Delta66 wrote:Completely agree with the OP.
Dexterity and quickness are a growing issue as I move deeper in the dungeon.
It's challenging to figure out how the puzzles should be solved, and I understand that some puzzles ask for speed.
Yet once I figured out what to do, no problems trying several times before success, but when I fall short of the target more than 30 times in a row, it's just plain BORING.
Currently on level 5 in the Deserted Tunnels door, and after trying more than 30 times I'm considering to move to another game.
Level 4 final one was also a chore.
The keyboard buffering and responsivness of the game is poor considering the speed required.
Don't know if it a problem with my laptop keyboard, or my aging dexterity. But the speed challenge are poorly balanced. The game is advertized as a dungeon puzzle solving one, not an extreme arcade game.
Edit: Turning down gfx options help a lot, thanks for pointing this out., maybe the op should edit his post to mention this on top of the thread.
Obviously Gfx are more complex than DM, yet it quite surprising that the high level of gfx details tax the game so much. As this is not a FPS or a full 3D game, which works decently on my computer. Core I5 mobile 430, 2.27Ghz, nvidia GT325M
I don't know if there 's an issue with the nvidia Ptimus system which include both an Intel Gfx adaptor and the nvidia custom accelerator

I agree - I'm all up for a challenge and have no inherent problems with timed puzzles, but yes, once you've figured out what to do, doing that over and over and over gets boring fast. I'd say 10 attempts MAX should be needed to complete most timed puzzles - it really should be less. I had to do the Gear Key one over 200 times - I didn't count the first hours worth of goes and then lost count but its a good guestimate. That just isn't fun, and it isn't simply a question of misunderstanding the controls - it is clear that some of us (for one reason or another) are getting (effectively) less time to do these puzzles than others.
Oh and sorry if in any post I sound a bit defensive - II don't mean to be but I got badly flamed for no good reason at all in this thread (I thought Grimrock players wouldn't be the sad trolls that you usually find - and thankfully most of you are awesome and helpful