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Re: [Wip]Rigale V0.6 released on steam.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 8:04 pm
by cromcrom
Mod updated to V0.6 on steam.
Some bug fixes, return of the closing shop if too many bargaining failures, and literacy skill and random knowledge scrolls system.
Looking for feedback, systems to improve, as always, in a semi realistic way.

Re: [Wip]Rigale V0.6 released on steam.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:32 pm
by Shaf
The GetHours error can still appear, to duplicate try to improve a skill go outside and save the game. Exit the game completely, reload from the saved game.
I think some of the scripting has introduced a memory leak because after playing a clean game for more than 20 min. the whole system freezes and a hard reboot is required. It's possible that Win10's memory management has introduced some differences also.

=== System Info ===

Game Version: 2.2.4
Computer name: SHAF-PC
CPU Vendor: AuthenticAMD
CPU Brand: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor
OS Version: 6.2
Physical CPUs: 8
Logical CPUs: 0
Page Size: 4096
Total Mem: 16348 MB
Free Mem: 13230 MB

=== GPUs ===

Device name: \\.\DISPLAY1
Device string: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
State flags: 00000005

Device name: \\.\DISPLAY2
Device string: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
State flags: 00000000

Device name: \\.\DISPLAY3
Device string: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
State flags: 00000000

Device name: \\.\DISPLAY4
Device string: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
State flags: 00000000

=== Settings ===

Render Engine: d3d9
Audio Engine: xaudio2
Steam: true
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Display Mode: fullscreen (1)
Vertical Sync: disabled (1)
Texture Resolution: medium (2)
Texture Filter: trilinear (2)
Shadow Quality: high (3)
SSAO Quality: high (3)
Rendering Quality: high (2)
Max Draw Distance: 1000.000000
Difficulty: normal
Oldschool Mode: false
Touchscreen Mode: false

Loading save game C:\Users\Shaf\Documents/Almost Human/Legend of Grimrock 2/savegame32.sav
Loading dungeon Rigale V0.6 by Cromcrom
Game loaded

=== Software Failure ===

mod_assets/scripts/cromresting.lua:7: attempt to call field 'getHours' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
mod_assets/scripts/cromresting.lua:7: in function <mod_assets/scripts/cromresting.lua:2>
[string "Script.lua"]: in function 'sendMessage'
[string "MessageSystem.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in function 'display'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk

Re: [Wip]Rigale V0.6 released on steam.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 8:14 pm
by cromcrom
Thanks for info, Shaf, and sorry for your waste of time.
That getHours script was only used once to increase sleepiness during night hours), I got rid of it (by using the native getTimeOfDay or something function, let's hope that it helps. We will see in V0.7 if it works (if you are still trying the mode :-) )

Re: [Wip]Rigale V0.6 released on steam.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 3:49 am
by Shaf
I'm not wasting my time, just enjoying the Crafting system and hoping to eventually get trained enough to read some of the books.
- Concerning some of the status indicators, I've noticed the font used for some of the screen messages is too large and some of the text is outside the normal window, possibly reducing the font size to 75% will fix it.
- The Status Window when the n key is pressed could also use a slightly reduced font so there is a separation between the fields.
- If we could Mouse Over a button to see what it does without needing to press it would be helpful but probably requires a lot of work to the existing gui.
- With Version 0.6 there appears to be less items dropped when killing creatures, sometimes after killing a few snails no items are dropped.



Re: [Wip]Rigale V0.6 released on steam.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 10:54 am
by cromcrom
Thanks, I am glad you enjoy this very raw product.
You are aware you can buy lessons in skills, to improve them, right ?
I am currently working on the skill info panel (the n key), to try to make it sexier.
I didn't change anything on the loot system, this is quite weird.

If you have any ideas or directions you would like to see this mod going to, let me know. I don't promise I will do what you ask, but well....

Re: [Wip]Rigale V0.6 released on steam.

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 8:55 am
by cromcrom
Incoming in V0.7:
1/ hopefully more bug fixes.
2/ Scouting skill added (wandering through bushes and all will increase your exhaustion, or even hold you back, depending on your scouting skill. On the other hand, being a legendary scout would reduce this exhaustion, and increase party speed.
3/ First faction in the works.
the saskatwan, a neutral native faction of zarchtons.
ideas to implement:
you first have to learn the langage (through interacting with them, finding and reading secret books)
then, you can interact with them, asking little items or knowledge for the most part.
reputation levels:
hostile (they will attack you on sight)
neutral (they will wander until you talk with them, and then not be very helpfull)
friendly (they will wander until you talk with them, and then be more helpfull (better items, better lessons...)
brotherly (same as above, even better items)

lose reputation through attacking and killing them, maybe desecrating their sacred places (digging for treasures at their tombs...)
gain reputation by turning in warg trophies (or meat or leather), or specific iron items.

there is always a respawning (in case you attack and kill him, but very long respawn time) immobile Elder at a special place you will have to find. This elder will be the one to accept your gifts for the tribe, and thus increase your reputation.

I would love to create "followers", that would follow the party, and then attack its ennemies, I haven't checked this yet.

4/ changed and added some recipes. You now need small branches (instead of normal branches) to cook items. You can craft small branches from branches (and always find them outside).

eta: middle of the coming week, if no major setback.

Re: [Wip]Rigale V0.7 first faction.

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 5:56 pm
by cromcrom
V0.7 released, no major setback.

Not every faction dialogue options are added (especially not the trophies, but well...), but there is still some choice, and waiting for some more ideas.

I might soon add the first quests and puzzles.

Re: [Wip]Rigale V0.6 released on steam.

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 6:50 pm
by Shaf
The Idea of Factions is brilliant and adds a lot of nuances to adventures, also like the idea of scouting downloading to test now.

Re: [Wip]Rigale V0.6 released on steam.

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:20 pm
by Shaf
Some quick testing and comments on Ver 0.7.
Starting game getting messages:
Warning: gate node not found for unpassable_wall_crom (NEW Message)
Warning:can't find Head node for monster crom_snail_ore (existing Message - always got this one)
1.inside safe area Free Item Despenser no longer gives items
2. Attempting to rest gives message Camping Failed but cannot get out of Rest Mode (Must Terminate Program Through Task Manager)
No error messages in grimrock.log

I will continue testing.

Re: [Wip]Rigale V0.6 released on steam.

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:45 pm
by cromcrom
thanks a lot. Did you notice all the new cadaver in safe area ? did they give you pretty decent items (dagger, pitroot bread, knowledge scrolls)
I disabled item giver, it was for testing purpose.
I will check this camping. depending on your feedback, I might upload a quickfix, or wait for V0.8.