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Re: spider mod pls :)
Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 3:43 pm
by Arska
oodyboo wrote:I'm not against optional mods like these. Just throwing it out there that maybe this is an opportunity to face your fears rather than avoid them.
Trust me, the spiders in this game are not "gradual exposure" to someone suffering from arachnophobia. Real life, real size spiders are one thing. Giant, life-like spiders that apparently have some kind of scary, in-your-face attack are something else. I haven't seen their movement or attacks on my screen and I never intend to, either. If I were to play the game unmodified, the spiders would completely ruin any enjoyment I could get from the game.
Have the creators of the game commented on this yet? Perhaps even promised some kind of official mod for it?
Re: spider mod pls :)
Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 3:57 pm
by oodyboo
Arska wrote: Real life, real size spiders are one thing. Giant, life-like spiders that apparently have some kind of scary, in-your-face attack are something else. I haven't seen their movement or attacks on my screen and I never intend to, either. If I were to play the game unmodified, the spiders would completely ruin any enjoyment I could get from the game.
I can definitely agree that the spider attacks in the game can be quite scary. I do not suffer from arachnophobia, but on my first night playing, after being awake for 30 hours, one of them snuck up on me and jumped on my face as my party turned a corner. Even though I pulled a muscle in my neck from my startled reaction (hahhahaha!), it was at this point I knew that Grimrock was worth every penny =)
Not trying to criticize anyone and I'm all for people modding the game to make it more enjoyable for themselves. I have just never before seen a game where this was a significant issue, so I think it's a testament to the excellent job AH did at making the game feel very immersive.
Re: spider mod pls :)
Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 10:41 pm
by spoilspot
Arska wrote:Has someone already tested if this works with the 1.1.4 patch as well?
It worked the same after the patch too.
Re: spider mod pls :)
Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 1:44 am
by evilskillit
One of the first Skyrim mods was a mod that replaced the spider models with bear models.
Re: spider mod pls :)
Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:56 am
by Lenix
spoilspot wrote:Lewney wrote:
and here's the error i get
I think you have started the python executable instead of the windows command prompt.
Try running (press windows+r) "cmd.exe". This should start a windows command prompt.
In that you write the following commands:
cd \python27
.\python.exe .
(the first is probably unnecessary, since your working directory is likely to be on the C drive anyway).
This should run the script as explained by Bloop, and you can copy the assets folder and grimrock.dat file back to your Grimrock directory.
I hope the script works with Python 2.7 - I've found out it sure doesn't work with Python 3+
My folder looks pretty much like him Lewney's but it won't work it says it says there is no such file or directory and I really liked this game until I got to the first spider and totally jump scared and haven't been able to play sense please help

Re: spider mod pls :)
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:28 am
by Mort432
To be honest, although it's not a problem for me, whenever
anything happens in LoG that I'm not expecting, I usually jump out of my seat. Gotta love opening a door to be immediately met by unexpected spear to the face. I jumped a mile with the
starting spiders of Level 6.
I don't think they're that big a deal though. I mean, I feel that a lot of phobias stem from a feeling of helplessness; let's face it, a freaking warrior, minotaur, ranger and wizard all wielding various large sharp bits of metal and devastating spells isn't what most would call "helpless". Beat the shite out of them! Mwahaha.
Re: spider mod pls :)
Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:56 pm
by Qwynn
I registered to just to say I can't do it.
I was loving this game up until that first spider jumped on my face, and after that, I just can't. I spent an hour trying to get past it, and it's not possible.
So, it looks like I'm going to restart the game with that spider removal script and hope it works, or else I'll never finish the game. :<
Re: spider mod pls :)
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:04 am
by Darklord
Qwynn wrote:
I was loving this game up until that first spider jumped on my face, and after that, I just can't. I spent an hour trying to get past it, and it's not possible.
Because it is hard or because you don't like spiders? Let us know how it goes.
Re: spider mod pls :)
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:33 am
by Jirodyne
I remember fighting my first spider. I was all "Oh fuck that shit!" then turned around, had my mage killed and ran all the way back to the second floor like a scared little wimp.
Re: spider mod pls :)
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:58 am
by Darklord
I found the section REALLY hard,
I then used doors as safe sections to hide behind and it got easier.