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Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:38 pm
by Disasterrific
Sabatasso wrote:
Follow this analogy;
I don't get why people are bothered when I eat fast, which I am really not, for example. You say I eat fast, I say you eat slow, who's right? Firstly, it's much worse for a person that is finished eating to wait for the slow ruminating people who talk more than they chew to be honest. Secondly, some even have the audacity to defend their endless chewing by claims like "I like to enjoy my food". Are you seriously insinuating that I am not enjoying my food? I enjoy food very much, thank you, but I don't need to chew it tasteless before I swallow. Here's the deal, you enjoy your food the way you want, I'll enjoy it my way and everybody is happy.
Stay safe
Haha, I have a friend who actually makes me physically uncomfortable by the speed that they eat. It's not natural I tell you!
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 4:08 pm
by t0tem
Who are the 12 hour Finish people?
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 4:15 pm
by Krotch ScroteGuzzle
I wasn't rushing or anything and finished first time through in 11 hours on normal. Steam says 19 hours played, so that accounts for pauses, reloads, and a few hours with my first party that I wasn't happy with, so I rerolled new characters.
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:20 am
by Saice
t0tem wrote:Who are the 12 hour Finish people?
There is a
stats thread. And over there it looks to be most people are clocking in at 10-15 hours.
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:57 am
by t0tem
I was being funny... not that funny I guess.
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:14 am
by JarL
urughak wrote:Seriously- I think the kiddos claiming to have done speedruns through this game in 12 hours out of the gate after release are full of shit. Number one, why would you? I mean i understand theres weirdos who think that this is somehow cool, but really? Two- no...huh uh....not all the figuring character skills, restarts, banging into the puzzles, and combat. Sorry no. Sure, I've been taking it easy and enjoying and restarted a few times from figuring out character/class stuff, but im 30ish hours in and on level 4 and 5.

Are you serious? I completed the game in 11 hours on my first play through on hard difficulty, with 60+ secrets, all 5 skulls, full armor sets, 16/16 Toorum notes, 7/7 treasures, and 9/10 iron doors (ditched my bone amulets). I thoroughly enjoyed the game and have replayed it on hard (old school mode) on my second play through in 7 hours with all but 4-5 secrets found and the last iron door that I missed opened. Your post is unbelievably ignorant. Just because some of us aren't mentally challenged doesn't mean we are rushing or "speed running".
I'm actually considering an ACTUAL speed run on easy mode in under 1 hour of played time... so if you think 12 hours is a "speed run" then I have no more words to describe my level of disappointment in you.
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:52 am
by chautygorcy
I don't feel like a rushed at all I found most of the secrets and the such even spent a small amount of time grinding to top off food and get one of my guys to level that was close on level 9.
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:27 pm
by Billick
I'm 14 hours in and just finished floor 6. That's Steam time and not stats time. I haven't looked at the stats in quite a while, so I'll check that tonight. I've been mostly taking my time, but I haven't been painstaking looking for every secret. I was wondering if I was the only one who was taking a long time, but looking at the stat thread a lot of people are finishing with times around where I'm probably going to finish. I'm actually pleasantly surprised it's taking this long. I expected that I would finish the game in 14 hours, and I still have a lot of game left, so that's a good thing. There's nothing wrong with finishing in less time though. Play at the pace that's most fun for you I say.
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:54 pm
by dbgager
Surprised that not one person is this thread has mentioned the fact that old school map drawing such as I do ..adds significant time to the play through. A lot of people went this route.
Re: Calling Shenanigans on the 12 hour finish people
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:09 pm
by \/4n!ll4 ][c3
the time on my final save for my first completion is at 19 hours and some change, so i guess i might as well call it 20 hours.
i know a good bit of that is some of the timed puzzles, i can think of 2 i wasted more than 30 minutes on each. there were also a few times where i left the game running while i went and did other things, like eat, or talked to someone on the phone.
having said that, RPGs usually take 90+ hours for me to complete, either because i look for every secret or because i can see something of value that can only be obtained by leveling characters, like a stronger ability or unlocking a new item. in this game, i spent a lot of time collecting all the hidden weapons and armors. i didn't really do any grinding in this game, because grinding is pretty much impossible in D&D type games, but i also didn't shy away from any fights. if there was something to kill, it was killed. i was level 13 by the time i hit the 9th floor i think.