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Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:43 am
by Numberouane

Start playing . I like it so far but some puzzles I dnt understand...
For instance the one where it looks like u have to insert someting in the wall between two grids with herder cap behind...
Never found what to do there...

some buttons are too far from the wall they open

I think I found the sun and horizon and put them in alcoves but is it doing something?

I never found the note about the levers on level 6?

I found buttons on wall and explore but no success. Thanks for letting us know as Im not alone being stuck.

Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:50 pm
by eLPuSHeR
How do you updated mods that are hosted on Nexus? By redownloading them again?

Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 5:50 pm
by Numberouane

Did u find out how to deal with the levers or the note?



Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:25 pm
by eLPuSHeR
I haven't tried yet. In fact, I will try in a few minutes, now that I have updated the module from v1.1 to v1.3

Well, I rechecked everything and I am still stuck at the same spot. Spent some time checking all the walls looking for clues before entering the "Ancient necropolis" area but I haven't been able to find the whereabouts of the infamous note.

One thing I dislike about this mod is when you press certain buttons and you are uncertain about the outcome. On this same level (6) I have pressed two of them that I am unable to find out what they did.

Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 2:54 am
by pulpum
come on :twisted: it's not that harder...

for sun and horizon...
I just checked the thing... It appears that I left the pull chains on the door... sun opens the door, and horizon too... it's only that... big mistake for me!

for level 6 and ancient necropolis...
try to search around the healing cristal, there is a button, it opens a zone really near. then try to search in this new zone... you'll find another button and the note with the solution is there, it tells the order for levers to open again the corridor, don't forget your compass!
I know buttons for secret doors are sometime a bit tricky, but I made them as you press it one time, and the door / riddle opens. but sometimes, buttons are just traps to loose time or spawn monsters...

Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:14 pm
by eLPuSHeR
I have checked everything and I cannot find the damn note anywhere. The button you mentioned is easily spotted and I think I have clicked it several times. Could it be that I got the note and dropped it somewhere?.


What about you? did you find it?

Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:35 pm
by Numberouane
Same no note in this room to be seen where i looked up down, sides, everywhere... :)

I used console to finish it and go over the wall. Straight forward till the end.

I think the version we play is buggy.



Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:41 pm
by pulpum
I tried today the dungeon, and the note is there! push the button near the cristal, a new crypt / room is opened just behind. then, kill the 4 skeletons, search on a wall (northwest) for a tiny rune on the wall, it's the button to access the room where the note is... come on!

:mrgreen: good luck :)

Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:51 pm
by eLPuSHeR
I hope we are talking about v1.3 here. I will try to find it this evening.

Thank you very much Pulpum.

EDIT: v1.5 is out. I think Nexus sucks compared to Steam or is there any way to automatically update mods via Nexus?

Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:46 pm
by eLPuSHeR
I can't find the note.

When loading savegames created with an earlier version of the mod, LoG issues a warning. Could this have anything to do? I don't feel like starting anew.

Here. Check my level 6 map. What's the purpose of the button located at the wall where the blue arrow is?
