[MOD] Eye of the Dragon

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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - version 5a

Post by Komag »


Ha ha, just kidding, I did the "turn back" option and got that ending, so I guess I "sorta" finished in that sense :lol:

Here are my notes:
- dungeon description - "Clasic" should be "Classic"
- "gameplay tips" should be "Gameplay Tips"
- each tip should capitalized: "Play" and "Have"

- Intro "movie", very cool!
- Question marks should not have a space in front of them. "What could Kelben want ?" should be "What could Kelben want?"
- Quotation marks should not have an extra space before or after them. " Welcome, please come in. " should be "Welcome, please come in."
- If the same person is talking, don't write additional quotation marks. Khelben's speech should only have one " at the beginning and one at the end, not eight of them
- "Weeks ago I have sent" should be "Weeks ago, I sent"
- combine the two sentences: "another party: the minotaur Galdar, the thief Valder, and the wizard Maradriel."
- "fear the worse" should be "fear the worst"
- "near Temple itself" seems odd, probably should be "near the temple itself"
- "Find out, what is going on there !" should be "Find out what is going on there!"

- VERY long black screen pause after intro, took around 10 seconds. If this is on purpose, I think it should be reduced to just 3 to 5 seconds
- got console error message "Calling dialog.activate() with wrong number and/or type of parameters."
- LOVE the forest I'm standing in, VERY cool and impressive! Love the snow, lighting, feel.
- took one step, dialog:
- "mage but he forgot to mention, that" should be "mage, but he forgot to mention that"
- "spell will whirlwind" should be "spell would whirlwind"
- "could get any worse" should be "couldn't get any worse"
- "Stoneskull:"When I" should be "Stoneskull: "When I" (add a space after the colon)
- All exclamation points, like question marks, should not have a space in front of them
- "But in the end - heroic" should be "But in the end, heroic"
- "arent" should be "aren't"

- I clicked "turn back" (or whatever it said)
- "has a epic ending" should be "has an epic ending"
- "But thats" should be "But that's"
- Ha ha, thank you for making that one of the actual endings! Shortest mod of all time, take one step, FINISHED! LOL
- Holy cow, that's a LOT of grammar/spelling/punctuation/style problems in just the first ten minutes. This is going to be a big job :)
But I'm stoked about that forest, can't wait to play more. I may not get to it for a couple days though
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - version 5a

Post by Drakkan »

Komag wrote:FINISHED!

Ha ha, just kidding, I did the "turn back" option and got that ending, so I guess I "sorta" finished in that sense :lol:

Here are my notes:
- dungeon description - "Clasic" should be "Classic"
- "gameplay tips" should be "Gameplay Tips"
- each tip should capitalized: "Play" and "Have"

- Intro "movie", very cool!
- Question marks should not have a space in front of them. "What could Kelben want ?" should be "What could Kelben want?"
- Quotation marks should not have an extra space before or after them. " Welcome, please come in. " should be "Welcome, please come in."
- If the same person is talking, don't write additional quotation marks. Khelben's speech should only have one " at the beginning and one at the end, not eight of them
- "Weeks ago I have sent" should be "Weeks ago, I sent"
- combine the two sentences: "another party: the minotaur Galdar, the thief Valder, and the wizard Maradriel."
- "fear the worse" should be "fear the worst"
- "near Temple itself" seems odd, probably should be "near the temple itself"
- "Find out, what is going on there !" should be "Find out what is going on there!"

- VERY long black screen pause after intro, took around 10 seconds. If this is on purpose, I think it should be reduced to just 3 to 5 seconds
- got console error message "Calling dialog.activate() with wrong number and/or type of parameters."
- LOVE the forest I'm standing in, VERY cool and impressive! Love the snow, lighting, feel.
- took one step, dialog:
- "mage but he forgot to mention, that" should be "mage, but he forgot to mention that"
- "spell will whirlwind" should be "spell would whirlwind"
- "could get any worse" should be "couldn't get any worse"
- "Stoneskull:"When I" should be "Stoneskull: "When I" (add a space after the colon)
- All exclamation points, like question marks, should not have a space in front of them
- "But in the end - heroic" should be "But in the end, heroic"
- "arent" should be "aren't"

