Appreciate the criticism.
While I didn't hesitate as much in case of the story, I kept rather close to the original later on (read: lost interest/got lazy because manuals are boring by default

) and it shows.
I hope you didn't hold back or anything

Gonna apply the suggestions asap.
Oh and I actually thought a lot about "crowern".
I considered other Corvidae as well but none seemed menacing enough. Fiddled with the idea of "corvern" which would keep the structure of the original while staying "international"... I ended up with the "safe" version because in general portmanteaus seem not to work in Polish (see Łoziński).
So, "krukowern" or "corwern"? (sorry, gonna drop "wrona" cause it sounds slightly ominous only in conjunction with "kruk" as in "rozdziobią nas kruki i wrony" - appreciate the alliteration though

As for the translation rogue-łotrzyk - Baldur's Gate was the first game I played in Polish
I shouldn't argue, because I botched the job in several places but I'd like to defend some of my choices.
Assassins - this suggestion may sound better (although it's a bit too close to "zabójczy skrytobójcy" for my tastes) but it conveys slightly different meaning and doesn't really fit the paragraph - it's not the dagger that separates an assassin from a petty thief; the adjective originally describes the person and I feel it is important that it stays this way.
Outer Realms - too much Planescape for me

"Światy zewnętrzne" seem to fit better with fantasy; in my opinion such name suggests that the denizens of this fantasy world have some particular knowledge of these places (as opposed to random "different dimensions").
edit ... cja_v2.pdf
Sorry for the wait again. Busy schedule.
Here it is. Translation revised by Merethif