I don't understand that... there is no appreciable difference between Grimrock and "Eye of the Beholder" aside from animation detail (and memory usageDr.Disaster wrote:Those HUD's worked for static turn-based RPG's. For real-time games like LoG who life from things happening on screen they would be very bad.sprawler wrote:It would be nice to have abilty to change HUD, there would be couple of themes :
http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r233 ... 0G_054.png - upper
http://eager.back2roots.org/SSHOT/I/ishar3.png - lower

As I understand it, it may well be possible to paint a custom HUD like that or anything else with the new GUI code. Gameplay-wise, I don't see any detrimental effect by doing that... aside from the almost certain chance that LoG won't support an offset depiction of the main 3D view; which would make it pointless to implement such a HUD.

I have a few improvements I'd like to try for LoG specific... but If I could copy the EoB GUI for the EOB mod, I would.Right now the LoG HUD is pretty fine, hard to think about improvements without forced needs to reduce the size of the view point as a whole.

(One improvement would be spellcaster summoning spells that fill out the party with additional fighters... like Zombies or summoned animals or magical creations/ golems and such). The UI would have the creature's portrait in ¼ scale along side the spell caster's, and optionally allow the player to swap the creature out for a fallen PC [front rank].
I never looked at it as a bad thing, and did not consider the static (sometimes not so static) UI as boring or cluttered, nor did I have any issue with long mouse paths; (Nor am I suggesting those for Log). My suggestion for LoG 2, is simply to have no 'All Attack' button. that really cheapened EoB3 IMO.Fortunately the age of slow computers where innovative games like Ultima Underworld were forced to display their action in an awefully tiny rectangle while most of the screen was cluttered with boring static HUD info are long past. With the entire screen as your playing field you don't want to have the HUD clutter it and long mouse paths are to be avoid as much as possible.