Hello Slayer82,
if you are thinking about making another version, here are some potential bugs / oddities I encountered while playing:
1. The round keyholes which require lockpicks to open sometimes eat up the whole stack (instead of just one). Does not generate an error code or a crash though. Suggestion: If you cannot find why this happens, you could just change the lockpicks to "non-stackable". They would take up more inventory space afterwards, but could not be lost in this way.
2. Killing the Skeleton Legionary in the underground maze in Eastern Zhaoze, x=2, y=11 can cause the game to crash. I suspect this happens when he drops an item that is not properly defined (that would explain why it does not always happen). Game overwrote the error code, so I cannot give you one.
3. Using the "Encyclopedia of Power" always results in a crash. I supect there is a typo or an syntax error in the script which updates the attributes. I have the error code for this:
mod_assets/runebooks/runebooks.lua:65: invalid stat
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
[string "ScriptInterface.lua"]: in function 'modifyBaseStat'
mod_assets/runebooks/runebooks.lua:65: in function <mod_assets/runebooks/runebooks.lua:60>
[string "Component.lua"]: in function 'callHook'
[string "UsableItem.lua"]: in function 'onUseItem'
[string "Item.lua"]: in function 'useItem'
[string "CharSheet.lua"]: in function 'slotClicked'
[string "CharSheet.lua"]: in function 'updateEquipmentSlot'
[string "CharSheet.lua"]: in function 'equipmentTab'
[string "CharSheet.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Gui.lua"]: in function 'draw'
[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in function 'display'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk
Thanks for all your help. I actually do have the secret for Maevren's Lair: You get the secret when you push the switch in the Aelenialen House of Worship (this is why it does not appears under "Maevren's Lair" in my list).
4. The Guardians of the Flame in the Olde Scorched Desert will sometimes wander into the building and bump their heads (their graphics are to big). Suggestion: Let the blue force field block the entrance of the building instead of the staircase. This would also make the fight a little bit more challenging.
5. The Crystal of Life in Olde Scorched Desert never recharges once used. However, the one in Greater Grimwern Woodlands (with the inscription "Drained Healing Crystal" next to it) does. Perhaps those two are mixed up?
Regarding the chest, I suppose you mean the chest that has the Shield of the Elements in it. I actually got that one, but that chest was not buried and thus not a treasure, nor did I get a secret for it.
I am playing Revision 1.0 from Grimrock Nexus, 20 Nov 2019, 7:31AM; is that perhaps not the newest one? I am going to make some screenshots of my maps.
Yeah, I am an obsessive completionist if I find a mod I actually like.