Kostas wrote:Obviously if a snail gives 60xp per person now (30xp to those that missed it), in a better system it would give 240xp divided among party members. Same total, less fuss. There's still room there to give bigger shares to some chars and have chars not all 4 lvlup at the same time and whatnot.
Thels wrote:You mean in a "different" system, not necessarily a "better" system.
Kostas wrote:Technically yes, but at this point I think we've proven that a different system would be better logically (naysayers notwithstanding).
The game is NOT balanced around your characters leveling a little slower than would be completely optimal. You can still lvlup almost optimally. The DEVs could still raise the xp required per lvlup. This is just not a proper argument in this case sorry.
Our whole point is that assigning xp totals to mobs is more logical.
Is it? It feels more natural, that I agree, but I can't tell you how my opinion of that is influenced by other games.
"You share in the action, you gain full experience." and "You stand by and watch, you gain half experience." are both perfectly logical arguments.
"A mob grants a fixed amount of total XP, regardless if you beat it down with one, two, three or four characters." actually sounds less logical if you think about it.
Kostas wrote:After that all is fair game. Shares don't have to be equal. Leveling speed can be adjusted.
You do realize that that will bother just about as much players, who would like for all their characters to gain XP steadily together?
Kostas wrote:I'll give you that if dead chars didn't get shares then that could lead to over-leveling one char parties, but would that be so terrible after all? It's not like it would become too imba. Providing xp for higher lvls scaled properly and power kept on increasing in small linear steps like now.
If gaining a little more XP is not something you worry about, why does gaining a little less XP worry you so much?
Kostas wrote:You can still get the optimal XP... look at your wording there. It's like you're saying you "can" still do it despite the flaws. You're almost admitting unconsciously that there is a flaw there.
I never called it a flaw, so your argument here doesn't make a lot of sense. You don't have to min-max your XP gain, but you can, if you put in some effort. Some people are perfectionists and will make sure all their characters get a hit in during every fight, and earn a little more XP than those that don't care too much about it, and will miss out on some XP here and there.
There are places where you can farm mobs for XP, so I can either max my XP by making sure every one of my characters gets a hit in, or I can just go farm a bunch of mobs until I gained enough XP to satisfy myself. What's the problem, really?
Kostas wrote:OK lets discuss this properly guys. Put on your Metagaming hats. What does this system offers that others do not?
Remember you can have varied lvl chars with other systems too, don't bring that up again (it's a fallacious argument).
What do other systems offer?
Discuss logically, from a game designer's perspective, not from emotional backgrounds.
I think the current system is frustrating for some players for obvious reasons (detailed earlier).
Then those people worry too much. If they don't want to make sure all their characters are involved with every mob, they shouldn't worry about it. If they're scared about falling behind in XP and levels, they can always farm one of the endless spawns.
Kostas wrote:Also it's harder to balance the combat since players will be different party lvls even if they start with the exact same party.
Not harder to balance between one player grinding two extra levels on endless spawn mobs, where another doesn't, or one player making the optimal party, and another picking some of the wrong skills and traits.
Kostas wrote:If the system was changed to a per mob xp total with shares of that, how would it ruin your enjoyment of the game? Level up ranges may have to be adjusted, but they seem randomly chosen out of a hat anyway so no big deal. I haven't seen anyone here explain how it would matter to them? It wouldn't even remove the tedious process of tagging enemies. Everything would be nearly the same. Except you'd have more control over pushing some chars.
You know, it would be easier if they just gave all our characters 300 skill points from the get go, enough traits to pick all the options, and give each race +40 to all attributes. Would it also be more fun?
It wouldn't be bad to make the changes you suggest, having a fixed amount of XP per mob regardless of how many players tag it. However, not a bad thing is not the same thing as a better thing.
I for one actually would not like the option of killing off 3 characters just so the fourth character gains 400% of normal experience.