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Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:11 pm
by RMariano
Numberouane wrote:Happy for u
If ever it happens again in another mod where u get stuck in a room wiz no way back like this one, (in fact it is the case if u enter the room and step in the upper square before the square with the wall opening west). u can always use the console to go to the other side. U do like this, once u enable the console (see thread in the forum) :
> print (party.x,party.y) will give ur location on the map
then u just compute ur new coordinates x & y
then in the console
>party:setPosition(x,y,facing,level) where 0 means N for facing and level is ur current level.
And thats it but fortunately u did not need it.

If one were on level 3 at position 10,20....
Show the party:setposition for 10,21 please.
Pulpum, please help.....
Also Sun? Horizon? Help!!
and..... For instance the one where it looks like u have to insert someting in the wall between two grids with herder cap behind...

Never found what to do there... (using version 1.6 and Grimrock version 137)
Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:02 am
by pulpum
arrrrgh! a bug! but I can assure you it's not essential for the quest... I update the file, but continue with the on you've got, it's not essential at all...
it was a lever, but its position wasn't good! I put the things in order now... it's just a dungeon room with a slime bell, so don't worry if you have missed it...
For sun and horizon, the machine junks you found on the level explain it all, the wheel is the sun, the bar is the horizon, they open the two doors!
Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:59 pm
by RMariano
earth= ?
air= ?
fire= torch
water= water flask
Help plz....
Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:33 pm
by pulpum
earth: what remains when you die?
air: what can be thrown, fast and turning as the wind?
try this, or I'll give you answers

Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:16 am
by RMariano
Was a great time in your Dungeon..... Thank you ever so much.
Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)
Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 11:55 am
by Thide
Your dungeon is classical but nice. It took me about 10-12 hours to finish it on hard mode (I'm a casual player).
The entrance sequence was great and the green mist zones added a good little creepy atmosphere to the game.
- the maze/spinner area in level 05 is not a big deal with the automap, but I think it could become tricky for people who are playing on old school mode.
- At level 6, I found the note talking about the "ancient necropolis", but only
after having been trapped inside.
- in the same level (6) there were three doors that I couldn't get open :
- the first one is at location (16,19), and as you can see, it's similar to the problem RMariano pointed out a few posts above mine.
- the second one is at location (7,18). There's one keyhole, but I think it's placed on the wrong side of the wall :
- and the third door is located just right from the previous one, but maybe it's just me who didn't investigate enough.
- in the last level (9) I didn't understand what I had to do with the "ORCUS !" altar. Is it only a reference to D&D or did I missed something ?
Nevermind, you already answered that question on the previous page.
I know you already added more food, but I had to use the console once in order to to spawn lizard steaks because my party was starving. Perhaps you could put somewhere a snail-respawning zone for people who don't like to rush through their games ?
But as a conclusion, I can say your mod is well done : the game is challenging but not too difficult and I really enjoyed my playthrough.
Thank you !
Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:42 pm
by pulpum
thank you very much for playing this mod
I updated the main file, for the things you mentioned,and there's a snail nursery, around the middle onf the dungeon, to make the things easier for everyone...
I hope you'll find it good.
have you found all the "secrets" zones? I'll add a "secret found" function a day

here is the list (caution, big spoils!):
level 1 / 0
level 2 / 0
level 3 / a big one in the south east, to find a great sword
level 4 / a teleporter zone in the south east, and a lot of things to find on ground, and don't forget to look a torch holder
level 5 / strange area in the north west, illusions... + snail nursery south east
level 6 / many buttons, many secret doors, everywhere
level 7 / 0
level 8 / 1 in the northwest, you can reach it by falling in the level 7 pits, a good set of armour awaits
level 9 / there is a good way to avoid some tough fights just after the fireball room, search the hidden buttons in the fireball room. there is also an area in south west, reach it by some teleporters, or pits, food and other things to find...
again, thanks for all your comments, my next dungeon will be full of your remarks!

Re: [MOD] the warlock (maybe from firetop mountain)
Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:12 am
by Thide
I've downloaded the new file but the modifications you made don't appear in my savegames, so I'll have to start a new game.
For the secrets you mentioned :
level 3 : the button in the crystal room was pretty obvious but I missed it
level 4 : found
level 5 : I've found the "strange" area. Can't tell about the snail nursery for the moment.
level 6 : dunno if I really found all the treasures but I hope so. I can send you my map(s) if you want to check.
level 8 : found
level 9 : I think I've found all your stuff.

And thank you for having taken my remarks in consideration.
Can't wait to play your next mod !