~Basic Scripting and Editor Help(Easy Scripting Updated!)
Re: ~Basic Scripting and Editor Help(Easy Scripting Updated!
On the teleporter problem: I found out that I can enable/disable all the components separately.. it works, but takes more work. But I was so accustomed to the LoG1 -style easy mode 

Re: ~Basic Scripting and Editor Help(Easy Scripting Updated!
Okay, Zeltak, it's pretty easy and I learned from your question, thank you!
All of the components of an object can be enabled or disabled at will. So the structure is <object name>.<component>:enable()/disable(). So if you want the teleporter there, but not working, you can place it, uncheck at least "particle", "light", "sound", and "teleporter". You can then enable/disable them as you wish using this, for example:
All of the components of an object can be enabled or disabled at will. So the structure is <object name>.<component>:enable()/disable(). So if you want the teleporter there, but not working, you can place it, uncheck at least "particle", "light", "sound", and "teleporter". You can then enable/disable them as you wish using this, for example:
Code: Select all
function activateTeleporter()
Re: ~Basic Scripting and Editor Help(Easy Scripting Updated!
You could probably do something like
Code: Select all
for each i in teleporter_1 do
end for
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Re: ~Basic Scripting and Editor Help(Easy Scripting Updated!
A better way is to use the controller:
Code: Select all
Re: ~Basic Scripting and Editor Help(Easy Scripting Updated!
Thanks, I was sure that I dabbled with the controller, but apparently not. That makes everything easy.