Level 9 Pillered Hallway

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Re: Level 9 Pillered Hallway

Post by VisualDeadlock »

Drax wrote:A is strafe left, D is strafe right by default. The turn keys are, again by default, Q and E.

Here's a map:
The red lines are where you'll be W-ing. The blue lines mean strafe. Do not turn your character at all. Just keep looking down the corridor.
Thanks for the image. So that second blue line is where my problem is.

Scroll says 2 left, then right, then left, then 3 right, 2 left, rinse and repeat

2 left = that red line
1 right = that blue line
1 left = that 2nd red line

Now the scroll says move 3 right, but you have the 2nd blue line; so to get your lines

w,w,d,w,a (2nd blue line),w,d,w,w,w

but according to scroll,
w,w,d,w,right, right, right

i guess i dot understand why you're doing D THEN W, A THEN W, D THEN W, THEN W, W, W (3 rights)
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Re: Level 9 Pillered Hallway

Post by Drax »

You're not getting it because you're thinking of left and right in the wrong terms.

Here's another MSPaint image:
When the scroll says move "two left", it means move two steps on the south corridor. When it says move one right, move one on the north. The strafing is just to get you on the right corridor to move.
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Re: Level 9 Pillered Hallway

Post by VisualDeadlock »

Drax wrote:You're not getting it because you're thinking of left and right in the wrong terms.

Here's another MSPaint image:
When the scroll says move "two left", it means move two steps on the south corridor. When it says move one right, move one on the north. The strafing is just to get you on the right corridor to move.
OMG I get it now..I understand what you're saying now. It makes sense, I was takig the scroll too literally and not realizing (north corridor was right and south was left) in those terms, so after the 2 left, when it says one right, you have to move to the right corridor (north corridor) then move one over, etc....

Followed scroll instructions witht his thinking and it makes sense now. Wow, I am dense.

Thanls for taking the time! I followed the map someone had posted earlier to get through this section, but it was bugging the heck out of me.
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Re: Level 9 Pillered Hallway

Post by Drax »

Glad to have helped :-) enjoy some of the puzzles further in! 10 has some...interesting ones.
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Re: Level 9 Pillered Hallway

Post by VisualDeadlock »

Drax wrote:Glad to have helped :-) enjoy some of the puzzles further in! 10 has some...interesting ones.
Oh gawd, hope I can get through them wothout turning to drink!

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[Bug] Level 9 Pillered Hallway

Post by partof »

Can anyone fix me, or that clue scroll is containing an error that causes so much trouble solving this puzzle. (Or might be I translate it wrong, because english is not my native language..)
Here we go:
"Two times left" - ok, 2 steps on the left side
"Once right" - Sidestep to right and 1 step forward
"Once left" - Sidestep to left and 1 step forward
"Three times right" - Sidestep to right and 3 steps forward
"twice more is left." - Sidestep to left and 6 steps forward (because it says twice more)
"This She repeats twice" - Repeating from "Two times left" till "Three times right" and we get to other end's exit, but stepping to it teleports you back indicating that there was an error steps.
And right clue text must be like this:
"Two times left She slithers,
Once right,
Once left,
Three times right and
two times left.
This She repeats twice."
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Re: Level 9 Pillered Hallway

Post by Komag »

last part is just side step left and two steps forward (not "two times three" or six)
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