- I clicked "turn back" (or whatever it said)
- "has a epic ending" should be "has an epic ending"
- "But thats" should be "But that's"
- Ha ha, thank you for making that one of the actual endings! Shortest mod of all time, take one step, FINISHED! LOL
- Holy cow, that's a LOT of grammar/spelling/punctuation/style problems in just the first ten minutes. This is going to be a big job :)
But I'm stoked about that forest, can't wait to play more. I may not get to it for a couple days though
Hey Komag ! Nice to see you have finished it so soon :D
thanks for all the grammar notes, really appreaciate. Please do not report bugs like "arent" should be "aren't" cuase dialogues are not taking ' symbol. Perhaps it is somehow possible and I just do not know how to do that.

as for - VERY long black screen pause after intro, took around 10 seconds....
this is not on purpose I think it has something to do with loading all the stuff ?

- got console error message "Calling dialog.activate() with wrong number and/or type of parameters."
I think you will get many more consoel errors but as I am not scripting master till game is not crashing it is fine for me :)

thanks once again, Iam looking forward for more and I slowly start to correct all the mistakes :)
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - version 5a

Post by Komag »

This page might help:
http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Lua_Progra ... e_sequence

I feel that it's worth getting contractions right. If you still can't make the ' show up, then use "can not" and "are not" instead of can't and aren't.
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - version 5a

Post by Komag »

Played some more this morning, very nice so far, enjoying it immensely!

- starting over
- "troubled my friend." should be troubled, my friend"
- 'the Temple of Dragon." seems like it should be "the Temple of the Dragon."

- definitely happy to see the quickbar, very nice
- "Return back" should probably be "Turn back" or "Return home"
- read hint "...let only moonbeams be your guide...", hmm, I'll have to pay attention!
- Holy crap, this forest is COOL!
- Graphics glitch - 8 east and 3 north of starting point, looking north, can see faraway walls floating in air (unless that is a dark wall in front, but just looks like air/sky)
- near starting point 4e2s, can walk into trees in one square, why? forgot a wall there?
- found a copper coin, interesting
- Graphics glitch - flickering floor tile near far SE corner of map
- Description Rusty Knife - "knife is better, than empty hands" should not have a comma
- found dead body!
- "There is abandoned mine southeast." should be "There is an abandoned mine southeast."
- that mine is directly south when I read the comment. But since it's only two steps away, probably no direction is needed, just "There is an abandoned mine here."

- my performance is suddenly MUCH better down here. Must be all that scenery in the forest hurts framerate
- hmm, I must "learn that spell", interesting
- maybe the slugs should drop a "Slug Slice" instead of a "Snail Slice"
- Description Old Cudgel - should be "Almost falling apart, but still able to beat some snail heads!"
- I think where there are blue "ambient" lights in the mine, there should be ceiling shafts to explain them, or else make them much fainter and lower
- odd that my rocks sometimes miss the slugs and just fly over them! interesting
- found an empty scroll, no text or anything (was with light spell scroll), right-click does nothing, odd
- just noticed that the Quick Bar blinks off when attacking (right-clicking). I believe John updated it to stop doing that, would be nice to have it updated in this mod
- just noticed that almost every item says "Usable: Right-click to use item" - is that in the original game? can't remember. Most things can't be used this way (like clothes)
- Scroll text - "Valder you asked" should be "Valder, you asked"
- Scroll text - "about entrance of the Temple" should be "about an entrance to the temple"
- Scroll text - "there is secret button" should be "there is a secret button"
- I like the scroll image, very nice!
- found secret to beginning of mine
- Description Baked Bread - should be "Fine baked bread" (not Bread)
- by the way, I really like the ambient music down here
- found treasure, nice
- Description Magic Quill - "Quill and pen for" is the same thing, could be "Quill pen for" or just "Quill for"
- Description Corn - also should not be capitalized on end, just "Durable dry corn"
- very interesting spell scroll system, I like it!
- nice touch with the bit of snow in the mine at certain locations
- mine done

