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Re: EDITING CHALLENGE II: Updated 31/10/12 Voting begins!
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 11:51 am
by Edsploration
Phitt wrote:Edsploration wrote:[...]
I already posted in the comments section on Nexus - you forgot to upload the actual mod there.
Sorry I didn't see your comment there. I'm new to Nexus. I swore I did upload the file though--my browser even remembered the file upload form. I guess it just didn't go through and I never noticed.
Edit: Should work now! Only took me four attempts to go through.
Re: EDITING CHALLENGE II: Updated 31/10/12 Voting begins!
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:11 pm
by Edsploration
duplicate post removed
Re: EDITING CHALLENGE II: Updated 31/10/12 Voting begins!
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:15 pm
by Phitt
Edsploration wrote:
Sorry I didn't see your comment there. I'm new to Nexus. I swore I did upload the file though--my browser even remembered the file upload form. I guess it just didn't go through and I never noticed.
Edit: Should work now! Only took me four attempts to go through.
I had problems today as well with getting logged out constantly. Wrote a lengthy comment and when I tried to post it Nexus said I need to be logged in to do that. Comment was gone...hrmph. Sometimes Nexus has problems, but usually they're fixed within a short time span. Glad you got it working, will download and play today. Sounds like the gameplay is quite innovative.
Re: EDITING CHALLENGE II: Updated 31/10/12 Voting begins!
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:16 pm
by Neikun
Phitt wrote:Edsploration wrote:
Sorry I didn't see your comment there. I'm new to Nexus. I swore I did upload the file though--my browser even remembered the file upload form. I guess it just didn't go through and I never noticed.
Edit: Should work now! Only took me four attempts to go through.
I had problems today as well with getting logged out constantly. Wrote a lengthy comment and when I tried to post it Nexus said I need to be logged in to do that. Comment was gone...hrmph. Sometimes Nexus has problems, but usually they're fixed within a short time span. Glad you got it working, will download and play today. Sounds like the gameplay is quite innovative.
I thought I was the only one.
Photobucket is doing the same thing to me.
It happens every time I close my browser.
Re: EDITING CHALLENGE II: Updated 31/10/12 Voting begins!
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 8:14 pm
by HaunterV
Votes anyone? we have 2 submissions it seems. Prize this friday.
Re: EDITING CHALLENGE II: Updated 31/10/12 Voting begins!
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:48 pm
by Neikun
I'm finally getting around to playing Ed's
I'm like one minute in and everything is so cool!
I'll likely have to try Benny's after work.
Hey, Ed. There's what looks to be a model of a swipe stuck in one of the floor drainages on the balcony.
Oh no! I got stuck in the cave in. I didn't even dawdle. Wish I had saved D:
Ahahaha I love Benny's Warden it's so cute :3
One benefit to Benny's design is that it's done in sections (impossible for Ed's plan) so there's a save crystal in every section.
Re: EDITING CHALLENGE II: Updated 31/10/12 Voting begins!
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:18 pm
by Phitt
HaunterV wrote:Votes anyone? we have 2 submissions it seems. Prize this friday.
Where do we vote? By posting?
I've played both now and I liked both of them a lot (and that's not just an empty phrase).
Personally I preferred Ed's mod though, it is so different, funny and has such a nice atmosphere. There are some minor visual flaws (cave in models have large gaps you can see through, the already mentioned swipe model in the drainage, moving objects sometimes look a bit strange due to the limited possibilities of scripting (vs animation)), but overall it was really, really fun to play this mod. Don't think I'll be able to kill a Warden anymore in the regular game.
Benny's mod was nice as well and cleverly done, somehow reminded me of Portal (though that was maybe because of the 'Companion Warden'). I only felt that the Warden puzzles (which were fun at first) became a bit too repetitive and tedious in the end. There were also some minor visuals flaws, like gates clipping with each other. But still, great idea and great execution.
Overall two very interesting mods that both deserve a lot of praise, but my vote goes to Ed.
Re: EDITING CHALLENGE II: Updated 31/10/12 Voting begins!
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:25 pm
by Neikun
It is a very tough choice to vote between these two.
On Ed's hand you have a very good atmosphere and fun.
On Benny's hand, it's more to do with the gameplay wanted by the original concept of this contest.
My verdict, give them both the prize. I am split 50/50 between the two (and that's rare)
Re: EDITING CHALLENGE II: Updated 31/10/12 Voting begins!
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:59 pm
by HaunterV
ill let votes funnel in for a week more then hand out gifts.
Re: EDITING CHALLENGE II: Updated 31/10/12 Voting begins!
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 5:41 pm
by BeNNyBiLL
Thanks for the comments guys.
On Benny's hand, it's more to do with the gameplay wanted by the original concept of this contest.
I stuck to what I do best, programming and gameplay. You are unlikely to ever get artistic touches and atmosphere with me, and what started off to be a storyline really just fizzled out when I got into designing the later stages of the dungeon.
Ahahaha I love Benny's Warden it's so cute :3
Not directly intentional! It took all of one minute to do haha
Benny's mod was nice as well and cleverly done, somehow reminded me of Portal (though that was maybe because of the 'Companion Warden').
Thats what I was going for! I even contemplated making a portal spell...
I only felt that the Warden puzzles (which were fun at first) became a bit too repetitive and tedious in the end. There were also some minor visuals flaws, like gates clipping with each other. But still, great idea and great execution.
...and this is why the portal spell didn't get implemented as I agree, too much a good thing is bad for you. I myself found the idea getting a bit stale especially since the wardens are a bit slow and stupid at deciding if they will turn left or right to face you. But this one time I shall blame my tools, as there wasn't much I could do to speed up the reactions of the monster
A few words on Ed's dungeon. I have to say, it did shock me. It was like an interactive storybook, except the dungeon was seemlessly doing things that would have appeared to me impossible to script! Your earlier post explaining how you achieved some of things was very cool. Really outside of the box stuff. You definately have the designers touch and level of polish I would never be able to achieve. One thing that I thought that did take away from the dungeon was the secret that has 2 green (I think they are called scavengers?) monsters attack you. What felt like an interactive story, then turns it into a desperate attempt to rush into the 2x2 section of floor to dance around the creatures to avoid attacks while your wand comes off cooldown. But then I guess I could argue all day that monster combat in LOG is broken when you have a 2x2 or larger area of floor to fight on. Still, I'd probably vote yours Ed
Does anybody think I should put my dungeon on the workshop & nexus as it is? I think its in need of a few loving touches and I don't want anything I post to reflect on me like its unpolished. Also I think this may be my one and only dungeon I make using the LOG editor. There isn't enough of a drive for smaller community projects unfortunately. I think this is all really clouded by the fact that anyone can release anything on the steam workshop whether its to a reasonable standard or not. I don't really want to spend long hours for something only a few people will play. If I did start another LOG project, it would have to be huge. The sort of project that people would buy the game just to play. I was thinking "Grimrock Infinite" - randomly generated infinite roguelike. If a few requested script functions find their way into the editor it could be possible to an extent. The harder part would be randomly generating everything. You can't store a database of hardcoded items and monsters for an infinite experience. You would have to redefine objects on the fly and generate their stats. The only way I see this being possible is by rewritting the statistical and combat system completely based off of entity hooks and store all the random objects data in script. This does make it open to scope new features such as monsters elemental resistances to name just one. But this is a big job, and its not been prototyped so unforseen hurdles will probably be met. But I massively digress... this has nothing to do with the topic so I'll shut'it now