Hey All,
Firstly, apologies for my absence and inconsistent communication..
Last years 'life' issues are resolved and so gladly, I have been able to again work consistently on my asset pack
Before I did though, I went back and replayed through vanilla Grimrock 2 a few times after doing some 'party building' research
I was actually horrified at how badly I was previously building parties for Grimrock 2. Embarrassingly horrified in fact.
I was doing silly things like - running Fighters front row and never using their special attacks, using battlemages back row with firearms ?? Choosing Wizards as my casters
Of the few party building guides I found, this video would have to of been the most help
Watching this, I very quickly realized I knew a lot less than I thought about Grimrock 2
I then also realized how obnoxiously I was ignoring core Grimrock mechanics and just simple basic game design principles with some (sorry, MOST) of the content I had included in my asset pack. So much of this content (Race, Class, Skills, Traits, Spells, Conditions) was just unnecessary, unbalanced and ill-thought out. Honestly, Im now actually quite embarrassed about some of the spoiler / teaser content ive released on this thread. I will not remove it however.
As such, I have taken a month to completely restructure the Race, Class, Skills, Traits, Spells, Conditions content for the asset pack
I believe now, armed with a new found understanding and respect for the basics of Grimrock 2 party building that this asset pack will be completed sooner, with less issues and be more user friendly to modders. Here is a brief outline regarding the pack:
Asset Pack Outline
1. Modify Grimrock 2 party building to be similar to / reminiscent of the 'Wizardy' series system
2. Modify spell casting skills / grouping to be similar to / reminiscent of the 'Wizardy' series system
3. Add new GUI skins for menus and attack panels (as seen in previous screenshots)
4. Add new GUI features to enhance game play and flow (without disruption or complexity - eg: quickitem slots, coodown bar)
5. Ensure pack is user friendly and does not force unwanted features or mechanics onto modders using it
6. Address some commonly agreed upon power / balance issues with the vanilla game
(Firearms, Heavy Weapons, Earth Magic, Wizard class etc etc)
Mar - April planning
May - Oct implement changes
Nov testing
Dec release
Jan - Feb maintenance, adjustments
I put a 1 year clock on this asset pack in march, as next year im going back to Uni to do Game Development
Luckily, the restructuring has had so much unfinished, untested and unbalanced work just simply removed
Further, mostly all the coding work for the content / features Ive decded to keep is already done and just needs tweaking / checking
I will be posting (less embarrassing) screen shots / spoilers in the months to come.
Hope you are all well
