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Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3h
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:27 pm
by Drakkan
Sporky wrote:I can't seem to find the frozen etherweed. I've combed the entire pale village map!
it is not in Pale village. You will find it later on.
Vectrex wrote:I don't think my characters are prepared enough for the final battle yet... So, I need to backtrack on some of the side quests I missed.
#1. I don't understand the "Obelisks." I think I only found one of the treasures from their instructions. If you could help me to clarify how to read them properly I would appreciate it. Is there a map of where to dig?
-- I wonder how you get almost to the end without finding the Treasure. There is only one Treasure btw (I am not counting many and may treasure chest, secrets etc...). You should discover it even before descending the Atlantis ! :d how to find it -- You have a map from Griff with all the obelisc displayed on it. Each obelisc has a number on it. The first one is telling you where to start your way, than you just follow the instructions from other. You have to VISIT ALL THE OBELISCS to discover the Treasure, otherwise you will never find it (even if you know where it is).
#2. There is a closed gate on the east side of the "Pale Village" where the zombies were around. How do I unlock it?
-- If it is the gate I think it is, you have to fall down in the masked trap pit east from the bridge.
#3. There are two rooms in the "Tomb of the Sleeper" that I can't open. The first door has a button but it won't open. The other door has a table, but I don't know what to put on the table to make it open.
--not sure exactly which you refer to as the whole dungeon is quite complex and hard to solve. Fortunately it is not mandatory to do. If you give me more precise description I will be able to help.
#4 Is there a place I can buy "chest keys?"
--If you think pick locks, yes you can buy them after accessing the Thieves Guild.
#5. Where is the Dragon root?
--you mean Dragon scale right ? In case you have Hunting skill you gained one from killing the dragon (5 points is guaranted loot including some dragon meat which is boosting yout strength). Second one could be find inside the Treasure.
I love this game so much! Keep up the good work....
Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3h
Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 2:10 pm
by dugimodo
Hi, Loving this so far although sometimes it's a bit hard for me. I'm now Stuck trying to get into the ruins of Nethelen. There's some kind of Air Elemental I can't kill, is there a weapon or spell I can get somewhere to get past this? I've killed the dragon and done most of the side quests, skipped the invisible trickster as he was too hard, but unless I can get past this elemental I can't go any further?
Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3h
Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 7:58 pm
by Drakkan
dugimodo wrote:Hi, Loving this so far although sometimes it's a bit hard for me. I'm now Stuck trying to get into the ruins of Nethelen. There's some kind of Air Elemental I can't kill, is there a weapon or spell I can get somewhere to get past this? I've killed the dragon and done most of the side quests, skipped the invisible trickster as he was too hard, but unless I can get past this elemental I can't go any further?
Hi dugimodo,
are you playing EASY difficulty ? It is strongyl reccomended. Even so some areas could be quite hard... it is challening mode !
The invisible trickster is quite hard to defeat I agree. It is not mandatory though. Using spells / bombs helps a lot.
As for the Nethelen -
First, you need to open the first gate / defeat the elemental - when you press the lever, fireball is released in the air above your head. You need manipulate the air teleporters fast to trigger the receptor with the fireball (receptor is the "iron mask on the pedestal" - just look around, you will spot it. When elemental is released, you need to do the same again - just the receptor is moved into another position and it will be more difficult now as elemental is roaming around (lure him away from the triggers if required and then fast solve the puzzle)
When you climb up (remaining obelisc is here - you should be able to find the Treasure now - do it !) there is huge flooded open-area. You need find four keys here.
First is in north-west area under the water. To get here you need activate the pressure plate nearby (under the shrine) throwing some projectile on it.
Second is hidden in south-west chest and to get it is quite complicated run around (you need reach east end on the bridge and fall under the water where you can follow up. Finally you get the scroll showing you to drop something down, which will enable the force field.
Third key you can gain if you hit all three pressure plates in the middle part of the area with some projectiles.
And finally last key is REALLY only for true brain-brakers to discover. There is sign telling you need force the solution sometimes and a pressure plate nearby. What you need to do is cast force field spell (you need staff of force field - could be found in the Pale village area) north of the plate (into air), QUICKLY go around (climb ladders, drop to the bridge) and shoot some projectile into field direction - it will stop it and activate the plate so you can quickly go over activated force field.
Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3h
Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 10:18 pm
by dugimodo
Thankyou, awesome that you personally help with this. I have released the elemental and just wrongly assumed I needed to kill it to proceed. With your tips I should be away again.
I'm playing on normal and have made some skill choices I regret leading to some frustrating fights but I'm making progress. I don't know if I'll be up to the final fight but we'll see. Might have to start over on easy.
I finished the original questline on hard so I might have been over confident.
Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3h
Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 8:02 am
by Dr.Disaster
Reminder: please update the Steam entry of your mod too.
Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3h
Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 11:11 am
by Dragon_Warrior
there is some problem with weight puzzle if you use bags with items as weights
it only work when i used items one by one... after 2 hours ***@#@#@#

Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3h
Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 11:37 am
by Drakkan
Dragon_Warrior wrote:there is some problem with weight puzzle if you use bags with items as weights
it only work when i used items one by one... after 2 hours ***@#@#@#

You mean count only bag weight OR bag with items which are to be count for the riddle ? Oh well... I think script is too easy for such a complicated counting

I am glad it is counting stacked items, I was not considering somebody would try insert bag with items

thanks for report anyway.
Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3h
Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 8:01 pm
by minmay
It's not complicated, jeez, you just need to call ItemComponent:getTotalWeight() instead of ItemComponent:getWeight()
Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3h
Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 9:36 pm
by Azel
Yeah everyone knows that there is a difference between how much you weigh and how much your total weight is - although I think that mostly applies to women. The same goes for a womans age

Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3h
Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 7:10 am
by minmay
"someone's talking about a completely unrelated topic? I'd better insult women"