Everyone should have a look at the 6.5MB

I only got 7/15 secrets

Yes, I uploaded it only to annoy you all.Rook wrote:Thanks phitt. Do you mind if I tinker with your tile set?
Phitt wrote:SpoilerShowI feared this could happen, but it never happened when I play tested so I thought it was 100% safe. The ballista is made of buttons (for the animations) and I have two different ballista models that I switch (destroy, then spawn) depending on the draw state it is in (when it's not drawn it's the 'ballista' entity, when it's drawn it's the 'ballista_drawn' entity). If the script ever tries to access one of the entities while it's destroyed naturally a crash will happen. I have to look at the script carefully to understand how this could happen, I thought I put in enough safety checks to prevent this. If I can't find out why it happened I'll put in a findEntity check, in the worst case the ballista will simply not do anything when you push a button in that case (instead of crashing the game...). Thanks for the report!
I found out why it happens and when (thanks for the report!). If you have an arrow loaded and hastily click more than once on the shoot lever in a split second (tactactactac - will naturally happen if you are in a dangerous situation) the entity is already destroyed and can't be accessed anymore when the second 'shot' is triggered. I fixed it for good now as I could replicate the bug (unfortunately my other fix didn't work, very weird error). Will upload later with two other small fixes.flatline wrote: It was the third shot, I had reloaded quickly, were surrounded and almost dead when I got around to the firing mechanism, shot him and it didnt even report damage, it crashed as soon as it hit.
@Komag: It seems your explanation was correct, the 'targetSize' of the alcove was to blame in my case. I made it larger thinking that it would be easier to place items, which apparently was not a good idea.- fixed two typos
- ogre is now scripted to walk on the correct path, he will follow the player no matter what and not get confused due to AI behavior
- fixed a bug that made the game crash when you hastily clicked multiple times on the trigger of the ballista when shooting
- fixed bug that prevented you from placing items in front of alcoves that are facing east or west
Unfortunately I don't have the Steam version of the game and Steam doesn't allow you to do anything unless you paid for it (in other words - I can't upload to Steam even if I wanted to). Like I already said, Nexus is free to use for anyone. Unless you got banned there - in that case I could even upload to a filehoster.hyppyp wrote:Phitt, now that you greatly reduced the file size of your ***GREAT*** mod (hear hear!), would it be possible to upload it to Steam as well? I know it will be greatly appreciated by lots of potential players....