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Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:05 pm
by Komag
I reported quite a few small issues
Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:13 pm
by Kuningas
Tested my room real quick, and there seemed to be no problems.
...Except that I noticed that my voiceacting is absolutely horrible. But it will have to do.
Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:44 pm
by Merethif
I've stopped lurking this forum just for a couple of days and I missed the return of SpiderFighter. Fortunately others have said it all and I fully concur everything that have be said. I'm glad too see you back John, I wish you all the best and even though you've decided to not add a room to this project (which I fully understand) I hope to see you on forum as often as possible - even though I'm not the most vocal member of this fine community

I'm lurking here often enough to miss your posts.
Back to the dungeon - I haven't finished whole dungeon yet but all good so far.
As for the intro and ending - I'm definitely think we need them. I have some rough idea for intro. I hope I will find time through weekend to tweak it and post on Sunday.
Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:03 pm
by SpiderFighter
Merethif wrote:I've stopped lurking this forum just for a couple of days and I missed the return of SpiderFighter. Fortunately others have said it all and I fully concur everything that have be said. I'm glad too see you back John, I wish you all the best and even though you've decided to not add a room to this project (which I fully understand) I hope to see you on forum as often as possible - even though I'm not the most vocal member of this fine community

I'm lurking here often enough to miss your posts.
Back to the dungeon - I haven't finished whole dungeon yet but all good so far.
As for the intro and ending - I'm definitely think we need them. I have some rough idea for intro. I hope I will find time through weekend to tweak it and post on Sunday.
Thanks, Mere. I'm here, cheering you guys all on!!!!
Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:42 pm
by Neikun
I think a credit roll is the perfect ending.
As for the into, probably just a brief forward on what the project is about.
Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 10:37 pm
by Grimwold
I've tested my room in game and it seems fine. Didn't notice anything unusual. I've played through quite a few of rooms, but haven't had chance to get further.
Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 10:50 pm
by Billick
I'm about halfway through, and everything looks good for the most part. I only noticed a couple perceived balance issues, but that could just be me being bad/dense

Is there a place to discuss this without giving out any spoilers?
Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:01 pm
by Xanathar
I agree that some kind of private thread would be ideal.. Komag is it possible at all ?
Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:11 am
by Komag
I can't find any option to make a private thread or something like that. I think only the board admins (red names) can set up something.
Re: [CLOSED] Call to modders/mappers: "One Room" round robin
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:30 pm
by Skuggasveinn
Status update, everyone but Lmaoboat seem to have at least downloaded the Release Candidate.
Here are the fixes done on my end.
Neikuns Room
Goromorg statue with the crown did accept all items on its head.
It now only accepts the crown.
Wilfrey's Room
Two pillars where Prison pillars, changed to Temple Pillars.
Komags Room
Blue gem sparkles and light where one squere of the alcove.
Light entity komagGenL_BAlc rotated to fix the issue
HaunterV's Room
on your way down the corridors to the Frozen Labyrinth there was a part of a staircase
sticking out the wall, was fixed by changing the layout of the corridor by one tile.
Merethif's Room
the elemental library rules text did go out of the box, got worse in lower resolutions if people are playing 4/3 (not widescreen)
two extra \n added to fix it
Fixes yet to be done.
you can use a torch to light it (the torch gets placed off map), thats cool, and its even used in the Grimforged for a puzzle, but things start to get ugly if you get the "fire_cudgel" thats a unique item and try to light a lantern with it, you loose the fire_cudgel as its placed off screen. What we need here is a way to limit the item placment for the lantern_torch_holder to only "torch" and not "torch_everburning" (the fire_cudgel is torch_everburning)
General concerns
Merethif's Room
The library can be skipped, its on optional room, some thought that to be wierd, I was fine with it that way.
Many people missed the elemental glyphs above the alcove rooms, and therefore found it confussing where to place the scrolls, you have to look up to see the glyphs that tell you what element belongs to what room, I thought it was ok, more so because this room is optional
Wolfrug's Room
Blue mist instakill not very fair, when you have many mists it gets impossible to get past them without loosing some or all of your party. gets mitigated somewhat be the fact that there is a "secret" healing crystal near by.
JohnWordsworth's Room
Even if the the word dream is scattered all over the place, many do not get what to do here

All in all I thing this is coming along nice, I'm doing intro and ending, when thats inplace I will update the dropbox link.
Feel free to comment on anything you see in this post.