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Re: [MOD] Remember of Treihadwyl
Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:05 am
by Feerieland
I found my way for the first mobile wall but didn't find the second. I took teleport and explored the 16 th and 15 th entirely (i hope at least) but at the 14th i need a gear key and i have any
Maybe i should search for the second mobile wall
Re: [MOD] Remember of Treihadwyl
Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 4:48 pm
by Dhomochevsky
About the gear key you need on floor 14 if is the door with
the text "If you can't fly try another."
you can find that key on underground floor in moon tower. You need to use left downstairs on first room of the tower (the room with fake walls and tan-blush alcoves) and you can find the key on the floor on NW room of underground area, inside the door with emerald lock. On this room you can find a torch and a crab. To open this emerald lock you can find the key on right downstairs on first room of the tower.
Re: [MOD] Remember of Treihadwyl
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 1:19 am
by Feerieland
Thanks for your answers.
In fact i can't return to the floor with fake walls, i used the teleport and now i have stairs only for 14 th floor. Is there a hint to go back to this level ?
Thanks for the time you take to solve my problems

Re: [MOD] Remember of Treihadwyl
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 4:18 pm
by Dhomochevsky
Thanks for the time you take to solve my problems
Please, don't worry about that, thx for play with my mod.
About your problem, you can use tan-blush alcoves on both ways, you can use that alcove to go center room any time you need and turn back. Tan-Blush alcoves are different from teleport between towers or between upper-lower levels. You can use this special alcoves to explore and re-explore always you need. You can use tan or blush alcove to go back to room with fake walls without problems. In this case you need to use the same alcove you use before, because if you use the other you can go to center room but fake walls are closed and you can go out. Both alcoves are aprox. on NW and NE corners of the level, you can reach without problems to turn back.
Tell me if you have any problem

Re: [MOD] Remember of Treihadwyl
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 4:47 pm
by Feerieland
This was the first thing I tried, but teleport worked only in one direction. Tried but many times but nothing happens. Maybe i should try with the simple version of the dat dungeon you've been talking earlier.
Re: [MOD] Remember of Treihadwyl
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 6:12 pm
by Dhomochevsky
Perhaps, it's really strange. You can always use by console next command
Party:setPosition(x, y, facing, level)
Instantly moves the party to given location in the dungeon
and jump back to this area but is not sure you have same problem after that in another teleport.
If you like you can send me your save to and i can keep an eye on it, perhaps i can see something about that bug. If you have another save before that moment you can try (last autosave for example on healing crystal) and of course you can always play with that simple version.
Re: [MOD] Remember of Treihadwyl
Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 12:09 pm
Hi friend.
I need spoiler to solve “three ways One Key few secrets” in Chaos Tower
What is the combination to get the key?
Thanks in advance
Re: [MOD] Remember of Treihadwyl
Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 9:36 pm
by Dhomochevsky
Hi TRANG, thx for playing my mod. Sorry if my answer is too short but my pc is broken. I recommend you to download the manual for this mod (you can find on the same place you download this mod, onedrive folder and nexus).
This is a copy/paste from the manual on onedrive: "On Three ways/One key/Few secrets you can find your exit on
center teleport but you need to open 2 fake walls using button
combinations (1,2,1,2 and 5,6,2,3) and you need to find the key
before with another combination".
You can find on first level of this tower a note with a clue about this key combination (two first numbers of combination), sorry but i don't remember exactly now this key combination and i can't check it because my broken pc
Re: [MOD] Remember of Treihadwyl
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 1:15 am
Dhomochevsky wrote:Hi TRANG, thx for playing my mod. Sorry if my answer is too short but my pc is broken. I recommend you to download the manual for this mod (you can find on the same place you download this mod, onedrive folder and nexus).
This is a copy/paste from the manual on onedrive: "On Three ways/One key/Few secrets you can find your exit on
center teleport but you need to open 2 fake walls using button
combinations (1,2,1,2 and 5,6,2,3) and you need to find the key
before with another combination".
You can find on first level of this tower a note with a clue about this key combination (two first numbers of combination), sorry but i don't remember exactly now this key combination and i can't check it because my broken pc
Thanks Dhomochevsky. I already have the manual, but i cannot with this riddle.
I have the note from first floor, I,V..... two first numbers, but how much numbers have the combination? 3,4,5?
I hope you can repair your computer soon.
Greetings friend
Solved, i found the combination.
Re: [MOD] Remember of Treihadwyl
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 5:16 pm
by Dhomochevsky
Solved, i found the combination.
Good to know!! about this combinations
All button combinations have 4 symbols, plate combination i'm not sure (3 or 4 too) because i can't check now without computer. If you complete this combinations you can reach a secret area on last floor of this tower. I'm not sure but i think no one reach that place and no one have all secrets and treasures.
Tell me your opinion when you finish the mod