I've problem with creating new model of secret button (or any button) for Eye of the Beholder wallset. I am trying to assign "temple_secret_button_large" animation to my model. I hope, someone from you can help me (especially @phitt, I see you make new models for secret buttons in your Mine tileset

I'm using Blender to create the models, and the process: BLENDER export model to .dae -> GMT import model using assimp, change nodes, materials, etc. and save as .model for Grimrock. With door (gate) models I've no problem, just add some X-axis rotations to the process: BLENDER rotate model by X axis 90, export -> GMT import model, rotate root node (scene node) by X axis -90 and the door animation works fine in Grimrock.
But I'm really frustrated with the button animations on the new models.
I have two meshes: button frame mesh (wall with hole) and button mesh. Button mesh have the pivot at the same position as the temple_secret_button_large button mesh (to do this, I must export this model from asset pack, import to blender and get the position of the button mesh).

There is the model in blender format to download.
If I use the DAE export/import format, animation in grimrock is scaled, rotated, moved. I see in GMT (after comparing with temple_secret_button model), it can be some problem in node matrix. A can handle the animation in Anim tab (rotating and positioning) and save it as new animation, but this is not right solution, because it is almost impossible to set correct position of mesh in GMT.
If I use the 3DS export/import format, all meshes (nodes) have always the same pivot position as the root node in GMT.
Any tips, or simple "how to do new buttons using default animations" ?