Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]

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Re: Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]

Post by Komag »

randomization and the quality of dungeon design that makes Grimrock great are not compatible.
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Re: Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]

Post by WarBaby2 »

Komag wrote:randomization and the quality of dungeon design that makes Grimrock great are not compatible.
I didn't really mean randomizing, I meant changing... like in: The base floor design stays the same, but depending on the quest/mission you have to complete, there are other monsters that moved into the dungeon since your last visit, and those changed it... placed items, maybe even changed whole rooms or permanently closed them off, forcing you to find other routes. that.
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Re: Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]

Post by Komag »

Hmm, some parts like that could probably work out cool :)
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Re: Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]

Post by badhabit »

Komag wrote:randomization and the quality of dungeon design that makes Grimrock great are not compatible.
Would you like to elaborate this statement? Can't see how shifting around the stuff which is placed e.g. behind the irondoors randomly would limit the LoG experience? :)
Or how better, randomized secret button textures would not enhance the "secret" aspect of LoG?
(maybe I prejudice as I loved this aspect in CSB)

PS: after re-reading, if you meant random dungeon design that was not what I meant, I meant it in small scope like CSB, sorry if that was not clearly understandable
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Re: Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Sorry if this is posted elsewhere on the forums (I don't think it is, but I've been reading some threads in a very bitty way - so might have missed the odd post or two).

3D Item Preview in Inventory: It would be cool to see the 3D models for equipment somewhere in the interface. Perhaps when you examine a weapon / item, you get a small 3D preview of that item next to the description. I know it's only a small thing, but apart from when you pick-up a sword - you might only ever see that weapon as a 75x75px 2D sprite for the rest of the game - it would be nice to see your favourite weapon in a bit more glory sometimes!
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Re: Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]

Post by Komag »

Hmm, the small randomization you describe sounds like it could pretty well. :)

And +1 for the 3D model preview idea - I sometimes would drop an item or stick it on an altar temporarily just to have another look before putting it back in my inventory. But I also like the 2D inventory drawings, so I wouldn't want to lose them.
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Re: Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]

Post by Asteroth »

I admit I would like to see items but having the 2d and 3d images would be cluttering, or maybe redundant is a better word, I'm not sure.
But I also think the 2d icons should be kept, if I had to choose I'd side with them.

Wait I just realized that you meant having the 2d as the inventory icon and 3d for item examine view. Yeah that might work.
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Re: Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Yeah, just to be clear, I was only thinking that the 'examine' popup dialog could show the item in 3D. The icons are obviously the best choice for in the actual inventory - it would just be nice to see the model a bit more that's all. In Isaac style, I've done a very quick mock-up in Photoshop (although, it's hard to tell in a static screen-shot, but the big Katana next to the item description is bigger than the icon size and could maybe even also spin slowly when examined).
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Re: Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]

Post by Surferin85 »

Hi guys!

I saw that there is a LoG2 coming and I am so happy about it because LoG1 was epic. :D

But there are some things I would be very happy about. I didn't read the hole thread... so please don't be unhappy if I say something and it was already mentioned.

1. "Spear Mastery"
In LoG1 the characters were able to specialise on swords, axes, daggers and so on... but they weren't able to specialise on spears (dropped by the mob "skeleton phalanx" [don't now the exact name]). It would be nice to have the option to use "skilled hoplites" because I liked the "idea of a spear" for the people standing behind the first line of the party.

1. "A world map"
There was a world map included in the "game box". Is it possible to create a world map in (for example) "Lufia 2-style"? So it would be possible to move from a dungeon to an other dungeon without using the main menu. And the developers would have the chance to create something like a port to move between islands or continents which would give them the opportunity to create Add-Ons if wanted. Furthermore a world map would give the player a feeling of liberty in a world of dungeons. :D

I wish you all the best for LoG2! The community of this game is great too. :)
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Re: Brainstorming from the Community [unofficial]

Post by antti »

Isaac wrote:As to minor features I would like to see...

A small change to the script object to allow for an optional external file as the source; (and simply import it when the project is loaded; possibly reload it whenever the file is changed).
This way the user could edit their scripts in their script editor of choice, and not have to copy/paste their work to see the results.
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