Re: Isle of the Deranged 2.1
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 2:00 am
Just started on this one - very nice so far, currently at 17/36 secrets found, 11/23 levels visited. Loving the exploration nature of it (although, weird! < -- > spread... don't you like the X axis?
So much gear / tomes, I started on medium but am finding it too easy - I'd suggest starting on hard for a challenge: much much more gentle than Atlantis! (Although, still a challenge - I kinda ignored the hints and just cleared the entire starter dungeon from scratch without leaving - mucho mimic dancing).
One small bug - when you put the x3 sticks into the puzzle in the Greater Grimwald Forest to unlock the tomb key chest, the hint states "...spikes unlocked to the south - EAST" - this is incorrect, it's the South - West.
Also ran into the issue that someone else mentioned - even dropping down from the forest (mine tower part) I can't work out how to not drop into the water but get into that part of the mines (I returned to drop back down once the secret triggered, no dice). I think this probably needs a bit of a re-work (if you're still working on the mod) since two of us have had the same issue - perhaps have the secret unlock the door in the drop-down part + pressure plate to open up a path?
One criticism, shared with Atlantis: if you clear the first dungeon and get the, your Heavy Weapons Mino won't get an upgrade until the . This is kinda a shame, as it means that 90% of the dropped weapons are useless (this was an issue with Atlantis as well).
Likewise, I found getting GREAT shields almost too easy - I have both the elemental and meteor, which are the best shields ingame, and I'm only about 50% completed.
Anyhow, still playing through - great stuff so far though, thanks for making it! Loving the back-story, esp. the lore around the - although, if you're going to call it the , I expected somewhere to teleport to/from!
What does the hint in the beach level "...what you're looking for is behind you" mean? I tried digging in the small walled nook, nothing. Oh, and EVUL for putting dancing fire flies into a solid block where the grave that has unreadable text!
In the Calador challenge, I cleared it all - I presume you can't get the chest with the leprechaun? Just the - again, one of the best light weapons ingame, I got this very early - doubt I'll get an upgrade soon :/

So much gear / tomes, I started on medium but am finding it too easy - I'd suggest starting on hard for a challenge: much much more gentle than Atlantis! (Although, still a challenge - I kinda ignored the hints and just cleared the entire starter dungeon from scratch without leaving - mucho mimic dancing).
One small bug - when you put the x3 sticks into the puzzle in the Greater Grimwald Forest to unlock the tomb key chest, the hint states "...spikes unlocked to the south - EAST" - this is incorrect, it's the South - West.
Also ran into the
health potion secret in the mines
One criticism, shared with Atlantis: if you clear the first dungeon and get the
Ancient Claymore
Likewise, I found getting GREAT shields almost too easy - I have both the elemental and meteor, which are the best shields ingame, and I'm only about 50% completed.
Anyhow, still playing through - great stuff so far though, thanks for making it! Loving the back-story, esp. the lore around the
demented ogre twins
hub key
What does the hint in the beach level "...what you're looking for is behind you" mean? I tried digging in the small walled nook, nothing. Oh, and EVUL for putting dancing fire flies into a solid block where the grave that has unreadable text!
In the Calador challenge, I cleared it all - I presume you can't get the chest with the leprechaun? Just the
snake knife