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Re: Isle of Dagor

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 4:04 pm
by alois
EnochDagor wrote:Hello Alois : I cannot reproduce your issue. Can you tell me some details about your party?
The one who casts the spell is a level 19 battle mage with 5 points (out of 5) in concentration, critical, and the four "magics". I have checked: the same crash happens also when casting "heal party", so maybe the problem is with custom spells.

Alois :)

Re: Isle of Dagor

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 5:11 pm
by Azel
alois wrote:
EnochDagor wrote:Hello Alois : I cannot reproduce your issue. Can you tell me some details about your party?
The one who casts the spell is a level 19 battle mage with 5 points (out of 5) in concentration, critical, and the four "magics". I have checked: the same crash happens also when casting "heal party", so maybe the problem is with custom spells.

Alois :)

I have been casting several of the custom spells successfully throughout this game. However, I am using the original published version of the Mod. Possibly double check how the latest version was uploaded?

Re: Isle of Dagor

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 5:31 pm
by EnochDagor
Alois: Maybe a trait you saved with the characters that only exists in another mod you have played? You can check this by loading the saved game from which you imported the characters from (in the other Mod) and then look at the character sheet and see if there are any Traits that are not vanilla traits.

Re: Isle of Dagor

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 8:35 pm
by alois
EnochDagor wrote:Alois: Maybe a trait you saved with the characters that only exists in another mod you have played? You can check this by loading the saved game from which you imported the characters from (in the other Mod) and then look at the character sheet and see if there are any Traits that are not vanilla traits.
It was that, thanks! I re-started with an imported party (from a previous save game) and everything is ok.

Alois :)

Re: Isle of Dagor

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 10:42 pm
by Azel
I beat this with 2 endings so far (2 of 5, and 5 of 5). I must know the other 3, aaahhh...

Re: Isle of Dagor

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 6:39 am
by hansbleeb
the high priest tombs
what is the lever combination for amorondi von teth chea ta high priest!1
i tried a lot of combinations but this is the last pit who wont close..
i dont understand the logiga from the words in the opposite of the levers..

Re: Isle of Dagor

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:31 am
by Dr.Disaster
hansbleeb wrote:the high priest tombs
what is the lever combination for amorondi von teth chea ta high priest!1
i tried a lot of combinations but this is the last pit who wont close..
i dont understand the logiga from the words in the opposite of the levers..
The logic is rather simple: those words are in fact numbers.

There's a hidden hideout in "Upper Catacombs" with a mechanism telling which word represents what number.

Re: Isle of Dagor

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:18 pm
by hansbleeb
ok i have the numbers now.. and how must i combinate the numbers with the 6 levers in the christal room?
and another number puzzle in the village the mine access.. how must i count the blocks?

Re: Isle of Dagor

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 3:28 pm
by Dr.Disaster
hansbleeb wrote:ok i have the numbers now.. and how must i combinate the numbers with the 6 levers in the christal room?
Each lever is marked with a number. Flip levers as needed to reach the number written at a room.
hansbleeb wrote:and another number puzzle in the village the mine access.. how must i count the blocks?
Left to right (West to East) and top to bottom (North to South).

Re: Isle of Dagor

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:13 pm
by hansbleeb
the mines i have cleared now but the pit in the high priest tombs is not closed when 1 put lever 2, 3 and 1 + 9 (=10) down...(i tried different combinations) ... 9.jpg.html

another question is how to open the wooden door at the beach (by the red marker) ... sort=3&o=0