- stepped into graveyard, ominous sound!
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - version 5a

Post by Komag »

quite a few hours more, great time exploring this big dungeon! Here are my extensive notes to this point:
- found interesting note with missing letters, cryptic (not able to help with spelling/grammar on this one!)
- dead end? where to go now?
- Ah, went back to gate by mine, pullchain was hidden behind branches, okay (not a problem, I just missed it the first time)
- can see up through bottom of hollow pillars above doorway (maybe alter the pillar model to have a bottom, or don't have pillars above the gate)
- can see gate bars inside the rocks of the wall above doorway (alter the door model gate to be nudged back a tiny bit maybe, or make the wall above stick out a bit forward to cover the gate fully)
- Contar "Temple is sealed." I think it should be "The temple is sealed."
- This courtyard entry area looks cool, I like it!
- pillars on top of doorway looks bad, doors slide into solid rock on either side, not good
- can see obvious solid wall at top of stairs, should be open

INSIDE (level 9)
- sign says "Dragon Temple", maybe previous use of the name should match
- sign should not have space in front of ! (I won't mention this issue any more)
- translucent windows interesting!
- getting some graphics glitches with some windows, overlay missing sometimes, see bright mountains, etc, and some odd dark angle lines showing up at times
- pillar in middle is very strange to have purple light inside of, not lighting pillar itself, but lighting top part of pillar and all surroundings.
- "Barracks - Members area only" should be "Barracks - Members only" or "Barracks - Members only area"
- Note - "Nonetheless we feel watched for every" should be "Nonetheless, we feel watched every"
- Note - "We should better start from" should be "We better start from" or "We should start from" or "We would best start from"
- Insta-kill on clerics button is not cool :(
- "Sancsaron:These catacombs" should have a space after the colon
- party lands at stairs bottom in wrong place, one step after stairs (going back up likewise is off, one step past stairs)

- it's come up before, but I think trousers should be a little different (color maybe) from silk hose and Peasant's Breeches
- Note - "P.s.: hate spiders." should be "P.S. hate spiders."
- Note - "Oh and I hid antivenom recipe" should be "Oh, and I hid an antivenom recipe" or "my antivenom"
- looking at map, stairs don't line up at all! I don't like that. We'll see how it goes. No wonder party was a step away from stairs before.
- cut through big spider web, very cool!
- Wait a minute, I just went from level 8 DOWN to level 7, not cool. So basic map logic is not real, okay, we'll see.
- Whoa, Brownwood Wand looks weird!
- spider ambush a little unfair, but okay I guess
- does this freakin poison ever wear off?!
- got Sapphire key, back to cell lock, still won't open! So I have three keys, all don't work here. That's a lot of keys
- opened door with simple key
- all the spell scrolls look like they might have an extra space between the " and the spell names (hard to tell for sure with italics)
- fought the goromorg, got a console error "warning! unknown ranged attack: nil"
- "Blue -----> Green" hint points wrong way. should read "Green <----- Blue"
- Iron key wouldn't work for one of the round locks, but did work on a different nearby one, inconsistent
- got another iron key after skeleton ambush (fine)
- busted wall into hidden room, VERY cool!
- Description Water Orb - "You need hold four to enter." should be "You need to hold four to enter."
- hey, that other lock took a brass key, but they were all round locks, confusing
- "Well... we are here too late here." should be "Well... we are here too late." or "Well... we are too late here."
- Note - "caught me and imprisoned here." should be "caught me and imprisoned me here."
- when falling down pit into this cell, player can clearly see big pressure plate on ground, then it's not there (got teleported).
- when falling down pit into cell, skeleton will face wrong way 3 out of four 4 times.
- when in cell, there is no hole in ceiling.
- hard to accept that Sheila never found the huge rock switch (maybe her note should mention breaking many of her bones so she could barely write, let alone search the cell)
- new rock switch is cool, nice!
- if player drops anything down pit above cell, can never get it back! cell should teleport any items to new location as well.
- crap, this map is getting so confusing, can't keep the levels straight

