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Re: Dungeon keeper asset
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 5:45 am
by Rook
Any new updates for us?

Re: Dungeon keeper asset
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 6:42 pm
by scorp29
Well, I started to work on a treasury room wallset, but so far I only have the floor x)
More to come!
Re: Dungeon keeper asset
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:18 am
by Rook

Are you using light-sources as the treasure room floor?
What program are you using to make your floors?
Re: Dungeon keeper asset
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 2:48 am
by scorp29
Rook wrote:Delicious!

Are you using light-sources as the treasure room floor?
Hu, sorry, I didn't understand the question there x)
(I'm french, so sometime some simple question can be hard to translate in my head ù.ù )
For the modelisation, I'm using blender, a very good free program!
( Before I was used to 3DS Max and Maya )
Talking modelisation, this one was simple, it's just a plane of 3x3 unit.
For the texturing, I'm using photoshop, but you can do the same using Gimp.
All you need is to make a tiling texture using the "offset" methode.
Then export it using the nice "GrimrockModelToolkit" program and add it into the Dungeon Editor with the 'replacesFloor ' option
name = "treasuryFloor_01",
class = "Decoration",
model = "mod_assets/models/env/treasuryFloor_01.fbx",
placement = "floor",
replacesFloor = true,
editorIcon = 136,
I hope I didn't got too technical haha x)
Re: Dungeon keeper asset
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 3:04 am
by Rook
Haha not technical at all. I was just curious to which 3D program you were using

Re: Dungeon keeper asset
Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 9:55 am
by Asteroth
Hey scorp29, as a sort of tribute to your work and dungeon keeper I tried to make the horned demon scythe. Well the project didn't go too well being my first actually complicated model, and its size means huge clipping issues. But none the less here it is:
Not figuring it was worth a mod of its own you can pick it up here:
Hope you like it! Bad as I made things sound it was still fun to keep learning.
Re: Dungeon keeper asset
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 7:11 pm
by scorp29
Héhéhé, thank a lot for the contribution Asteroth =D
Sharps weapons are always welcome into this dungeon!
Now all this scythe needs, is its big fella

Re: Dungeon keeper asset
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:54 pm
by hyteria
very nice work scorp ! glad to see another french here , i feel less alone )
Re: Dungeon keeper asset
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:30 pm
by scorp29
Héhé, thank a lot =D
I should continue to work on the threasure room wallset now that I'm settled again x)
Re: Dungeon keeper asset
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:06 pm
by Drakkan
nice scythe there ! :d