Re: New monster proposals
Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:34 pm
well I had my own thread then noticed this today so...
third time making this thread... each time it auto logs me out
So yah. I just thought id throw my hat into the ring again, my last ideas were based souly on the idea of returning to grimrock but I guess it makes since we wouldn't see that here.
The Forgotten: On the island of nex, a poisoning fruit, it constantly grows with out content, to those who eat it, a dream for their goodbye, for they have forgotten... why they had to say good bye.
The Nex Fruit is a large red fruit filled with tasty juice. To those who eat the fruit they will never be the same. It wears at the mind till the spinning cogs break. The forgotten are mad people who were imprisoned on nex and ate the fruit. may killing their fellow prisoners after enjoying its taste. The forgotten may of been strong warriors at one time but now are nothing but weak minded shells. They only wear rags and arnt a threat to a seasoned fighter but they often may have a key or item in their hand thats needed. They come in any playable race.
The Abandoned: Similar to the forgotten the Abandoned are people who ate the fruit but were able to keep their mind some what steady. The fruit however still damaged them making them hear and see things. They are still fighting for their mind and might be loosing. They are often wielding swords and casting spells in random directions. Players will only half to fight them if they walk into their line of sight. They are valuable because of their rusted armor that may be good as short term armor for your team. They also have a tenancy to wander, and if they see a creature will start fighting it.
Rock Backs: Large 2 headed turtles who stand on their hind legs, Rock backs are a race of creatures who have lived on the island for centuries, They how ever are not the builders of the structures who see on the island as Rock Backs see no reason to build houses when their homes are always on their back. Rock backs come in two varieties
Shell Smashers: Rockbacks wielding a Huge shell they most likely cut off one of their own kind and a large Wooden club Shell smashers arnt stupid. They will wield their shield in front of them till they are about to attack. they are slow and hard to kill, it might be better to out run them
Flail Crackers: Rockbacks who wield two large flails. Players who ever fought the Warden will be right at home. These Rock backs are loners and will never fight you in a group or call for help.
Hydras:Pets to the Rock backs often seen with Shell smashers Hydras are large four headed tortoises who spit acid. They are easy to kill when their heads are out as four hits with anything to their heads will kill them.
Goblins: At one time slaves to the rich Goblins are a Mean spirited bunch. Ether working just for something thats shiny to fighting for the shiny out right. be careful with them.... they are never alone
Hutlins:Huntlins are goblins who will trade items with you living in their huts. You give them something they give you something.
Hitlins: Goblins fed up with being slaves if you walk near them you'll be swarmed.
Hobgoblins: Large goblins wielding clubs, they often lead their Hitlins into battle. Be careful... they arnt to nice... but stupid.
The Arsenal:In light of its name the arsenal is a large Minotaur far bigger then a normal one sporting 4 arms. With its two minor arms shoots crossbows and its top arms it hits with swords, The Arsenal is not a foe to forget.
third time making this thread... each time it auto logs me out

So yah. I just thought id throw my hat into the ring again, my last ideas were based souly on the idea of returning to grimrock but I guess it makes since we wouldn't see that here.
The Forgotten: On the island of nex, a poisoning fruit, it constantly grows with out content, to those who eat it, a dream for their goodbye, for they have forgotten... why they had to say good bye.
The Nex Fruit is a large red fruit filled with tasty juice. To those who eat the fruit they will never be the same. It wears at the mind till the spinning cogs break. The forgotten are mad people who were imprisoned on nex and ate the fruit. may killing their fellow prisoners after enjoying its taste. The forgotten may of been strong warriors at one time but now are nothing but weak minded shells. They only wear rags and arnt a threat to a seasoned fighter but they often may have a key or item in their hand thats needed. They come in any playable race.
The Abandoned: Similar to the forgotten the Abandoned are people who ate the fruit but were able to keep their mind some what steady. The fruit however still damaged them making them hear and see things. They are still fighting for their mind and might be loosing. They are often wielding swords and casting spells in random directions. Players will only half to fight them if they walk into their line of sight. They are valuable because of their rusted armor that may be good as short term armor for your team. They also have a tenancy to wander, and if they see a creature will start fighting it.
Rock Backs: Large 2 headed turtles who stand on their hind legs, Rock backs are a race of creatures who have lived on the island for centuries, They how ever are not the builders of the structures who see on the island as Rock Backs see no reason to build houses when their homes are always on their back. Rock backs come in two varieties
Shell Smashers: Rockbacks wielding a Huge shell they most likely cut off one of their own kind and a large Wooden club Shell smashers arnt stupid. They will wield their shield in front of them till they are about to attack. they are slow and hard to kill, it might be better to out run them
Flail Crackers: Rockbacks who wield two large flails. Players who ever fought the Warden will be right at home. These Rock backs are loners and will never fight you in a group or call for help.
Hydras:Pets to the Rock backs often seen with Shell smashers Hydras are large four headed tortoises who spit acid. They are easy to kill when their heads are out as four hits with anything to their heads will kill them.
Goblins: At one time slaves to the rich Goblins are a Mean spirited bunch. Ether working just for something thats shiny to fighting for the shiny out right. be careful with them.... they are never alone
Hutlins:Huntlins are goblins who will trade items with you living in their huts. You give them something they give you something.
Hitlins: Goblins fed up with being slaves if you walk near them you'll be swarmed.
Hobgoblins: Large goblins wielding clubs, they often lead their Hitlins into battle. Be careful... they arnt to nice... but stupid.
The Arsenal:In light of its name the arsenal is a large Minotaur far bigger then a normal one sporting 4 arms. With its two minor arms shoots crossbows and its top arms it hits with swords, The Arsenal is not a foe to forget.