- Wow, Insal's dialog is completely correct (I assume you lifted it directly from EOB2!)
- "Insal is level 3 Human rogue specialised" should be "Insal is a level 3 human rogue specialized"
- "party is full Insal will eventually replace" should be "party is full, Insal would replace"
- "This process IS irreversible and you will NOT lose any items." should be "This process is IRREVERSIBLE, but you will NOT lose any items."
- "since there is already four" should be "since there are already four"
- "someone else would have to go." should be "someone else will have to go."
- actually, "would" still works here because the player has not yet committed to keeping Insal
- It appears that I can select Insal to be left behind. This means the previous screen is NOT irreversible at that point, and should not be a Yes No choice, but simply a "Continue"
- WHAT THE HECK?!?!? He ran away and stole some of my stuff??? This happened while I was still looking at the menu choice of who to leave behind.
- "suddenly realize, that while you were busy, Insal the Quick has" should be "suddenly realize that, while you were busy, Insal the Quick has" (move the comma)
- console error "Error: Could not find champion 'Insal'"
- "That little c**t, I will kill him !!!" is a bit out of place I think. Maybe something like "That little s**t, I will kill him!!!"
- (reloaded, selected No) "his ankles. " Its so nice" should be "his ankles. "It's so nice"
- (reloaded again, replaced Yennica) - Insal's portrait is squished, looks bad. If you simply added black bars on sides to make it skinny again, would be fine
- He still runs away and steals stuff?! You can't really expect me to keep playing with only three party members? Definitely reloading.
- I assume this is part of what happens in EOB2, so
- (reloaded) "You never seen him again." should probably just be removed. If you must keep it, it should be "You never see him again."
- Description Old Short Bow - "Wood is used and string old, but still" should be "The wood is very used and the string is old, but still"
- Hey, I chose to leave Insal behind, but a minute later I STILL got the dialog that he has gone missing and stole my stuff! (but I still have all my torches and I think I still have my food)
- Oh well, I'm moving on now with my regular party

- altar near beginning is backwards facing
- resurrection chamber note - "There is hidden trap mechanism which sets fireballs." should be "There is a hidden trap mechanism which sets off fireballs."
- "I can see a way to steal this Treasure safely, but I'm" should be "I could probably find a way to steal this treasure safely, but I'm"
- was able to take treasure by backing up into teleporter, click at last moment before teleport
- corner pillar flickers in room, double pillar
- more buggy window graphics where overlay disappears at certain angles

Barracks (level 16???)
- startled by cleric, fought him! Cool!
- getting more "warning! unknown ranged attack: nil"
- found the Precious Amulet, nice!
- "F**K COPPER !!!" is extremely out of place. Maybe "COPPER, BLECH!"
- no reaction to iron? (Iron Key) (maybe "Iron, not good enough" or something like that
- (tried Magic Quill, see that it's a strangely retextured Mortar, possible to fix that and put in some other model instead?)
- fought another goromorg, noticed that once he tried to cast something and it didn't do anything and that's when I get the console error about ranged spell nil
- shooting rock at backwards statue didn't damage it, rock just showed up on floor
- all three teleporters go to same place in NW area of level
- altar in NW area is facing backwards
- not a fan of surprise-behind-you ambushes
- Description Precious Trousers - "cashmire" should be "cashmere" (and 'Precious" sometimes means "cute", so maybe something like "Fancy" would work better)(also "scarf" should probably be "belt")
- "feel epxerienced" should be "feel experienced"

