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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2024 12:59 am
by The_Morlock

When using an altar or table, is there a way to randomly place items around the table (asset addon)? For instance, if I add three items, they all show in the center, all sort of through each other.

Thank you!

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 1:14 am
by Isaac
Use :setSubtileOffset(x, y) to influence the placement of individual objects in a tile.

A way to do this for groups is to iterate through the items and randomly nudge them around.
Alternately the items could be placed in formations based upon how many items are present.

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2024 4:04 am
by The_Morlock
Isaac wrote: ↑Mon Jun 10, 2024 1:14 am Use :setSubtileOffset(x, y) to influence the placement of individual objects in a tile.

A way to do this for groups is to iterate through the items and randomly nudge them around.
Alternately the items could be placed in formations based upon how many items are present.
Thank you for that. One last question, how do I define an item on a table or altar?

In my case, the item on the map is altar_1, and it contained items (fire_bomb, potion_healing, & potion_cure_poison). Each example I've seen would be something like this:

Code: Select all

altar_1:setSubtileOffset(x, y)
Would it be something like:

Code: Select all

altar_1(fire_bomb):setSubtileOffset(x, y)
altar_1(potion_healing):setSubtileOffset(x, y)
altar_1(potion_cure_poisonb):setSubtileOffset(x, y)

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 6:15 pm
by 7Soul
Altars and other such objects use the Surface Component to store items

I think something like this works:

Code: Select all

for item in altar_1.surface:contents() do
	if == "fire_bomb" then

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 6:41 pm
by The_Morlock
7Soul wrote: ↑Fri Jun 28, 2024 6:15 pm Altars and other such objects use the Surface Component to store items

I think something like this works:

Code: Select all

for item in altar_1.surface:contents() do
	if == "fire_bomb" then
Oh, appreciate that. I finally got the script working for specific items on the floor, but hadn't tried tables, shelves, or altars. One thing I was attempting to do was to cover ALL items, but I've already run into issues with memory, heh.

What I have thus far:

Code: Select all

function setItemOffset()
        itemToFind = "fire_bomb_14", "fire_bomb_15"
        local item = findEntity(itemToFind)  -- Replace with your item's ID
        if item then
            -- Set specific offsets
            local offsetX = math.random(-3, 3) / 10
            local offsetY = math.random(-3, 3) / 10
            local offsetZ = math.random(-3, 3) / 10

        item:setSubtileOffset(offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ)
        print("Cannot find ", itemToFind)


-- Call the function to set the subtile offset for the item

Evidently it doesn't like it when you use:

Code: Select all

function getAllItems()
    local allItems = {
        -- Armor
        "leather_cap", "leather_vest", "leather_pants", "leather_boots", "heavy_shield",
        "light_shield", "tower_shield", "wooden_shield", "round_shield", "loincloth",
        "loincloth_rags", "doublet", "peasant_tunic", "peasant_breeches", "peasant_shoes",
        "plate_cuirass", "plate_gauntlets", "plate_greaves", "plate_boots", "ring_greaves",
        "ring_cuirass", "ring_gauntlets", "ring_boots", "chitin_mail", "chitin_mask",
        "chitin_greaves", "chitin_boots", "chitin_gauntlets", "chitin_cuirass", "meteor_greaves",
        "meteor_cuirass", "meteor_gauntlets", "meteor_boots", "herder_cap", "herder_vest",
        "assassin_dagger", "assassin_cloak", "assassin_hood", "assassin_pants", "assassin_shoes",

        -- Consumables
        "healing_potion", "energy_potion", "poison_potion", "firebomb", "frostbomb",
        "shockbomb", "antivenom", "resurrection_potion", "speed_potion", "willpower_potion",
        "vitality_potion", "protection_potion", "strength_potion", "shield_potion", "mana_potion",
        "poison_bomb", "fire_bomb", "ice_bomb", "shock_bomb", "boiled_egg", "bread", "baked_bread",
        "fish", "grilled_fish", "meat", "grilled_meat", "salted_sausage", "mole_jerky", "cheese",
        "apple", "pear", "turtle_steak", "herder_cap", "herder_vest", "herder_breeches", 
        "herder_gloves", "herder_hood", "herder_cloak",

