I just noticed LoG was back at the #1 spot on Steam's bestsellers. Way to go!

No I got yours. You see, I don't like the first 2. You don't like the latter 2. Guess we can agree that Morrowind is pretty good.Arkhan wrote: No no, you missed mine, I think! I am a huge TES fan. I liked the first 3 *alot*. I just really did not care for how 4 and 5 turned out. They're the same kind of game, they just blow.
This is true.Arkhan wrote: OPness is pretty easy to stumble upon in Skyrim. Its practically on accident. At least the materia combinations in FFVII required some playing/experience/thinking!
Are we playing the same game? You would get destroyed if you took on a bear with unarmed in Skyrim, unarmed is pretty weak.Arkhan wrote: So there isn't.I didn't touch much unarmed stuff, outside of punching bears the in face and wondering why it was overpowered. It really makes no sense that unarmed is so overpowered.
Morrowind is riddled with these exploits and it's unfair to hold them against Skyrim, but yes it is true.Arkhan wrote: The "maxing it out" was second hand knowledge that I took as fact since there were so many other goony things in the game. Though, I suppose you could hit the guy with a sword or something instead, and max it out. Not that I care to sit there and see if it's true. It probably is.
Which is why you can't hold exploits against Skyrim, they are a problem of the series as a whole and aren't tied to any one game.Arkhan wrote: Exactly. You'd think they'd want to fix their track record. The stuff is excusable once or twice, but its basically becoming their trademark. "Oh, its a Bethesda game. Lets see how long until we break it."
I meant the mechanics behind Stealth, not the sneak skill. Such as Shooting arrows to create distractions, and actually being able to get away and hide if you are caught. Unlike Oblivion where npcs would know your exact position on the map, and don't get me started on Morrowinds stealth, or lack-there-of.Arkhan wrote: The stealth is broken anyways. It's another easy-maxxer-outter.
Well at least that is not in question.Arkhan wrote: I never doubted your Grimrock fandom.