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Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:44 pm
by Batty
A wallset only pack makes perfect sense but modders would be nuts not to use the other assets which are amazing.
Everyone should have a look at the 6.5MB

door model used for the outro, absolutely amazingly awesome!
I only got 7/15 secrets

but I plan a second explorer's/rubber necker's/gawker's playthrough now that there is infinite snail meat.
Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:07 pm
by germanny
Very well made!
And in such a short time. Really impressive.
Want to create more models, but have to play

Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:43 am
by Phitt
Released the modder's resource, which should be clean and easy to use now. Can be found here:
Like already mentioned, the resource only includes the basic parts of the tileset without any extras. Other assets can be found in the source files if you want to use them.
@Komag: That makes sense, I'll have a look to find out what the problem is, maybe I can fix it.
@Batty: Glad you like it that much, hope you find all the secrets without looking at my spoiler!
@Germanny: I have to give the compliment back, your beholder looks absolutely awesome (and so do the weapons you made)!
Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:50 am
by Rook
Thanks phitt. Do you mind if I tinker with your tile set?
Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:53 am
by Phitt
Rook wrote:Thanks phitt. Do you mind if I tinker with your tile set?
Yes, I uploaded it only to annoy you all.
Seriously, I'm glad about anyone who makes use of it.
Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:59 am
by flatline
Phitt wrote:
I feared this could happen, but it never happened when I play tested so I thought it was 100% safe. The ballista is made of buttons (for the animations) and I have two different ballista models that I switch (destroy, then spawn) depending on the draw state it is in (when it's not drawn it's the 'ballista' entity, when it's drawn it's the 'ballista_drawn' entity). If the script ever tries to access one of the entities while it's destroyed naturally a crash will happen. I have to look at the script carefully to understand how this could happen, I thought I put in enough safety checks to prevent this. If I can't find out why it happened I'll put in a findEntity check, in the worst case the ballista will simply not do anything when you push a button in that case (instead of crashing the game...). Thanks for the report!
It was the third shot, I had reloaded quickly, were surrounded and almost dead when I got around to the firing mechanism, shot him and it didnt even report damage, it crashed as soon as it hit.
Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 3:15 am
by Soaponarope
Completed your mod, and am very impressed! Not only is it a excellent tileset and other assets, but the dungeon is an excellent game to play through from start to finish. I have only played a couple mods so far but I don't see how I won't be voting for yours next time around. I really enjoyed the clever puzzles like the minecart entry and sundial, and the great ending(despite my poor wizard dying to those evil evil flies

Found 11 secrets; just took a peak at your spoiler and it seems I missed the first two(I went through the first part pretty quick and couldn't get back), number 9, and I think 4 or 5 didn't register as I know I got the rest and only had two secrets at that point.
At first I thought you made the dinner on the table puzzle really problematic as I easily could have eaten those before then, but seems a secret handled that one. I thought I went through it fairly fast but still took almost four hours. I think it's best to assume people will take at least twice as long as you take to complete your own mod and eat a lot more(though I found the food situation okay and never found a respawn).
Though not part of the tileset, the other resources you mention like the weapons and hive are definitely something I would make use of. But since your releasing source files, then any modder can easily do so.
Overall, a brillant mod that inspires me to want to learn more. Thank you.
Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 3:24 pm
by Phitt
@Soaponarope: Thanks!
flatline wrote:
It was the third shot, I had reloaded quickly, were surrounded and almost dead when I got around to the firing mechanism, shot him and it didnt even report damage, it crashed as soon as it hit.
I found out why it happens and when (thanks for the report!). If you have an arrow loaded and hastily click more than once on the shoot lever in a split second (tactactactac - will naturally happen if you are in a dangerous situation) the entity is already destroyed and can't be accessed anymore when the second 'shot' is triggered. I fixed it for good now as I could replicate the bug (unfortunately my other fix didn't work, very weird error). Will upload later with two other small fixes.
Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 8:39 pm
by hyppyp
Phitt, now that you greatly reduced the file size of your ***GREAT*** mod (hear hear!), would it be possible to upload it to Steam as well? I know it will be greatly appreciated by lots of potential players....
Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 9:49 pm
by Phitt
Another small update, here is the changelog:
- fixed two typos
- ogre is now scripted to walk on the correct path, he will follow the player no matter what and not get confused due to AI behavior
- fixed a bug that made the game crash when you hastily clicked multiple times on the trigger of the ballista when shooting
- fixed bug that prevented you from placing items in front of alcoves that are facing east or west
@Komag: It seems your explanation was correct, the 'targetSize' of the alcove was to blame in my case. I made it larger thinking that it would be easier to place items, which apparently was not a good idea.
hyppyp wrote:Phitt, now that you greatly reduced the file size of your ***GREAT*** mod (hear hear!), would it be possible to upload it to Steam as well? I know it will be greatly appreciated by lots of potential players....
Unfortunately I don't have the Steam version of the game and Steam doesn't allow you to do anything unless you paid for it (in other words - I can't upload to Steam even if I wanted to). Like I already said, Nexus is free to use for anyone. Unless you got banned there - in that case I could even upload to a filehoster.
I just bought Brink though and since it is tied to Steam I will have to install it again. Maybe I'll simply buy the Grimrock humble bundle, I think the devs deserve it and I could upload to the Workshop. No promises though, I'm not a big friend of Steam and supporting the Steam Workshop is very low on my priority list.