Some really good suggestions there - I now always run on a fresh boot with nothing else running - even Steam - I got the Steam code + standalone option but decided to use the standalone after noticing this issue. Doesn't seem to help for me thoMelvoid wrote:Dont really know what to suggest here, some thoughts tho, the movement system in Grim does feel very different to DM etc, took some getting used to, i am 46 and my brain was hardwired with DM`s way of moving, not helped by playing the original intensly while waiting for Grim to unlock.
I havent found a timing puzzle yet i could not complete(only just hit lvl 6) but a couple took some figuring out, the sidestep move does seem to be the way to do it on a lot of em but its counterintuitive to not look where you are going.
My machine runs it fine fully maxed out but i would suggest anyone on a wireless keyboard and mouse to get wired soon as, there is a measurable (albeit tiny) lag on any wireless system,fact, its the way of the world so ive never used wireless for gaming, its not optimal, had players in WoW express their thanks when i pointed this out to them, their reactions sped up in raids for example,
As for those on laptops or slower older systems turn down some settings experiment with computer settings in background maybe, anything else running in the background will slow you down a bit ( do you really need that facebook page open all the time?).
Not being funny but youd be amazed how many people have all kind of apps open so they can tab out and browse stuff,or just dont realise how much of a system hog some things can be, frinstance i cant leave Steam running in the background while playing WoW online it just kills my bandwith.
I am not suggesting the Op or any others of you with the problems your describing are not pc aware etc but if it helps someone a lil bit i will be happy for you.
Also this is version release 1 of this game, no patches so far on PC, name me a PC game from the recent past that didnt benefit a few weeks down the line from release from a few tweaks and patches.
And have patience this team seem very good but there are only 4 of them and they have a lot to do.

For my current problem (the room of pits) I've been busily drawing maps and numbering things and writing out key sequences. Now its just a case of hoping my carefully timed key presses take properly - its still hit and miss) and hoping hehe.
I'm happy to be patient - I support the team who have made this awesome game 110% - I know if there is a bug/issue they'll get to it as soon as they can. Hubby runs his own 3 man software dev company, so I know what its like