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Re: [Models] New created Models..
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:07 pm
by germanny
The Cave-in, now i need to do a broken version.

Re: [Models] New created Models..
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:27 am
by germanny
Another one^^ A iron spikewall. Needs some texture tweaking.
The wall is now defined as door - perfect!
Full res pic(1920x1200):
Iron spike (door)walls
Re: [Models] New created Models..
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:47 pm
by germanny
Texture correction - chains and spike wall more shiny parts, added a pillar with some green moss.
And additional wall textures - 2x moss, 1x lichen.
I´m very satisfied with that^^
Full Res - 1920x1200 pic nr.3
Re: [Models] New created Models..
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 4:15 pm
by maneus
Fantastic work, germanny. Especially the wooden pillars with moss are really outstanding.
Re: [Models] New created Models..
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:20 pm
by Diarmuid
You're really on fire this last week... fantastisch.

Re: [Models] New created Models..
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:22 pm
by Komag
How does the spike wall door open, logically?
Re: [Models] New created Models..
Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:35 am
by germanny
maneus wrote:Fantastic work, germanny. Especially the wooden pillars with moss are really outstanding.
Thx, set is more interesting now.
What i would like to change is the appearance of the walls - but this is soo much work.
I´d begun the basic wall mesh object completely wrong, which is used to generate the normal and diffuse map.
If i want to change anything here, i have to recreate all wall and special elements.
The floor textures are generated from mesh, too. Here i used the proper way, u can see the floor is built from many single mesh pieces.
In that way one can generate much better textures!
Diarmuid wrote:You're really on fire this last week... fantastisch.

Yes, had this in mind without time to do. Its holiday time for me now, so my head is free for other stuff^^
Komag wrote:How does the spike wall door open, logically?
Didn´t open yet^^ The only way to place it properly was to define as door. AH did that too with their grate wall.
But it may be possible to do a door animation - then the best way is to slide them into the floor - with added floor mesh element to show a groove.
Good idea though^^
Re: [Models] New created Models..
Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:43 am
by germanny
Did the broken model for the cave-in. So far..
The ceiling is not finished yet, takes some more time.
And a question.
Broken coffin:
I have two models for the standing niche coffin, closed and broken.
How can i make it destroyable with health? The only easy way seems defining as blockage.
Now it is defined as wall decoration or - tested, as WallTapestry. But tapestry gets only one hit and hardcoded? sound.
My idea is to make it as blockage and blockage broken including the wall.
Then in editor clearing a niche, place coffin and a blocker (editor) there. The reason for the blocker is if the coffin is destroyed,
the broken model won´t block any more. That way party can´t move into that niche.
Is that dumb, has anyone a better way to do?
Re: [Models] New created Models..
Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:21 am
by germanny
Please Help!
My destroyable coffin in alcove / corner works except one thing:
After destroying and appearance of the broken model, the party can move to that square (as always).
But i want that square inacessible - it is hidden behind the alcove wall.
The model definition:
Code: Select all
name = "dm_coffin_wood_corner",
class = "Blockage",
model = "mod_assets/dmcsb_pack/models/env/dm_coffin_wood_corner.fbx",
brokenModel = "mod_assets/dmcsb_pack/models/env/dm_coffin_wood_corner_broken.fbx",
placement = "floor",
health = 20,
evasion = -1000,
hitSound = "dm_chop",
hitEffect = "hit_wood",
editorIcon = 56,
onDamage = function(self, damage, damageType)
if damageType == "poison" or
damageType == "cold"
hudPrint("Not effective on Wood")
return false
onDie = function(self)
I tried to spawn another blockage or an altar object within the onDie function, but this did not help.
party can run over it as well.
Anyone from the scripters?
Re: [Models] New created Models..
Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:16 am
by Diarmuid
spawning another invisible blockage or an invisible altar on the square should work... ? Are you sure you have the right coords?