, Twisted Corridors, when take stairs up, there is one puzzle that I spent a good hour over and the solution still evades me.
On level 5, but probably only accessible from level 6, is a puzzle with a pit field, several pressure plates only triggered by party, and a row of lightning-spitting winged somethings.
I have nowhere else to go, and this one I have no idea how to solve.
I would be very grateful for a solution for this one, since I see no way of getting over it.
Otherwise, this is a very lovely mod, very good puzzles.
Although, if it wasn't for my imported party, I would spent a lot of time dead and would quit it for that reason.

Love, Tarerin