        -- Miscellaneous
        "torch", "rock", "scroll_fireburst", "scroll_fireball", "scroll_shock", "scroll_frostbolt",
        "scroll_poison_cloud", "scroll_frostburst", "scroll_invisibility", "scroll_lightning_bolt",
        "scroll_light", "scroll_darkness", "scroll_protection", "scroll_shield", "scroll_vitality",
        "scroll_energy", "scroll_healing", "scroll_mirror", "scroll_poison_shield", "scroll_fire_shield",
        "scroll_shock_shield", "scroll_frost_shield", "scroll_open", "scroll_teleport", "scroll_rejuvenation",
        "scroll_regen", "scroll_resurrect", "scroll_disintegrate", "scroll_summon", "scroll_cure", "scroll_fear",
        "scroll_stone", "scroll_air", "scroll_earth", "scroll_metal", "scroll_mind", "scroll_poison", 
        "scroll_spirit", "scroll_strength", "scroll_time", "scroll_water", "scroll_spellbook",
        "scroll_magic_missile", "scroll_protection", "scroll_mirror", "scroll_spell_healing", 
        "scroll_spell_protection", "scroll_spell_strength", "scroll_spell_energy", "scroll_spell_light",
        "scroll_spell_invisibility", "scroll_spell_lightning", "scroll_spell_fireball", "scroll_spell_frostbolt",
        "scroll_spell_shock", "scroll_spell_ice", "scroll_spell_earth", "scroll_spell_air", "scroll_spell_water",
        "scroll_spell_mind", "scroll_spell_metal", "scroll_spell_spirit", "scroll_spell_poison", 
        "scroll_spell_stone", "scroll_spell_strength", "scroll_spell_protection", "scroll_spell_energy",
        "scroll_spell_shield", "scroll_spell_poison_shield", "scroll_spell_fire_shield", "scroll_spell_shock_shield",
        "scroll_spell_frost_shield", "scroll_spell_invisibility", "scroll_spell_teleport", "scroll_spell_fear", 
        "scroll_spell_cure", "scroll_spell_regen", "scroll_spell_rejuvenation", "scroll_spell_resurrect", 
        "scroll_spell_disintegrate", "scroll_spell_summon", "scroll_spell_open", "scroll_spell_mirror",
        "scroll_spell_air", "scroll_spell_earth", "scroll_spell_energy", "scroll_spell_fire", "scroll_spell_frost",
        "scroll_spell_light", "scroll_spell_lightning", "scroll_spell_poison", "scroll_spell_shock", 
        "scroll_spell_stone", "scroll_spell_time", "scroll_spell_water", "crystal_shard_healing", 
        "crystal_shard_recharging", "crystal_shard_protection", "golden_orb", "blue_gem", "green_gem", 
        "red_gem", "key_iron", "key_bronze", "key_silver", "key_gold", "key_brass", "key_copper", 
        "key_skeleton", "compass", "shovel", "lock_pick", "rope", "map", "mortar_and_pestle", 
        "flute", "lyre", "crystal_flask", "tar_bead", "blooddrop_cap", "blackmoss", "mudwort", "slime_bell", 
        "crystal_flask", "potion_healing", "potion_energy", "potion_poison", "potion_speed", "potion_shield", 
        "potion_fire_shield", "potion_frost_shield", "potion_shock_shield", "potion_poison_shield", 
        "broadhead_arrow", "crossbow_quarrel",

        -- Weapons
        "dagger", "knife", "fist_dagger", "rapier", "short_sword", "cutlass", "serpent_blade", 
        "scimitar", "long_sword", "great_sword", "battle_axe", "hand_axe", "two_handed_axe", 
        "machete", "cleaver", "shuriken", "throwing_knife", "throwing_axe", "spear", "icefall_hammer", 
        "mace", "flail", "morning_star", "quarterstaff", "staff", "mage_staff", "necromancer_staff", 
        "fire_blade", "lightning_blade", "venom_edge", "bone_blade", "sky_pillar", "ancient_shuriken", 
        "lightning_bow", "longbow", "composite_bow", "crossbow", "hand_cannon", "musket"
    return allItems

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 7:01 pm
by The_Morlock
Still some work needed evidently...

Code: Select all

function randomizeItems()
    local offsetX = math.random(-3, 3) / 10
    local offsetY = math.random(-3, 3) / 10
    local offsetZ = math.random(-3, 3) / 10

    for item in tp_shop_counter_01_part02_1.surface:contents() do
		if == "fjeld_warg_meat" then

    for item in altar_1.surface:contents() do
    	if == "fire_bomb" then

-- Call the function to set the subtile offset for the item
Errors at line 7 and 14:
attempt to index local 'item' (a number value)

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2024 2:24 am
by 7Soul
My bad it should be

Code: Select all

for _,item in altar_1.surface:contents() do
Where _ is the index, and 'item' is the Item component

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2024 12:28 am
by The_Morlock
7Soul wrote: ↑Sat Jun 29, 2024 2:24 am My bad it should be

Code: Select all

for _,item in altar_1.surface:contents() do
Where _ is the index, and 'item' is the Item component
Appreciate that.

I've added a entra line to see what the offset variables are and I see that the item is noted as table... is that expected?

Code: Select all

function randomizeItems()
    local offsetX = math.random(-3, 3) / 10
    local offsetY = math.random(-3, 3) / 10
    local offsetZ = math.random(-3, 3) / 10
    local itemSurface = altar_1

    for _,item in altar_1.surface:contents() do
        if == "fire_bomb" then
            print("Item:", item, "on", itemSurface, "Offsets: ", "X:", offsetX, "Y:", offsetY, "Z:", offsetZ)
I plan on making itemSurface a table with all the surface names to make this at least manageable. "fire_bomb" will also be another table, items, in the end of items on the surfaces. At least, that is the thought.

