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Re: The Custom Alcove Thread. (Neikun, Batty and Crisman)
Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 6:16 am
by Vice Dellos
So, after seeing some of your alcove ideas and what the hell kinda code you needed for it ta da this is what I came up with
poor Billy :S
Re: The Custom Alcove Thread. (Neikun, Batty and Crisman)
Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 7:10 am
by Neikun
Beautiful work, friend!
Would love for you to share your code.
Just one clipping error with the note, but I imagine it's either clip the breastplate, or clip the hands.
Looks really good. Is that four different alcoves then?
Re: The Custom Alcove Thread. (Neikun, Batty and Crisman)
Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 8:21 am
by Vice Dellos
uhm lets see
Code: Select all
name = "corpse_dagger_slot",
class ="Alcove",
anchorPos = vec(-0.035, 0.4, -1.375),
anchorRotation = vec(0, 315, 0),
targetPos = vec(-0.035,0.4, -1.375),
targetSize = vec(0.1, 0.8, 0.2),
onInsertItem = function(self, item)
local allowed = {"dagger"}
for i = 1, #allowed do
if == allowed[i] then
return == allowed[i] and self:getItemCount() == 0
placement = "wall",
replacesWall = false,
editorIcon = 92,
Code: Select all
name = "corpse_note",
class ="Alcove",
anchorPos = vec(-0.28, 0.417, -1.1),
anchorRotation = vec(0, 90, 0),
targetPos = vec(-0.28, 0.417, -1.1),
targetSize = vec(0.3, 0.3, 0.3),
onInsertItem = function(self, item)
local allowed = {"note"}
for i = 1, #allowed do
if == allowed[i] then
return == allowed[i] and self:getItemCount() == 0
placement = "wall",
replacesWall = false,
editorIcon = 92,
rotten pitroot bread
Code: Select all
name = "corpse_rotten_pitroot_bread",
class ="Alcove",
anchorPos = vec(-0.4, 0, -1.6),
anchorRotation = vec(0, 90, 0),
targetPos = vec(-0.4, 0, -1.6),
targetSize = vec(0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
onInsertItem = function(self, item)
local allowed = {"rotten_pitroot_bread"}
for i = 1, #allowed do
if == allowed[i] then
return == allowed[i] and self:getItemCount() == 0
placement = "wall",
replacesWall = false,
editorIcon = 92,
Code: Select all
name = "corpse_key_chain",
class ="Alcove",
anchorPos = vec(0.225, 0.225, -1.35),
anchorRotation = vec(130, -30, 45),
targetPos = vec(0.225, 0.225, -1.35),
targetSize = vec(0.2, 0.3, 0.2),
onInsertItem = function(self, item)
local allowed = {"ornate_key"}
for i = 1, #allowed do
if == allowed[i] then
return == allowed[i] and self:getItemCount() == 0
placement = "wall",
replacesWall = false,
editorIcon = 92,
note that at least in editor I have a hard time picking up the key but particulalrly the bread havent tried it in the full game or with different resolutions and stuff so idk about that
the skeleton is from
Neikuns Decoration Pack 1 and is facing one diriction further clockwise that the alcoves
and yes its a rotten pitroot bread. I mean you think its still fresh if the dead guy brought it along it isnt dwarf bread
EDIT: I think like this the clipping is reduced a little
Re: The Custom Alcove Thread. (Neikun, Batty and Crisman)
Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:12 pm
by Neikun
It's not so bad that the player might not be able to grab the things. But it would get frustrating, perhaps.
Re: The Custom Alcove Thread. (Neikun, Batty and Crisman)
Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 4:04 pm
by Vice Dellos
sword holder
Code: Select all
name = "deep_dungeon_pillar_ring_alcove",
class = "Alcove",
anchorPos = vec(0.9, 0.83, -0.17),
anchorRotation = vec(90, 0, 90),
targetPos = vec(0.9, 0.83, -0.17),
targetSize = vec(0.4, 0.4, 0.4),
model = "mod_assets/models/deep_dungeon_metal_ring_pillar2.fbx",
onInsertItem = function(self, item)
return == "practice_sword" and self:getItemCount() == 0
placement = "wall",
replacesWall = false,
editorIcon = 8,
And the model for the rearranged ring
yeah the practise sword is awesome it has -20 attack power

you might have to change that for a usefull item...
Re: The Custom Alcove Thread. (Neikun, Batty and Crisman)
Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 4:09 pm
by Neikun
Another good idea!
You're a natural, man!
Re: The Custom Alcove Thread. (Neikun, Batty and Crisman)
Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:08 pm
by AdrTru
There is my testing mod for managing more alcoves on one main alcove.
It is over-hanged torch holder.
Re: The Custom Alcove Thread. (Neikun, Batty and Crisman)
Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:07 pm
by Neikun
That's certainly a neat idea as well!
Re: The Custom Alcove Thread. (Neikun, Batty and Crisman)
Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:58 pm
by msyblade
Muhahahaha! Originality! The judge from the US gives him a 9.75!

Re: The Custom Alcove Thread. (Neikun, Batty and Crisman)
Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 1:00 am
by SpiderFighter
msyblade wrote:Muhahahaha! Originality! The judge from the US gives him a 9.75!

Amazing that, after all this time, people are still coming up with creative alcoves. A testament to the game and its players!