Experience area
- "Galdar let here his bone amulet." should be "Galdar left his bone amulet here."
- actually, I'm not sure what the entire note is trying to say. Did Galdar leave the amulet because leaving it would help him fight better? That seems like odd logic.
- what does "Some ancestors and ghost stuff." refer to? the amulet? the area?
- "allows him better to fight fine by me." should be "allows him to fight better, fine by me."
- "I just need memorize" should be "I just need to memorize"
- on level 6 (underground 3) can see back corner of stairs, looks bad (in room with center ring opener)
- Description San-Raal Bones "Insect bones of long dead" should be "Insect bones of a long dead"
- "Perhaps Resurrection Crystal" should be "Perhaps the resurrection crystal"
- something odd about pressure plate near that room with San-Raal bones. put item on and off, hear sounds on and off. but step on and off, only hear on sound, not off
- same problem on other side
- they are quite odd, can step on, hear on sound, but then drop item and see plate go down and hear on sound again
- behind green prison key door, fireball trap comes from nothing, should probably have a daemon head there
- after magic prison key door, there is a door with a button on left, there is an extra pillar on right side of door, looks bad
- I see there is a hidden room right there, but pillar still isn't needed
- the "center" pillar in the room isn't holding anything up. Model needs adjusting
- found Chitin Sword, cool! (Description sounds corny, maybe just "A light and sharp blade of reinforced chitin.")
- why is "Rusty Small Shield" exactly the same as the "Round Shield" except a minor difference in weight?
- got an emerald key, nice
- secret room (with Serpent Bracer) shows corner of door arch, looks very odd
- "Small Bronze Shield" model needs to be different, maybe just shrunk smaller would be good enough of a change
- Iron Door in this area needs to be turned around, the doors open into the wall visible in the front badly
- "You have discovered Treasure !" should be "You have discovered some treasure!"
- now have both emerald keys, ready to open that door
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - version 5a

Post by Drakkan »

Komag wrote:quite a few hours more, great time exploring this big dungeon! Here are my extensive notes to this point:
- found interesting note with missing letters, cryptic (not able to help with spelling/grammar on this one!)
- dead end? where to go now?
- Ah, went back to gate by mine, pullchain was hidden behind branches, okay (not a problem, I just missed it the first time)
- can see up through bottom of hollow pillars above doorway (maybe alter the pillar model to have a bottom, or don't have pillars above the gate)
- can see gate bars inside the rocks of the wall above doorway (alter the door model gate to be nudged back a tiny bit maybe, or make the wall above stick out a bit forward to cover the gate fully)
- Contar "Temple is sealed." I think it should be "The temple is sealed."
- This courtyard entry area looks cool, I like it!
- pillars on top of doorway looks bad, doors slide into solid rock on either side, not good
- can see obvious solid wall at top of stairs, should be open

INSIDE (level 9)
- sign says "Dragon Temple", maybe previous use of the name should match
- sign should not have space in front of ! (I won't mention this issue any more)
- translucent windows interesting!
- getting some graphics glitches with some windows, overlay missing sometimes, see bright mountains, etc, and some odd dark angle lines showing up at times
- pillar in middle is very strange to have purple light inside of, not lighting pillar itself, but lighting top part of pillar and all surroundings.
- "Barracks - Members area only" should be "Barracks - Members only" or "Barracks - Members only area"
- Note - "Nonetheless we feel watched for every" should be "Nonetheless, we feel watched every"
- Note - "We should better start from" should be "We better start from" or "We should start from" or "We would best start from"
- Insta-kill on clerics button is not cool :(
- "Sancsaron:These catacombs" should have a space after the colon
- party lands at stairs bottom in wrong place, one step after stairs (going back up likewise is off, one step past stairs)

