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Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 8:54 pm
by AnnElfwind
bazzietuk wrote:Me again :) On the second run through the game and found 3 notes on the testament level I don't understand.

Note 1: Hit the targets if you want to see the eighth? (8th what and targets where?)

Note 2: If you want to be rewarded do not leave the madness (what madness where?)

Note 3: There are no clues for this one. A true mage an handle it himself (this ones near the head in the treasure room by some gates, still stuck with this one but have 4 one use magic scrolls but where do you use them?)

All the notes are near the end of the testament level and can't be gotten until you've done nearly the whole level and can't go back to other sections on this level.

I was considering taking screenshots of all the level maps when I've completed it again but I think some help would be needed to show every location and treasure if anyone's interested in helping out :)
Note 1: In the sea of flesh, when you defeat all seven waves, you can see that there are two spit faces and two receptors. As well as two presurre plates. Put something on the plates while standing to the side, the heads will will shoot lightning and hit the receptors. An eight wave of monsters will appear. As well as a secret area.
Note 2: The labyrinth with the heads shooting bolts, once you hit all the levers, you can leave and continue on, but if you backtrack then in one of the corners a secret area will be open.
Note 3: Four elemental rooms with plates monsters and a single receptor in each room. If you have the four 'bolt' scrolls from the library, youc an use one in each room and if you do so, a secret area will open.
And as for the accesibility of the notes, they can be easily lifted through bars. Though I will be the first one to admit that I didn't notice them at all on my first playthrough. And disregarded them on the second.
But on my third playthrough I read all the notes and did all that was written on them, only to find that I didn't have the 'bolt' scrolls so I had to play it again! :D
Hope this answers your questions. :)

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 12:24 pm
by bazzietuk
So in effect then if you've completed the rest of the stuff for the level and found the exit to the next level your out of luck for getting the secrets as those areas are blocked off and can't be entered again. Bit of a bad design fault that won't be fixed :( LOL

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 12:35 pm
by AnnElfwind
bazzietuk wrote:So in effect then if you've completed the rest of the stuff for the level and found the exit to the next level your out of luck for getting the secrets as those areas are blocked off and can't be entered again. Bit of a bad design fault that won't be fixed :( LOL
I think it relies on the player actually reading all the notes and remembering that you can pick things through the grates (level 2 of the original grimrock).
But yes, it gets on my nerves that I can't go back to the testament when it's completed. But even if you have to play it again to access it again, it is not that bad. I think that the worst leve to play through again is the twisting corridors and the pit. Possibly even golem factory, but I learned to just speed go that level and avoid anything and everything I can instead of killing it.

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 1:30 pm
by bazzietuk
On level 6 how do you get into the sanctuaries? (the poison sanctuary for instance).

I didn't really have a problem with many of the level enemies (apart from the cube which always has annoyed me in these mods). I'm not a fan of single kill enemies to be honest. Plus my characters are such high levels a few hits from them and most things die :) LOL

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 2:37 pm
by AnnElfwind
bazzietuk wrote:On level 6 how do you get into the sanctuaries? (the poison sanctuary for instance).

I didn't really have a problem with many of the level enemies (apart from the cube which always has annoyed me in these mods). I'm not a fan of single kill enemies to be honest. Plus my characters are such high levels a few hits from them and most things die :) LOL
You have to place the correct potions in the alcoves. I think that for the poison you have to place either antidotes or cure disease potion there.

I didn'T really have a problem with the enemies per se, just the infinite respawn in the golem factory and the tediousnes of the twisting corridors.
I don't mind 'insta-kill', especially when doing the backstab assassination with a rogue. But it doesn't work on most of the monsters in this mod.
As for high level characters, mine are not really high level, but they are overpowered from a party modification mod. :D So I don't really worry about something killing me.
But I dislike the cube too. I always ask the mod authors if their mod has a cube and usually if it does, I don't play it. This mod being an exception, but I don't do that secret anymore. While I love the dismanteler, it's not worth it.

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 6:48 pm
by bazzietuk
Gone through it twice now but still missed a lot but decided to do the level maps if anyone wants to download them and add to them feel free just give me a credit on any post it's used on thanks :) ... 56a9f70d1f

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 8:29 pm
by bazzietuk
I've done it before but can't remember what the item is and where I got it, level 1, the alcove that says "here lies Nesturs, a powerful wizard". Where's the item I need located?

I'm mapping out the levels and secret buttons so I'll upload the images when they're done :)

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:16 pm
by AnnElfwind
bazzietuk wrote:I've done it before but can't remember what the item is and where I got it, level 1, the alcove that says "here lies Nesturs, a powerful wizard". Where's the item I need located?

I'm mapping out the levels and secret buttons so I'll upload the images when they're done :)
Scroll. Down a pit. Though I don't remember which one. I suggest to try them all. Unless you remember. ;)

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 8:16 pm
by bazzietuk
Thanks, had it in my inventory hidden :) LOL

If this is correct (from another post) then I'm still missing two secrets on the first 3 levels, I've gone down to level 4 but my stats say I only have 21/44 secrets whereas I should have 23/44 by now. Any ideas? I've uploaded the maps to my virginmedia cloud account if anyone wants to access them to see what I'm missing on the first 3 levels and where they are.

Number of secrets, that can be found after completing each level
Level 1: 10 secrets
Level 2: 8 secrets
Level 3: 5 secrets
Level 4: 4 secrets
Level 5: 4 secrets
Level 6: 7 secrets
Level 7: 2 secrets
Level 9: 4 secrets

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 9:52 pm
by AnnElfwind
bazzietuk wrote:Thanks, had it in my inventory hidden :) LOL

If this is correct (from another post) then I'm still missing two secrets on the first 3 levels, I've gone down to level 4 but my stats say I only have 21/44 secrets whereas I should have 23/44 by now. Any ideas? I've uploaded the maps to my virginmedia cloud account if anyone wants to access them to see what I'm missing on the first 3 levels and where they are.

Number of secrets, that can be found after completing each level
Level 1: 10 secrets
Level 2: 8 secrets
Level 3: 5 secrets
Level 4: 4 secrets
Level 5: 4 secrets
Level 6: 7 secrets
Level 7: 2 secrets
Level 9: 4 secrets
Not from the top of my head.
Did you do the trapdoor in the lightning corridor? I missed the one the first few times around. Some of the harder to find secrets are also the illusion wall in the herder area next to the magic library. Then... I think that one in the old tunnels...
I think that these ones are the ones most miss on their first few playthroughs... But who knows... I know I missed them.