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Re: spider mod pls :)
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:41 pm
by Qwynn
Darklord wrote:Qwynn wrote:
I was loving this game up until that first spider jumped on my face, and after that, I just can't. I spent an hour trying to get past it, and it's not possible.
Because it is hard or because you don't like spiders? Let us know how it goes.
Oh no, fully because I have a horrible case of arachnophobia.
It went something along the lines of: Turn corner, first spider attack. Slam the ESC key so hard I nearly break my keyboard. Reload from the last save, prepare mage spells. Round the corner by side stepping, use Ice shards. Run away, shriek when it starts chasing me. Pause, reload. Procrastinate for 40 minutes, try again. Shriek every time it gets near me and moves. Give up.
In other games I can brute force having to deal with spiders by being a range class and going nowhere near them. Snipe the buggers from 90 metres away? Done. Seeing as that's not possible in Grimrock, I just can't. Every time I've tried to get past it, I end up in a nearly crying mess as I run in circles, then eventually quit the game.
I have a question involved with the script, though. I have python installed (as I use Bash for Bethesda games), however I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing. I read through the thread here and followed the instructions, but I don't understand where this supposed is coming from? The download link just has code, which, when downloaded, is only a text file. The installation instructions however say to use the file.
How do I turn the text file into that?
I really want to play and finish the game, as I love it, but there is no way I'll be able to with those spiders still in there.
Re: spider mod pls :)
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:47 pm
by Darklord
Qwynn wrote:
Oh no, fully because I have a horrible case of arachnophobia.
I really want to play and finish the game, as I love it, but there is no way I'll be able to with those spiders still in there.
Wow that sucks, sorry to hear that, I've not used it myself but hopefully someone else can help you. I do wish there was a simple mod people could download and use, like for Skyrim, any mod is good of course but a nice simple one would be ideal.
Re: spider mod pls :)
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:49 pm
by Darklord
Qwynn wrote:The installation instructions however say to use the file.
How do I turn the text file into that?
Just had a quick read, I think you just download it, then save it in notepad once saved rename the file to
I think that should do it, you'll still need to follow the rest of the steps of course.
Re: spider mod pls :)
Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:38 am
by xdeath
I'm not against a no-spider mod per se, but arachnophobia is a poor reasoning.
To be fair, I understand arachnophobia. But Grimrock "spiders" are almost nothing like real spiders.
They don't move like real spiders.
They don't behave like spiders.
Real spiders don't squeal, or make any noise at all.
They only look slightly like real spiders.
Re: spider mod pls :)
Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 10:50 am
by Darklord
You can't argue with fear, if someone is afraid, then they afraid, end of.
Re: spider mod pls :)
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:16 am
by xdeath
Darklord wrote:You can't argue with fear, if someone is afraid, then they afraid, end of.
The real problem here then is Arachnophobia itself. So it would be better to get rid of Arachnophobia.
It'd be difficult to get rid of it entirely, but you could lessen it so that you can play the game comfortably.
The truth is Spiders are not rare, there are 40,000 species of spiders spread across the world, so its inevitable that you will encounter them in real life.
To me using this mod is like using drugs. It helps in the short run, but it puts you in a false sense of security.
And when you do encounter them in real life, you could have a bad reaction(much worse than described above). You could be seriously hurt or hurt someone else.
Re: spider mod pls :)
Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 7:52 pm
by sprawler
There are some people that are living in country where bigest spiders are size of smallest finger nail. In my country there are no hairy big spiders. My homeland spiders are like ants and i dont fear them . I dont see the reason to fight with my fear of big spiders , i dont plan to live in other countries where are big spiders

. Second thing : it is easy to say " have fear of spiders FIGHT" i wonder if any of you who has others fears like flying plane , or fear of high etc would FIGHT your own fears that strong, like you tell us to fight our spiders fear.
Re: spider mod pls :)
Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 5:54 am
by 5hassay
Gah, not crabs! Spiders and crabs, the two creatures I hate the most.
Re: spider mod pls :)
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:37 am
by ShatteredCiv
Okay, after reading a few posts in this thread, I have to chime in... The spiders are realistic? LMAO! Okay granted, they scared the shit out me a few times - especially on level three, but nothing like the time when I fell into the pit with the ogre and the spider - i demolished the ogre - with difficulty, and as i was recovering my senses after getting shocked from seeing the ogre - this spider skittles and jumps out at me, scaring the living SHIT out of me - I heard it coming first (from behind - in surround sound), but didn't exactly realize what it was until I turned to confront it! I haven't jumped and cried out in a game like this since System Shock 2 when some salesguy rang my doorbell and I threw the mouse under my desk!
xdeath wrote:I'm not against a no-spider mod per se, but arachnophobia is a poor reasoning.
To be fair, I understand arachnophobia. But Grimrock "spiders" are almost nothing like real spiders.
They don't move like real spiders.
They don't behave like spiders.
Real spiders don't squeal, or make any noise at all.
They only look slightly like real spiders.
LOL For serious. I'm with you here on this one. My buddy said he killed a spider so big once in a cottage up north, that when he threw it out of the door, he could actually hear it - THUNK - landing on the leaves out in the forest... I joked with him saying that it was so large it needed a hit point bar above its' head! The spiders are hardly realistic... If people are scared so be it. I personally don't care if you play with slimes, spiders, or glowing pulsating genitalia.
sprawler wrote:There are some people that are living in country where bigest spiders are size of smallest finger nail. In my country there are no hairy big spiders. My homeland spiders are like ants and i dont fear them . I dont see the reason to fight with my fear of big spiders , i dont plan to live in other countries where are big spiders

. Second thing : it is easy to say " have fear of spiders FIGHT" i wonder if any of you who has others fears like flying plane , or fear of high etc would FIGHT your own fears that strong, like you tell us to fight our spiders fear.
You know though, I hate heights, but I would still play a flight sim or Spiderman game.
Re: spider mod pls :)
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:54 am
by Sol_HSA
ShatteredCiv wrote:Okay, after reading a few posts in this thread, I have to chime in... The spiders are realistic? LMAO!
Some years back I made an ant simulator. Each 'ant' was a 4x4 pixel sprite (actually a rendered single-colored stretched box, but at that resolution who can tell the difference?). The movement was based on a simple "marching ants" equation (basically, pick a more or less random choice of move forward, turn left or turn right, and repeat - my version was a bit more complex than that since they traced smells and such, but that's the basics..)
Anyway, result was, my wife who hates ants was physically creeped out.
So it doesn't really matter how unrealistic something is, as long as it manages to pull the right strings in your head.