- it's come up before, but I think trousers should be a little different (color maybe) from silk hose and Peasant's Breeches
- Note - "P.s.: hate spiders." should be "P.S. hate spiders."
- Note - "Oh and I hid antivenom recipe" should be "Oh, and I hid an antivenom recipe" or "my antivenom"
- looking at map, stairs don't line up at all! I don't like that. We'll see how it goes. No wonder party was a step away from stairs before.
- cut through big spider web, very cool!
- Wait a minute, I just went from level 8 DOWN to level 7, not cool. So basic map logic is not real, okay, we'll see.
- Whoa, Brownwood Wand looks weird!
- spider ambush a little unfair, but okay I guess
- does this freakin poison ever wear off?!
- got Sapphire key, back to cell lock, still won't open! So I have three keys, all don't work here. That's a lot of keys
- opened door with simple key
- all the spell scrolls look like they might have an extra space between the " and the spell names (hard to tell for sure with italics)
- fought the goromorg, got a console error "warning! unknown ranged attack: nil"
- "Blue -----> Green" hint points wrong way. should read "Green <----- Blue"
- Iron key wouldn't work for one of the round locks, but did work on a different nearby one, inconsistent
- got another iron key after skeleton ambush (fine)
- busted wall into hidden room, VERY cool!
- Description Water Orb - "You need hold four to enter." should be "You need to hold four to enter."
- hey, that other lock took a brass key, but they were all round locks, confusing
- "Well... we are here too late here." should be "Well... we are here too late." or "Well... we are too late here."
- Note - "caught me and imprisoned here." should be "caught me and imprisoned me here."
- when falling down pit into this cell, player can clearly see big pressure plate on ground, then it's not there (got teleported).
- when falling down pit into cell, skeleton will face wrong way 3 out of four 4 times.
- when in cell, there is no hole in ceiling.
- hard to accept that Sheila never found the huge rock switch (maybe her note should mention breaking many of her bones so she could barely write, let alone search the cell)
- new rock switch is cool, nice!
- if player drops anything down pit above cell, can never get it back! cell should teleport any items to new location as well.
- crap, this map is getting so confusing, can't keep the levels straight

- Wow, Insal's dialog is completely correct (I assume you lifted it directly from EOB2!)
- "Insal is level 3 Human rogue specialised" should be "Insal is a level 3 human rogue specialized"
- "party is full Insal will eventually replace" should be "party is full, Insal would replace"
- "This process IS irreversible and you will NOT lose any items." should be "This process is IRREVERSIBLE, but you will NOT lose any items."
- "since there is already four" should be "since there are already four"
- "someone else would have to go." should be "someone else will have to go."
- actually, "would" still works here because the player has not yet committed to keeping Insal
- It appears that I can select Insal to be left behind. This means the previous screen is NOT irreversible at that point, and should not be a Yes No choice, but simply a "Continue"
- WHAT THE HECK?!?!? He ran away and stole some of my stuff??? This happened while I was still looking at the menu choice of who to leave behind.
- "suddenly realize, that while you were busy, Insal the Quick has" should be "suddenly realize that, while you were busy, Insal the Quick has" (move the comma)
- console error "Error: Could not find champion 'Insal'"
- "That little c**t, I will kill him !!!" is a bit out of place I think. Maybe something like "That little s**t, I will kill him!!!"
- (reloaded, selected No) "his ankles. " Its so nice" should be "his ankles. "It's so nice"
- (reloaded again, replaced Yennica) - Insal's portrait is squished, looks bad. If you simply added black bars on sides to make it skinny again, would be fine
- He still runs away and steals stuff?! You can't really expect me to keep playing with only three party members? Definitely reloading.
- I assume this is part of what happens in EOB2, so
- (reloaded) "You never seen him again." should probably just be removed. If you must keep it, it should be "You never see him again."
- Description Old Short Bow - "Wood is used and string old, but still" should be "The wood is very used and the string is old, but still"
- Hey, I chose to leave Insal behind, but a minute later I STILL got the dialog that he has gone missing and stole my stuff! (but I still have all my torches and I think I still have my food)
- Oh well, I'm moving on now with my regular party

- altar near beginning is backwards facing
- resurrection chamber note - "There is hidden trap mechanism which sets fireballs." should be "There is a hidden trap mechanism which sets off fireballs."
- "I can see a way to steal this Treasure safely, but I'm" should be "I could probably find a way to steal this treasure safely, but I'm"
- was able to take treasure by backing up into teleporter, click at last moment before teleport
- corner pillar flickers in room, double pillar
- more buggy window graphics where overlay disappears at certain angles