Something like:

Code: Select all

function randomizeItems()
    local offsetX = math.random(-3, 3) / 10
    local offsetY = math.random(-3, 3) / 10
    local offsetZ = math.random(-3, 3) / 10
    local itemSurface = "altar_1", "shelf_1","table_1"
    local items = "fire_bomb","potion_healing","potion_cure_poison"

    for _,item in itemSurface.surface:contents() do
        if == items then
            print("Item:", item, "on", itemSurface, "Offsets: ", "X:", offsetX, "Y:", offsetY, "Z:", offsetZ)
I have yet to get it working though.

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 5:32 am
by The_Morlock
While I was looking for something easier to manage, this at least works and it isn't all over the place with the naming. Explicit item and surface names... yeesh. I'll work a little more on this later on, but I at least have a level done.

Code: Select all

-- Script works with explicit item names and explicit surface names.

function clearOffset()
    local offsetX = nil
    local offsetY = nil
    local offsetZ = nil

function randomizeItems()
    local itemDetails = {
        {surface = altar_1,						item = "fire_bomb",				offsetX = math.random(-4, 4) / 5,	offsetY = math.random(-4, 4) / 5,	offsetZ = math.random(-4, 4) / 5},
        {surface = altar_1,						item = "potion_healing",		offsetX = math.random(-4, 4) / 5,	offsetY = math.random(-4, 4) / 5,	offsetZ = math.random(-4, 4) / 5},
        {surface = altar_1,						item = "potion_cure_poison",	offsetX = math.random(-4, 4) / 5,	offsetY = math.random(-4, 4) / 5,	offsetZ = math.random(-4, 4) / 5},
--      {surface = castle_alcove_4,				item = "steel_armband",			offsetX = 1.40,						offsetY = math.random(-3, 3) / 5,	offsetZ = math.random(-4, 4) / 5},
        {surface = tp_shop_counter_01_part02_1,	item = "fjeld_warg_meat",		offsetX = math.random(-4, 4) / 5,	offsetY = math.random(-4, 4) / 8,	offsetZ = math.random(-4, 4) / 5},
        {surface = tp_wall_shelf_01_1,			item = "potion_healing",		offsetX = -1.40,					offsetY = math.random(-3, 3) / 5,	offsetZ = nil},
        {surface = tp_wall_shelf_01_2,			item = "bread",					offsetX = -1.40,					offsetY = math.random(-3, 3) / 5,	offsetZ = nil},
		{surface = tp_wall_shelf_01_3,			item = "warg_meat",				offsetX = 1.40,						offsetY = math.random(-3, 3) / 5,	offsetZ = math.random(-4, 4) / 5},
        {surface = tp_wall_shelf_01_4,			item = "fjeld_warg_meat",		offsetX = 1.40,						offsetY = math.random(-3, 3) / 5,	offsetZ = math.random(-4, 4) / 5},
        {surface = tp_wall_shelf_01_5,			item = "potion_cure_disease",	offsetX = -1.40,					offsetY = math.random(-3, 3) / 5,	offsetZ = nil},
        {surface = tp_wall_shelf_01_5,			item = "scroll_disrupt",		offsetX = -1.40,					offsetY = math.random(-3, 3) / 5,	offsetZ = nil},
        {surface = tp_wall_shelf_01_6,			item = "potion_cure_poison",	offsetX = -1.40,					offsetY = math.random(-3, 3) / 5,	offsetZ = nil},
        {surface = tp_wall_shelf_01_6,			item = "scroll_fire_shield",	offsetX = -1.40,					offsetY = math.random(-3, 3) / 5,	offsetZ = nil},
        {surface = tp_wall_shelf_01_7,			item = "potion_resurrection",	offsetX = 0.5,						offsetY = math.random(-2.6, -2.6) / 2,	offsetZ = nil},
        {surface = tp_wall_shelf_01_7,			item = "crystal_shard_healing",	offsetX = 0.25,						offsetY = math.random(-2.75, -2.75) / 2,	offsetZ = nil}

    for _, detail in ipairs(itemDetails) do
        local surface = detail.surface
        local itemName = detail.item
        local offsetX = detail.offsetX
        local offsetY = detail.offsetY
        local offsetZ = detail.offsetZ

        for _, item in surface.surface:contents() do
            if == itemName then
                item.go:setSubtileOffset(offsetX, offsetY)
                if offsetZ then
                    print("Item:", itemName, "on", surface, "Offsets: ", "X:", offsetX, "Y:", offsetY, "Z:", offsetZ)
                    print("Item:", itemName, "on", surface, "Offsets: ", "X:", offsetX, "Y:", offsetY)


Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 10:24 am
by Hiker
I wonder if it’s possible to set random properties when defining objects? For example, immediately identify food with random nutrition? Clearly, we are talking about making each object random.