First part
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPBcLSHq ... 0ybnweg6zA
Komag wrote:SpoilerShowINSAL
- Wow, Insal's dialog is completely correct (I assume you lifted it directly from EOB2!)
- WHAT THE HECK?!?!? He ran away and stole some of my stuff??? This happened while I was still looking at the menu choice of who to leave behind.
- He still runs away and steals stuff?! You can't really expect me to keep playing with only three party members? Definitely reloading.
- I assume this is part of what happens in EOB2, so
I can tell that this was just the warm-up. There will be a lot more like this the further you get.Komag wrote:- Insta-kill on clerics button is not cool
- not a fan of surprise-behind-you ambushes
Hi man,Dr.Disaster wrote:Komag wrote:SpoilerShowINSAL
- Wow, Insal's dialog is completely correct (I assume you lifted it directly from EOB2!)
- WHAT THE HECK?!?!? He ran away and stole some of my stuff??? This happened while I was still looking at the menu choice of who to leave behind.
- He still runs away and steals stuff?! You can't really expect me to keep playing with only three party members? Definitely reloading.
- I assume this is part of what happens in EOB2, soFinished it on hard with a new party (2 melee rogues and 2 mages) in 19:10 with all 21 secrets, all 6 treasures and 5 skulls found.SpoilerShowAye, that's Insal from EoB2. The only reason in EoB2 to let him join the party was when you had no thief he could be used for some nearby thief-action (forgot what it was) because he came along with a set of lockpicks. After that kicking him out was the only way to prevent him stealing and running from your party on next rest.
Design- and idea-wise i would say this mod is quite good (pretty close to EoB 2) yet there is one thing that completely prevents me from saying so. The further i advanced into this mod the more frustration build up to the point of quiting it. It's not the fights although some really belong into the unfair death-trap department; yet most of such situations can be dealt with once you know what's coming. It's also not that the available gear is balanced for parties with at least(!) one fighter i.e. there are 3 cold protection coats and when you need 4 like i did you either force that shiny cold protection plate mail onto one of your poor going-into-overload rogues/mages or you accept the incoming cold damage as taken.
So what killed my fun playing this mod? In one word: insta-kills.
Insta-kills are the lazy way to tell the player "you failed", "you can't do that", "you can't go there (yet)", "you're too slow/weak/whatever" and so on. If it would be just one or two i won't complain. But noooohoohoo sir, there are dozens, repeat: DOZENS(!) of insta-kill spots in this mod one-hit-killing the party without a warning and if you like to explore like i do you'll be reloading like there were no tomorrow. This becomes very very annoying and we know there are way better methods to punish a player then just insta-killing him. Not my cup of tea, sorry.
I can tell that this was just the warm-up. There will be a lot more like this the further you get.Komag wrote:- Insta-kill on clerics button is not cool
- not a fan of surprise-behind-you ambushes
My point is about the usage of insta-kills for simple actions like clicking a button, picking up an item or moving into a new floor tile: boom dead with no warning.Drakkan wrote:1. I agree
2. BUT I tried almost everytime to prepare player for some deadly trap or ambush coming. Usually some party chat, or at least some sign., so player should save the game. If player is prepared a little (some potions...) and NOT playing hard difficulty, there is good chance to survive. I believe however, that playing HARD, majority of these ambushes are insta-deadly. But this dungeon was not designed for hard option at first, because even normal option is quite hard if you understand me.
I do not want defend these suprise-behind attack, I know they are quite boring, and I am also trying to re-do some a little for further version, because as you said, it is just weak option how to "prevent" player going further. Komag noticed it first and I completely agree.
As i stated i found all secrets, so if there are indeed 4 coats i'd like to know where #4 is. The frozen armor does not protect much from frost while the coats do and without a fighter it's just dead weight to carry. I know there are two frostbite necklaces in the mod but only one can be obtained before reaching the Ice Gardens (where it could be of use) and that's only when the player picks the right door in the treasure room. And about Maradriel: she is an Air/Fire mage and knowns zilch about frost magic.Drakkan wrote:As for the coats - If I am not mistaken there are 4 coats, some frozen armour, some frozen necklace, and - oh yes - Maradriel hero, which can cast Frost shield, which prevent ice damage for whole party
Hi, thanks for all the feedback. As many of it is matter of scripting (holding orbs,Insal timer leaving etc...) I will need help from some script masters to correct it eventualy.Dr.Disaster wrote:Just finished a second play-thru on normal where Toorum lead Amber, Maradriel and San-Raal to victory. During play i detected some "oddities" which could take a closer look and perhaps a change.SpoilerShowI finished twice with one spare Iron Key found in High Clerics treasure room which fits nowhere.
Insal: as Komag already noted you re-mad...
Temple Basement: to get past the door with the insta-kill button water orbs are required. Now one would think that one orb per character...
Temple Underground 4: the room directly north of the altar can't be opened...
Poison Shield scroll: while earth magic is prolly the least used magic
The Chitin Greaves are missing, along with the Lurker Hood. Oversight?
"Listen to the dead": I know you already changed this a bit, so just FYI that Toorum is still able to get both books.
"Follow the Green": PLEASE change the insta-kill spots here to something else...
The scroll for the left side is right below it on the floor. For the right side there is no scroll.Duke45 wrote:Stuck level 36 Frostbite tower level 2, the gem patterns.
I have all of the gems but could not find the scroll. Could you tell me where the scroll is or what it says.