Barracks (level 16???)
- startled by cleric, fought him! Cool!
- getting more "warning! unknown ranged attack: nil"
- found the Precious Amulet, nice!
- "F**K COPPER !!!" is extremely out of place. Maybe "COPPER, BLECH!"
- no reaction to iron? (Iron Key) (maybe "Iron, not good enough" or something like that
- (tried Magic Quill, see that it's a strangely retextured Mortar, possible to fix that and put in some other model instead?)
- fought another goromorg, noticed that once he tried to cast something and it didn't do anything and that's when I get the console error about ranged spell nil
- shooting rock at backwards statue didn't damage it, rock just showed up on floor
- all three teleporters go to same place in NW area of level
- altar in NW area is facing backwards
- not a fan of surprise-behind-you ambushes
- Description Precious Trousers - "cashmire" should be "cashmere" (and 'Precious" sometimes means "cute", so maybe something like "Fancy" would work better)(also "scarf" should probably be "belt")
- "feel epxerienced" should be "feel experienced"

Experience area
- "Galdar let here his bone amulet." should be "Galdar left his bone amulet here."
- actually, I'm not sure what the entire note is trying to say. Did Galdar leave the amulet because leaving it would help him fight better? That seems like odd logic.
- what does "Some ancestors and ghost stuff." refer to? the amulet? the area?
- "allows him better to fight fine by me." should be "allows him to fight better, fine by me."
- "I just need memorize" should be "I just need to memorize"
- on level 6 (underground 3) can see back corner of stairs, looks bad (in room with center ring opener)
- Description San-Raal Bones "Insect bones of long dead" should be "Insect bones of a long dead"
- "Perhaps Resurrection Crystal" should be "Perhaps the resurrection crystal"
- something odd about pressure plate near that room with San-Raal bones. put item on and off, hear sounds on and off. but step on and off, only hear on sound, not off
- same problem on other side
- they are quite odd, can step on, hear on sound, but then drop item and see plate go down and hear on sound again
- behind green prison key door, fireball trap comes from nothing, should probably have a daemon head there
- after magic prison key door, there is a door with a button on left, there is an extra pillar on right side of door, looks bad
- I see there is a hidden room right there, but pillar still isn't needed
- the "center" pillar in the room isn't holding anything up. Model needs adjusting
- found Chitin Sword, cool! (Description sounds corny, maybe just "A light and sharp blade of reinforced chitin.")
- why is "Rusty Small Shield" exactly the same as the "Round Shield" except a minor difference in weight?
- got an emerald key, nice
- secret room (with Serpent Bracer) shows corner of door arch, looks very odd
- "Small Bronze Shield" model needs to be different, maybe just shrunk smaller would be good enough of a change
- Iron Door in this area needs to be turned around, the doors open into the wall visible in the front badly
- "You have discovered Treasure !" should be "You have discovered some treasure!"
- now have both emerald keys, ready to open that door
wow Komag thats quite a loots of notes and majority of them definitely staff, which could be improved if I find some time. I just hope you are enjoying the gameplay and not making notes all the time :d
And also hope you have alchemy and qill ready for next level ;)
- all three teleporters go to same place in NW area of level
you sure about this ? one teleport is definitely leading to Treasure room
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - version 5a

Post by Komag »

played some more, really loving the experience!
- "dig through these debris" should be "dig through this debris"
- "should be somewhere around." should be "should be somewhere around here."
- "tired from digging." should be "tired of digging."
- blockage takes damage from melee, but not projectile (same as previous problem)
- after first blockage is destroyed, there is a bad flickering on floor, two dirt decals overlapping
- near "NO REST FOR THE TIRED !" (remove space) the stone stairwell is too short and looks bad, can see through ceiling blocks
- walking up those stairs, you can see some blockage at top of steps, some ceiling tiles of nearby prison wallset maybe
- water sound by blockages sounds cool, but I left and came back and no more water sound
- made it into room, still no water sound
- very nice touch with the wet note!

