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Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:20 pm
by regomar
I can't imagine how people are spending 30+ hours on a single playthrough. I DO NOT rush, Hell, I played old school mode. I got 4/5 of the secrets 9/10 of the gear doors and beat the game in around 15 hours. No rushing at all.
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:01 pm
by Scase
urughak wrote:Seriously- I think the kiddos claiming to have done speedruns through this game in 12 hours out of the gate after release are full of shit. Number one, why would you? I mean i understand theres weirdos who think that this is somehow cool, but really? Two- no...huh uh....not all the figuring character skills, restarts, banging into the puzzles, and combat. Sorry no. Sure, I've been taking it easy and enjoying and restarted a few times from figuring out character/class stuff, but im 30ish hours in and on level 4 and 5.

dark wrote:
It might be possible to speed rush the game in that time, but I’ll guarantee you they did not find each and every little secret or figure out the optional puzzles.
And besides, anyone trying to play through the game at that pace is just depriving themselves of the game.
Kurgen wrote:Pyros wrote:More importantly, what's with the self righteous attitude of slower gamers who feel that the way they play is the way people should play? Do you really care so much about your playstyle being validated or do you hate so much that some people are gonna be more objective focused than you are? What makes you able to tell other people how they should or should not play
lol... This forum certainly is unique. I don't think I've ever seen so many people put words in so many other people's mouths when a disagreement arises! I haven't seen any slower players (myself included) saying faster players
shouldn't play how they like, only that we don't understand the need to.

How is any of that above "putting words into peoples mouths"?
Flat out people are being called "kiddos" and "weirdos", told that they are "full of shit" and being accused of not being able to figure out the "character skills" or combat or the puzzles. Ignoring the fact that A) some peoples brains are better at problem solving and B) you have to be slightly slow in the head to NOT be able to quickly grasp the character skills FFS they are EXPLAINED WHERE YOU PUT POINTS INTO THEM.
And then finally being accused of "depriving themselves of the game".
None of that is people putting words in others mouths, it's simply rebutting ignorance.
As I stated earlier 14-15 hours 15/16 toorum notes + his body/crystal revival thing, 50/71 secrets, 4/7 treasures, 10/10 iron doors, 5 skulls, as well as all 4 characters level 13 with 2 about 4k off from level 14 are MY stats. Granted I could have gotten more secrets but as stated earlier staring at walls tends to lose its charm after 12/13 levels, I don't feel like I "deprived myself of the game" I feel I got loads of entertainment out of it all the while accomplishing something. I don't need to spend twice as much time to do the same amount of stuff.
If you wanna go spend 30 hours on a game the DEVS stated would be a 10-13 hour endeavor, knock yourselves out and have fun with it. Just don't try and shit on people that can do it quicker than you as if they are being disrespectful of the game content.
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:17 pm
by mystrdat
I'd estimate you can finish the whole game in under an hour if you go for a real speedrun.
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:12 am
by lucad
Speedruns... Now that's something I'll never understand.
My first playthrough - no walkthroughs, no blue crystals (I thought they were one shot only and decided to keep them unused.), hard mode, two tanks, one mage and one rogue - took little more than 10 hours. Granted, I have experience with the game style, saved/loaded a lot and left about 30% of the secrets unturned, but 10~ish hours it was.
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 1:26 am
by Doom972
I recently finished level 6, this is my first playthrough and according to Steam I already played for 12 hours.
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:14 am
by Aaap
Here's my stats near the end of my first and only playthrough on hard
I did need help in finding a skull for the "severed dread" and I have no previous experience from these types of games, though being an avid gamer made the combat really easy and puzzles not too hard
You could easily add a few hours for reloads after dying
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:59 am
by pongsifu
mystrdat wrote:I'd estimate you can finish the whole game in under an hour if you go for a real speedrun.
I can verify that it is possible. I just finished my first speedrun. Though I when I finished the "end" the timer said 1:01:52, but I know if I did another run I could get it under an hour. I don't know if I will though. Maybe in the future, but I'm done with it for now. Plus, I was doing it for a video, so most of the floors I did in a single run, meaning no saving or loading for a whole floor. If an enemy spawns in my way or I screw up, I start the whole floor over again. If I was just playing on my own trying to go as fast as possible and saving every few feet, I could probably get in under 45 minutes.
But as for my first *real* playthrough, I finished in 11 hours 45 minutes and I wasn't rushing at all. I took my sweet time looking around for items, killing everything, even just standing around trying to figure out puzzles. I felt I was actually going really slow, so you can finish in 12 hours and not be rushing at all.
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:35 am
by Anton
Took my time, didn't cheat, a few reloads. Finished in 12:34.
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 12:28 pm
by Sabatasso
lucad wrote:Speedruns... Now that's something I'll never understand.
My first playthrough - no walkthroughs, no blue crystals (I thought they were one shot only and decided to keep them unused.), hard mode, two tanks, one mage and one rogue - took little more than 10 hours.
I also thought the crystals worked that way... manuals are for wimps!

I also did not know that the crystals resurrected dead characters until I was deep down, on level 8 or so.
I did my first, and so far the only, complete run through Grimrock in roughly 12 hours. I did not rush at all, and opened most Iron Doors and found a lot of secrets. I am very familiar with EOB like games, though, and not many puzzles stopped me for long. I use ingame map, which obviously help a lot, but I only look at it once or twice each floor to see if I forgot anything before I head further down. There are 13 levels in this game, and the two first ones are done in roughly 30 minutes or less. That leaves 11.5 hours for 11 dungeon levels, just over 1 hour per level. It's certainly not slow, but it's not fast either. Many of these levels are pretty straight forward, and many secrets and keys are found without really looking for them.
Follow this analogy;
I don't get why people are bothered when I eat fast, which I am really not, for example. You say I eat fast, I say you eat slow, who's right? Firstly, it's much worse for a person that is finished eating to wait for the slow ruminating people who talk more than they chew to be honest. Secondly, some even have the audacity to defend their endless chewing by claims like "I like to enjoy my food". Are you seriously insinuating that I am not enjoying my food? I enjoy food very much, thank you, but I don't need to chew it tasteless before I swallow. Here's the deal, you enjoy your food the way you want, I'll enjoy it my way and everybody is happy.
Stay safe
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:15 pm
by pongsifu
Sabatasso wrote:
I also did not know that the crystals resurrected dead characters until I was deep down, on level 8 or so.
Heh, same here. I just loaded every time a character died.