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Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3g
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:52 am
by Drakkan
Vectrex wrote:I hope I'm posting this in the proper section. This is my first post.
So here it goes, I can't find the third key in the Nethelen Ruins. I see the three plates across from the broken bridge, but I can't seem to understand the projectile clue in your walkthru. If I throw something, it will just float over the land and not land on the plates.
Anyway, this a fantastic mod! In so many ways, it surpasses the original game. I'm very impressed!
Finally, are there any other Mods for Grimrock 1 and 2 that you recommend playing?
Hi Vectrex,
welcome around !
as for your questions - keys
first key is in north-west area under the water. To get here you need activate the pressure plate nearby (you can see it under the roof of the small chapel). You need throw / shoot some projectile into its direction from above.
Second key is hidden in south-west chest and to get it is quite complicated run around - first you need go to the end of east bridge and jump under the water. You can follow underwater and climb / fall / climb some ladders. You end on one square with a scroll. It has image telling you to drop something under the water. Just drop it. Cross the force field, press the lever, cross moving field.
Third key you can gain if you hit all three pressure plates in the middle part of the area - you need throw / shoot projectiles from the bridge, till all the plates are activated. Arrows / rocks works best here.
And finally last key. There is sign telling you need force the solution sometimes and a pressure plate nearby. What you need to do is cast the force field spell (for it you need the Force staff - it is inside the locked chest in the Pale village area). Cast the spell NORTH of the plate (into air), QUICKLY go around (climb ladders, drop to the bridge) and shoot some projectile into the field direction - field stops the projectile and activate the plate, which activate the force field you can go over. Another possibility here is to shoot some projectile directly without bothering cast the field spell and hitting the plate from the bridge. But that needs some precise aiming.
As for the other mods, regarding Log1 there are many good ones (just check Grimrock 1 Nexus - )
and you can of course try Eye of the Dragon as well
for Log2 my favourite mod is probably this
and also some other mods are definitely worthy to try (I liked Mystrock-Artisans Path for example)
Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3g
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:52 pm
by Shaf
Need a little help with the 5 statues puzzle in Tower at pale village, I cannot get the order correctly I know the First Statue at the entrace is the oldest, and the 4thh statue from the Entrance is the Youngest, the 2 OIder sisters are at 3rd and 5th Positions.
So my sequence is 1, 3,5, 2, and 4 or 4,2,5,3, and 1, but neither work. Any additional help would be appreciated.
Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3g
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 8:30 am
by Drakkan
Shaf wrote:Need a little help with the 5 statues puzzle in Tower at pale village, I cannot get the order correctly I know the First Statue at the entrace is the oldest, and the 4thh statue from the Entrance is the Youngest, the 2 OIder sisters are at 3rd and 5th Positions.
So my sequence is 1, 3,5, 2, and 4 or 4,2,5,3, and 1, but neither work. Any additional help would be appreciated.
Hi Shaf,
You can guess which statue is the oldest (granny) and which is the youngest (talks like a little child) and you can also guess another child, which is a little older than the first one. Only two statue remains – mom and her sister (you do not know which one is which regarding numbers). Also what you do not know if you should press the buttons from youngest to the oldest or vice versa - in the end that makes only a few possible combinations how to press the buttons (for example -- youngest child - older child - mom - her sister - granny. OR child - older child - sister - mom - granny OR granny, mom, sister, older child, child etc... you got the point

Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3g
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 5:58 pm
by Lightangels
Hello here ! Again a problem, in the rattling hideout there is a quest with a NPC ask us to bring her 5 bone...
I have the bones... try to click on her with the bones and... Nothing... Try to put the five bone on the altar and...Nothing... and when i want to take them back, Game crash.
An advice ? xD
Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3g
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 7:15 pm
by Drakkan
Lightangels wrote:Hello here ! Again a problem, in the rattling hideout there is a quest with a NPC ask us to bring her 5 bone...
I have the bones... try to click on her with the bones and... Nothing... Try to put the five bone on the altar and...Nothing... and when i want to take them back, Game crash.
An advice ? xD
I am not able to reproduce this. Please try to load the game, enter the room, put EXACTLY five bones onto the pedestal. When you do, bones should be destroyed and you get the message about completing the quest. Nothing else happening to me :/ Let me know pls, in worst case I will send you console command.
Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3g
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 7:19 pm
by Lightangels
Worked by putting exactly five bones after load
EDIT: Killed the boss, return to the city, when i go in the blue inn i hear a "Hey men" like the guard and then nothing, no chat box or something for complete the quest, is this normal ? (I got 3 character dead at this moment)
Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3g
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 8:38 pm
by Drakkan
Lightangels wrote:Worked by putting exactly five bones after load
EDIT: Killed the boss, return to the city, when i go in the blue inn i hear a "Hey men" like the guard and then nothing, no chat box or something for complete the quest, is this normal ? (I got 3 character dead at this moment)
oh thanks this is a little bug - the hud message you should get is this ---
hudPrint("Hey you ! You really did it ! I will report my superiors the gang leader is dead !Thanks man !" )
because of the tip system, it is not displayed unfortunately. Your party just gain some experience (which is working fine even you do not get the message). you have missed nothing else here.
Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3g
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 10:10 pm
by Lightangels
Nice, i progressed well and ..... DAMN ROOM OF ILLUSIONS WHO ONE SHOTTED ME XD
#Panic <3
Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3g
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 1:37 pm
by Lightangels
Founded the treasure ! Wooohooooooo.
Seems my version is not the correct one (Just before G) i cant go in the depth of nethelen, there is a way for me to continue in other version without begining from the... begin...? again ?
Btw where i must dive with the masks ? I tried near the archery shop but i got stuck by magic invisible wall.
Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3g
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 8:56 pm
by Drakkan
Lightangels wrote:Founded the treasure ! Wooohooooooo.
gratz :d
Lightangels wrote:BUT GOT A BIG PROBLEM.
Seems my version is not the correct one (Just before G) i cant go in the depth of nethelen, there is a way for me to continue in other version without begining from the... begin...? again ?
thats ok, Nethelen Undeground was never finished, you just need get underwater gear here.
Lightangels wrote:Btw where i must dive with the masks ? I tried near the archery shop but i got stuck by magic invisible wall.
you are on the correct path. That force field
is disabled in certain time. Check museum picture, thats the time ! - you should see the pyramid in that time as well
Let me know if you figure this out.