- "Vision of death" should be "Visions of death
- glitch - flickering pillars around door to stairs down in far NW corner
- get locked in with weird looking birds, die, reload, try that area later
- "We need to burden some plates" should be "We need to weigh down some plates"
- freed all scavengers, fought some birds
- is there any point to the silent teleporter circle?
- fought those birds (used an energy potion and one ice bomb), got skull key
- Description Whitewood Wand "channel wizard's energy" should be "channel a wizard's energy" (to be the same as the Brownwood Wand)
- Description Fire Gauntlets "Wonderfull gloves made from dragon skin. Fireproof." should be "Wonderful fireproof gloves made from dragon skin."
- (why are there two swirl locks?)
- what? another skull lock? what do I do now?
- made a checker pattern, door opened
- (the retextured crowerns are fine, but the wyverns just look weird)
- found invisible wall
- found waterskin, interesting!
- Name - "Golde Statue" should be "Gold Statue"
- tried putting things on altar, found Gold Statue opens teleporter back to Cleric level

- checked teleporters again, got mixed up last time, found treasure level
- labels are on wrong places, should be on same wall, not around the corner
- just noticed for Sling + 1 (should be "Sling +1") description "as hard as shortbow." should be "as hard as a shortbow."
- yeah, all these weapons and armor and items say "Usable: Right-click to use item" which is not as it should be, need to fix the items.lua
- "WANNA" should probably just be "WANT"
- resurrected San-Raal, but left him behind
- whoa, went back into forest, stepped through gate, got GUI "The Dragon Temple is in front of you", neat, but why did I get it this time and not first time?
- if I go back down to NO SLEEP area, it locks me in again.
- Stuck, no idea what to do next
- WHAT? Sapphire key opened prison lock in NW corner, very odd

Underground 5 (level 3)
- "Air is very humid here..." should be "The air is very humid here..."
- hear water running sound, buggy like other one? Yes. Went upstairs, back down, no more water sound
- "There is just too many creatures" should be "There are just too many creatures"
- "in this dungeon and he refused" should be "in this dungeon. His mind refused to accept it and he went berserk."
- I really love those breakable walls, so well done!
- fought a ton of baddies
- "Galdars Battle Axe" should be Galdar's Battle Axe"
- what extra bonuses? would be nice if the minotaur-only bonuses were listed
- found another water sound area on the south end
- red lights under the water seem odd
- there is a square of water near the Galdar hallway that seems to have a double water overlay
- Description Amber Bones - same correction as other bones, "a long dead" and "the resurrection crystal)
- glitch - there are multiple double pillars near Amber bones (east) and a couple more to the north
- center pillar nearby holds nothing up at top again
- finally made some spells - "Only skilled mage can read it." should be "Only a skilled mage can read it."
- by the way, the big centered spider webs should be slightly offset from center, because when you look at them sideways they become a tiny line
- by the way, with the new party member selection, instead of "6 level" and "5 level" it should be "level 6" and "level 5"

Cleric door (water orbs)
- "Welcome High Clerics." should be "Welcome, High Clerics."
- "want audience with Master, you need solve" should be "want an audience with the Master, you need to solve"
- "be afraid, here you will only" should be "be afraid. Here you will only"
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - version 5a

Post by Ryeath_Greystalk »

Drakkan wrote:
wow Komag thats quite a lot of notes
Komag's reviews are are about as thorough as one can get. Sort of makes me glad he hasn't done my mod.

This one is on my list to play when I get done with Xanathar's mod. Currently stuck on it and not sure where to go though.
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - version 5a

Post by i_am_jon »

Realy stuck on Frostbite tower.

I've cleared out all 4 ways and got a load of gems the help scroll plus bought all the tips but still can't solve the puzzles.

Think i might still be missing some gems? There is one door on level 36 which I can't open (south east section the door at the west end) is there a way to open this door?

Edit: finaly found the button :)
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - version 5a

Post by Drakkan »

i_am_jon wrote:Realy stuck on Frostbite tower.

I've cleared out all 4 ways and got a load of gems the help scroll plus bought all the tips but still can't solve the puzzles.

Think i might still be missing some gems? There is one door on level 36 which I can't open (south east section the door at the west end) is there a way to open this door?

Edit: finaly found the button :)
well you need definitely to walktrough all 4 ways to obtain all the gems. Let me know which puzzle you can solve I can give you some hints (if it is rainbow or the other one)
Breath from the unpromising waters.
Eye of the Atlantis
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