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Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 11:08 pm
by ene
knr wrote: Sat Apr 08, 2023 4:56 pm Changing many maps in row is also more likely to lead to crashes on saves.
well that is relatively new to me, i mean i had very few crashes before just by walking quite much, but now it tends to happen more and more. I though this was yet something else (the 'walking crash' i mean)
knr wrote: Sat Apr 08, 2023 4:56 pm Don't know how much the script would help, I tried it on my save and it shaved like 30KB out of 4200.
doesn't sound very much :|


iron temple
Since when an annoying tome of health is considered 'secret''? With all the super stuff we get every now and then through the secrets, it's safe to say that this one is an anomaly, right?

ravenkul pass
was seeking the 3rd secret when i had the good idea to cross through that railing, then fall to get completely stuck

of course, trying to save here leads to no crash, meaning i can't make a single move now . pretty sure if I had tried to save just before, the game would have crashed - i just know it.
Hate this game so much :D

It's ok, i can use the console and teleleporte elsewhere. Still a 'block' is needed there i guess

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 11:50 pm
by knr
ene wrote: Sat Apr 08, 2023 11:08 pm doesn't sound very much :|
600 objects still isn't nothing, and, more importantly, the mod has only crashed for me a couple of times when doing teleporter trips all across the world. Maybe your save has more junk lying around.

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 9:29 am
by bongobeat
ene wrote: Sat Apr 08, 2023 11:08 pm
ravenkul pass
was seeking the 3rd secret when i had the good idea to cross through that railing, then fall to get completely stuck

of course, trying to save here leads to no crash, meaning i can't make a single move now . pretty sure if I had tried to save just before, the game would have crashed - i just know it.
Hate this game so much :D

It's ok, i can use the console and teleleporte elsewhere. Still a 'block' is needed there i guess
Thank you, will be fixed.
knr wrote: Sat Apr 08, 2023 6:28 pm Only missing a handful of things before the barrier.

1. Most importantly, I'm not sure I've found the teleporter back the priest talks about. There was a room that might be it, but it looked inactive.

2. The secret at the end of the endless corridor. I noticed the socket accepts any item, but no clue what to put there.

3. The riddle under the Xaafi temple.
My best guess was bombs or firearms/ammo, but nothing I tried worked.
The others are things that probably require something from beyond the barrier (or the 2nd secret):
The last moon gem, what to do with my 2 aegis gems, a forge for the moonlight greatsword, how to take the sword from the kings tomb, a use for the lightning core, a way into the soul testing chamber.
1. Are you talking about the disabled teleporter in xaafi underground? If yes, this is not active for now.

2. That socket isn't here to put something in it, but rather pick up something from it.
I will disable the clickable component by the way.

3. Try something that is very hard to breack, found in the ground, deep.
a blue diamond

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 10:39 am
by knr
bongobeat wrote: Sun Apr 09, 2023 9:29 am 2. That socket isn't here to put something in it, but rather pick up something from it.
I will disable the clickable component by the way.
Yes, I got the item from the socket, but the apparatus still detects a secret on that tile. And
the map from obanyon shows a pair of pressure plates and shortcuts in the maze which don't appear to be there either.

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 9:35 pm
by bongobeat
knr wrote: Sun Apr 09, 2023 10:39 am
bongobeat wrote: Sun Apr 09, 2023 9:29 am 2. That socket isn't here to put something in it, but rather pick up something from it.
I will disable the clickable component by the way.
Yes, I got the item from the socket, but the apparatus still detects a secret on that tile. And
the map from obanyon shows a pair of pressure plates and shortcuts in the maze which don't appear to be there either.
Yes, because removing the key is meant to be a secret.

About the map, I will see to modify it if needed
Also, I didn't want to represent all of the details.

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 10:43 pm
by ene
I set all graphics quality to low (everything) and, so far, no crash (5 saves in a row) .. i'd very happy if this stays this way (footfingers arms, everything.. ) very crossed.. I swich bak to high whenever i visit a level for the 1st time,for screenshots mainly).

i've completed this section (next step is xaafi), i miss only 1 secret in styr jungle; i can see a grate, but struggling to open it. I know thelast secret is about there.

ah yes, i found 2 Necklace of the Furious Winds in the game, don't know if it's normal.

BG - thantks for the coordinates, everything was perfect.
ps- i could never find the secret with the crystal in Urutsuku since i was to scared to save the game..

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 11:35 pm
by knr
Cleared out most of arc, got an ending and found a lot of stuff. No secret cleanup yet as didn't find the archives. At this point my total number of unresolved questions is down to a handful.

1. How to get into the arc armory?
2. How to get into silo A?
3. How to get into the forge of ix?
4. How to grab the king's sword in obanyon?
5. How to use my 3 architect gems?

Realistically, the rewards for none of these could matter. I was ridiculously op before using 4 celestial gems, I can't imagine anything changing that for the final assault.
Which is somehow still 4 maps long according to the archives I did find.
ene wrote: Sun Apr 09, 2023 10:43 pm i've completed this section (next step is xaafi), i miss only 1 secret in styr jungle; i can see a grate, but struggling to open it. I know thelast secret is about there.
The grate leads to an unrelated hidden passage whose only purpose seemed to be skipping the mountain. The last secret is still near there,
nested in a nearby secret behind a fake fence.

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 12:57 am
by ene
oh boy, why did i bump everything but that 'fence' in the 1 st place? always the same.. :|
tyvm! :D
knr wrote: Sun Apr 09, 2023 11:35 pm The grate leads to an unrelated hidden passage whose only purpose seemed to be skipping the mountain.
hmm, i see

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 4:54 am
by ene
numbers of ARC secrets..

riddle :D
as many as the fingers of one hand

I should create a dungeon :D :lol:

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 11:57 am
by knr
Didn't answer any of those questions, but finished the other ending and all achievements.

Overall a fascinating mod, and quite a bit of a mess. The best part is imo the polished well crafted environments and atmosphere (the well chosen stolen music helps a lot). The huge variety also helps keep the dungeon crawling interesting.

The story has its moments, but is told in clumsy and repetitive infodumps (the final cutscene is literally just a very slow retelling of what just happened), and in general tries too hard to fit a standard epic narrative into the dungeon crawler mold (the cutscene levels at the end probably took a lot of effort, but they still don't play well). The scifi plotline was more interesting and fit better. Also, nearly everything being a reference to warhammer, lord of the rings or something (hal, really?) needlessly cheapens the experience.

Gameplay wise, far to many random secrets. A consistent pattern was that any place I got stuck on, the answer was to click/bump/smash everything within a 20 tile radius instead of anything clever. As for combat, bone hills was the true final boss (and a pretty good one), and everything after that was a speedbumb as my party kept stacking infinite stats. Ended around level 75, having long since ran out of useful things to put skillpoints in. And so, so, so many needless respawning enemies. It feels like filler to pad out a too-short game, except this is already anything but too short.

Was expecting an alternate ending in
using JB's ship to go to the elves, to complete the lotr reference. But maybe it's there and I just missed how to unlock it.