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Re: Isle of the Deranged 2.1
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 11:01 am
by Cat123
I've been using the teleporters and haven't been wild about food usage - the fact that I've fished x36 fishes should immediately tell you that the food angle is a genuine concern, but no, no criticism acceptable.
You could have spoiled the trapdoor puzzle - I've killed the medusa and even tried doubling back and resetting already hit switches. Not cool. (I see from the prior discussions that the moving block puzzle is a potential game ender - I noticed that you weirdly couldn't push one of the stones in one direction early, so completed it without error. But really, just add an extra grate across that opening to fix the puzzle so that people don't assume you can push one block west - for reference, it's the north stone).
But, you've a bug then: I tried x3 pieces of food in the slot and it didn't trigger.
Frog guts, warg meat (not sure if vanilla or the fjer type) and ice drake meat - didn't trigger. So one of these three isn't being counted as a food item (probably the frog guts, at a guess). I also tried frog guts, warg meat and I think a raw fish, but my food was limited at this point.
I appreciate you've spent a year on this mod, and it's genuinely brilliant in places - so thanks again for the work. This doesn't mean that feedback isn't from a place of love, not hate.
Re: Isle of the Deranged 2.1
Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 7:12 pm
by Unkillable Cat
Hello again.
Two years ago I played your mod and found plenty of faults with it, most of them concerning unresolved bugs.
Then recently I heard that you were still working on the mod, so I gave it another go. And I'm impressed, it's improved a lot since then.
There are still faults and problems with the mod that I could bring up, but I've realized by this point that you won't make such changes, so I won't mention them, and instead give you a couple of bugs to play with instead.
The ones I found are:
# Several floating texts in the module are too long, leading to the character panel obscuring them.
Cursed Dungeon:
# When using lockpicks to open the lock holding the energy field in place in the SE corner, the lock will eat the whole batch of lockpicks instead of just one.
# The floating texts in the "Caged Animals" area are badly in need of a do-over. Typos, too long texts and redundant text are among the things that need to be cleaned up.
Olde Scorched Valley:
# One of the Fire Elementals here drops 3 Flame Arrows. These arrows do not count as ammo for any bow I could find, so they're useless until you throw them, in which case they transform into a single broadhead arrow when they hit something. There are also elemental arrows in Nomad's Demise - Cavern, that I guess also suffer from this.
The Final Test:
# You can press the button that frees the prisoners over and over again and get 5000 XP every time.
I hope this helps.
Re: Isle of the Deranged 2.2
Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:34 am
by Slayer82
I'm uploading a bug fix for the mod. It should be uploaded by week's end.
Re: Isle of the Deranged 2.2
Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 3:38 pm
by Slayer82
Version 2.2 has been uploaded to both Nexus Mods and ModDb.
Re: Isle of the Deranged 2.2
Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 12:27 am
by andyroosta
Re: Isle of the Deranged 2.2
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:56 pm
by ene
Hey Slayer, so starting a new game with v2.2
One thought:
In Grimwern Woodland, I got stuck for hours near the sign saying 'Success is just a stone's throw away'. I think it's a bit unfair that you specifically have to throw a stone (i.e nothing else works). Usually any items thrown on a slab triggers the mechanism. So I shot an arrow, saw that the slab got lowered but then the spikes were still there.. I do understand the sign mentions 'stone' and that there are plenty of them around but I still think it's a bit confusing. While I'm always having pleasure playing your mod, I have mix feelings about this new change (or was it already the same in v2.0?). Anyway maybe it's my fault, still had to write it down since i've lost plenty of time and couldn't find any logic behind this. Just a point of view

Re: Isle of the Deranged 2.2
Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 11:48 pm
by ene
v2.2 completed - is bug free. Barely noticed any change from 2.0 to be honest (except in Grimwern) but doesn't matter, really - good fun, as always
ty :)
Re: Isle of the Deranged 2.2
Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 3:51 am
by mikko
Hey, first post.
I've been stuck for about an hour or so, and as much as I hate it, the mod is too much fun to be simply dropped.
I received the Earth Essence and a single power gem from the
mines in the forest to the west of the starting area
However, I've been unable to progress for a while now. I would appreciate any tips you could give me.
Re: Isle of the Deranged 2.2
Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 12:45 pm
by Slayer82
Hey, Mikko.
Welcome to the forums.
In regards to your predicament, I need some more information on what other key items you have and how exactly you are stuck.
There are
two of each type of elements. In addition to the essences, there are a total of six power gems. You will need to use four power gems to create another element in the Eternal Catacombs, and place two in the vacant alcoves in Greater Grimwern Woodlands. You can also use a power gem in the alcove on the Main Beach (Isle of the Deranged Main Beach). It is preferable to use one power gem in the Main Beach, then in Greater Grimwern, then in the Eternal Catacombs.
As the mod is more of an open-world and non-linear style, you can sometimes head elsewhere to attempt something else if you are stuck.
I do my best to revisit this forum to assist when I can, but if I take too long, then try to message another forum member who has posted in this forum for help. You can also search the forum for clues and assistance.
Head to different areas, or
return to the Cursed Dungeon to find other items. Additionally, solve the Beach Puzzle Statue on the Main Beach (near the two chests) to enter the Eastern Zhaoze.
That opens up the game somewhat.
I hope this was helpful.
Re: Isle of the Deranged 2.2
Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 2:21 am
by jubayy
hi there new to the forums really awesome mod but I'm stuck
Trying to go to the left of grimwern woodlands but there is a iron door blocking the way and I have no clue how to open it
also in grimwern woodlands in the botton right corner of the map how I access Nest of the arachnids ??
ive found so far 2 power gem 2 essece of earth and 1 essence of water and I have 1 prison and gear key
thx sooo much for the help