Re: EDITING CHALLENGE II: Updated 12/11/12 post mortum
Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:56 pm
Well I think this challenge more than bore some choice dungeon fruit.
Official Legend of Grimrock Forums
It's definitely very cool what you did there and your scripting skills are phenomenal (not only the moving stuff surprised me, all the rest of your mod as well). But all the simple movements could have easily been done with a few simple adjustments in a modeling program, here is an example:Edsploration wrote:Alright well I rewrote the *knock* *knock* door code, made it more versatile, and posted a guide for it in the Useful Script Repository Thread.
I'm going to have to pass on doing the same for the sliding daemon head and sliding dragon statue unless I find some more time under a rock (with the help of Nana's Staff?). But I'll describe briefly how I did each one.
SpiderFighter wrote:I finally got a chance to check these out. I'm dying to know though: Who won (both are deserving)?
And when's the next challenge?
Sounds great...I can't wait! Nice work setting these up, btw.HaunterV wrote:SpiderFighter wrote:I finally got a chance to check these out. I'm dying to know though: Who won (both are deserving)?
And when's the next challenge?
Both got prizes. as they were the only entrants.
I'll post the new challenge in the new year. I know what I want from the community and I believe it was mentioned that it's possible theoretically. So I will demand it. After the Steam Sale I'll have quite a few prizes to hand out. Which will be good because I intend to host 2 categories of challenges. One will be pushing the dungeon editor into new heights. The other will be getting the Asset makers off their assets![]()
All in all it'll be fun for everyone which is the main goal.
Komag wrote:Just finished playing Big Friendly Warden for the first time, a very fun little mod! Here are my notes I took while playing and immediately after:
- walk back, whoa, quake, ceiling collapse! (except the ceiling isn't collapsed, only the tunnel)
- (typo in scroll, should be "gratitude" not "graditude")
- (I don't usually like immersion-breaking meta-game texts like that, but we'll see)
- barrels not breaking, but it says I've done damage?
- got clothes from room, got round key
- talked to warden, "look soft without clothes", what? secret found? huh?
- He called me Mork, but I'm Contar, (I just prefer single player to be in spot 2 for better on-screen HUD visual
- balcony rocks look a little odd, but okay, blue moon story helps cover that issue well enough
- got gear key, another quake
- keeps calling me Mork
- got cool endless fireball wand, fun
- cool crypt area
- back room was dark, but I saw a ceiling shaft - for a light I failed to turn on?
- RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!, kinda low tech on the effects, but still FUN!
I loved a lot of things about this little mod:
- cool welcome mat, looked good
- I felt like the conversation was good, like there was a real character there, in sort of a 90's SNES JRPG way, which was a good thing
- scripted events were fun
- for some reason I loved that scroll popping out and just arcing up and then landing there, nice toss!