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Re: [Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1.3
Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 2:25 pm
by Eleven Warrior
Never claim stolen mail mate. return to sender ahy

Re: [Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1.3
Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 2:43 pm
by Doridion
Eleven Warrior wrote:Never claim stolen mail mate. return to sender ahy

Ahem .... Elven, I agree with self expression, more when it comes from persons who know what they say

For germanny's DM, I had a discussion with him, and more, explained that ODS is NOT .... a tentative to copy/supplant his work, but, as I wrote to the first post, a light tileset for modders who wants to have a base to design their own old dungeons.
Yes, I've taken the DM as a base for this work, because it's actually the better tileset for old dungeons design and because i misunderstood a previous answer of Germanny. Since, I got an explanation with germanny, and he gave me his persmission to use his tileset design. That's the reason why i've writen that the ODS is made from germanny, with my work for adapting to LoG2. I completely care to be credited or not, I just want to help, share, see good mods, good modders, and that's all.
I let people believe what they want, I just know why I work. If i have to be credited, it's just for my own work, from begin to end. ^^
Re: [Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1.3
Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 3:13 pm
by Eleven Warrior
Hi Doridion yeah I know what your trying to do and I love it. Imma porting Gerrmanys things over and enjoying it to the max, but they are his things not mine so you know. I rem my dad saying to me monkey see monkey do.... I did know what the hell he was talking about until I got older errr like 47 years old lol.. I was never bright like you guys are, so I just went with the flow and hoped I could pick up stuff. Now the log 2 forum is out its likeee.....SHIT MAN IMMA IN THE 60'S...if only I smoked the woope weed lol.
You are doing a great job as with many others, but never forget the forfathers who did things in log 1. Me for 1 loves your work and ideas man,but make it simple for me and others to understand. Sorry for the crappy message but Germany and leki etc.. are the gods in the object creating in log 1 and I for one want them to be here to. I still rem lekis soldier until some dickhead on nexus complained, but it was right. I would not like to upset these guys cause they make great things, don't get me wrong mate imam no sucky, but thxs them we have awesome yeah
Doridion love you man and thxs for the stuff you have done for all, keep up the good work ahy

Re: [Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1.3
Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 5:50 am
by minmay
I am posting in this thread because I just encountered this tileset in a mod.
Please add occluders to the walls/floors/ceilings. It takes a few seconds - literally just copy-pasting from the asset pack - and it will make mods using your tileset actually playable, which they currently are not.
edit: also, you have doors defined as sparse when they clearly should not be (the model is completely solid).
Re: [Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1.3
Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 7:38 am
by Eleven Warrior
Hi minmay what do the occluders do mate not sure what they are for, please fill me in. Also I new at this LOG 2 stuff and am doing my best and still learning ahy
EDIT: Ok I have added the occluder on the Ceilings, Walls and Floors, but everything starts to go weird. When I finish the Mine Set maybe you can point me in the right direction yeah ill post the Set in one day for you to look at and tell where I went wrong, it's all part of learning

Also should I put this on all objects?
minimalSaveState = true,
Re: [Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1.3
Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 9:40 am
by minmay
That was addressed to Doridion, the tileset in the original post has no occluders. In fact it looks like several of the conversions posted here are missing occluders and that is very bad.
Occluders are models that are used for occlusion culling. If something is completely obstructed by an occluder, it won't be rendered, saving CPU and GPU power. This is very important for tilesets like the dungeon and castle that have a lot of opaque walls, since at any given point, most of the level will be obstructed. The tileset presented in this thread appears to have no occluders whatsoever which results in extremely poor performance - worse than most outdoor areas!
Occluders should have very low triangle counts and should cover as much of the model as possible (but not be larger than it). For example, the occluders for dungeon walls and floors are just squares. In the case of the tileset presented in this thread, the dungeon and temple LoG1 tilesets, and Phitt's mine tileset, using the occluders for the dungeon walls, ceilings, and floors should be fine. For walls, add this component:
Code: Select all
class = "Occluder",
model = "assets/models/env/dungeon_wall_01_occluder.fbx",
For floors:
Code: Select all
class = "Occluder",
model = "assets/models/env/dungeon_floor_01_occluder.fbx",
For ceilings:
Code: Select all
class = "Occluder",
model = "assets/models/env/catacomb_ceiling_occluder.fbx",
In Grimrock 1 I believe occlusion was handled based on the level's wall layout, which was convenient for casual users but very limited (ask Leki). In Grimrock 2 levels don't have static wall layouts and handling occlusion is the responsibility of the modders/modelers. As someone with an aging CPU, I'm a little bitter that so many people are shirking that responsibility
As for the effect of minimalSaveState,
here's an explanation.
Re: [Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1.3
Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 1:02 pm
by Prozail
Been thinking about the occluders aswell. I'll update my conversions sometime after christmas. Need to redo a few things in the dark elf temple conversion anyway.
Re: [Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1.3
Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 7:54 pm
by kelly1111
Does anyone know which tilesets that are downloadable here , have the occluders and which don't ?
Re: [Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1.3
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:05 pm
by Killcannon
Sorry to resurrect this long dead thread; but does anyone have this tileset? The link to the download is broken for me and I messaged the creator over a month ago privately and he's not replied. I'd really like this one for Grimrock II as I used Germs in Grimrock I.
Re: [Custom Tileset] ODS - Old Dongeon Style TileSet v1.3
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:17 pm
Use minmays conversion of the whole germanny-pack instead: