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Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)
Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:13 am
by pulpum
What's the purpose of the button located at the wall where the blue arrow is?
it's a fake one. it doesn't do anything. I know, it's tricky.

for the note, I assure you, it's there, maybe your savegames doesn't like updated files..?

Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)
Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 2:51 am
by Numberouane
U miss one secret passage near the stairs. I thought this button was opening this secret area... but looks like no

given the answer of pulpum.
The mod is good is some aspects but boring in others spoiling all the fun of it. (many doors I never opened and dont even know if they can be opened, many buttons i dnt know what they do (now we know that some are even fakes):) ) I spent so many hours in exploring this mod that I was happy to finish.
About the note, i never found it but maybe because I played with not the latest version... If u get bored and dnt want to start from scratch again , u can always use the console once to go on the other side of the wall...
I hope u find it anyway and can move ahead. Im not promoting using the console here just mentionning that can be a B plan as the game allows u to get stuck in the room if u dnt have the note...

Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)
Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:34 pm
by eLPuSHeR
I will keep searching a little more but I am afraid it's pointless. I think mixing up savegames with mod versions might not go well.
Wow. 1.6 version is out. Why are you releasing so many versions? IS THERE ANY WAY TO BE NOTIFIED WHEN A NEW UPDATE IS AVAILABLE (Nexus). Thanks in advance.
Are you saying you teleported your party using the console? I might do that, even though I know it's cheating. Or maybe I will start from scratch.
Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)
Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:56 pm
by pulpum
I think version 1.6 is the last one (and the good one). I don't know if nexus can tell when files are updated...
I had to clear some levels, add some objects to help players for riddles, as your comments said. The dungeon is not very "friendly", but I put a lot of what I think a dungeon must have, traps are sometimes hard, but reward is always there! be brave!
try from the beginning with this new version, I think that the first levels are easier now!
and thanks for playing

Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)
Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:03 pm
by eLPuSHeR
I am playing v1.6 from scrath.
I have reached level 7 now. I also found the infamous "ancient necroopolis" note. I also made a quick test: reloaded my earlier savegame (created under a different version) and I realized the button wasn't appearing at all, so it's a BAD IDEA to use savegames created with earlier versions of the same mod. This means you probably need to START FROM SCRATCH if you intend to update a module and reuse any existing savegames (that's why LoG issues a warning when loading games that do not match existing version).
I recall this behaviour also happens for Nevewinter nights, where the savegame also stores the actual MOD file in use.
Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 2:57 am
by Numberouane
Happy for u
If ever it happens again in another mod where u get stuck in a room wiz no way back like this one, (in fact it is the case if u enter the room and step in the upper square before the square with the wall opening west). u can always use the console to go to the other side. U do like this, once u enable the console (see thread in the forum) :
> print (party.x,party.y) will give ur location on the map
then u just compute ur new coordinates x & y
then in the console
>party:setPosition(x,y,facing,level) where 0 means N for facing and level is ur current level.
And thats it but fortunately u did not need it.

Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:44 am
by eLPuSHeR
Thanks. I already used that console command to "cheat" on another module I am playing...

Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:25 pm
by eLPuSHeR
I am stuck at level 7. Can anyone offer any insight/hints. I have got a handful of keys but I don't know where are used.
I cannot open the door to level 8. I have used one key but it seems it didn't do anything or the lock needs a different key I don't currently have. There is also a button at the southeast portion of the map that I don't know what it did either. At the northwest area there are two pits that I don't know how to close
Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)
Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:33 am
by subQ
Well. I finished it with five extra keys, the kid's copse , and no clue as to "the truth".
I'm guessing some of the keys were supposed to go in the things that looked like keyholes without locks.
I was just happy to be done at that point.
I would have strongly preferred if you'd stuck with the Keys match Lock idea. I bunch of times they were just random.
Finding the ancient axe as the very first axe I found was kinda odd. It made all the other axes pointless. and then I found two more of them.
All in all, not bad, but could use some tightening up.
I think theres a lot to be done with the pacing.
For those of you searching for the infamous note:
There is another hidden button inside the area next to the crystal. An inscribed one.
(No nested Spoilers?) It says:
At the end:
It looks like I need an orcish axe to put on the altar, but if I saw one, I didn't take it due to having an axe,
I don't know how to get into the cell, I'm guessing that's how. Maybe the secret is in there?
Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:50 pm
by pulpum
Keys are there in case you miss one, and don't want to go back, to make the quest easier... In most cases.
For your mention about a certain axe, it's not a secret to find, but just a name in d&d background that I wanted to put in the dungeon, as a joke, or a quote...
I'm happy you succeed it! The end is an open one. Maybe my next mod will tell the thing...
This first mod was essentially a way to learn basics i modding. I'll put more hints in the next one...