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Re: [Wip]Rigale V0.8 (introducing pickpocket system) steam.
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 7:42 am
by cromcrom
Thanks a lot for you permanent feedback, shaf, I will create a statue in your name. Or a food recipe, maybe ? Or something special ? Just tell me, if its not to fancy, I will do my best to add it ...
This one will be easy to fix.
Any idea what I should be working on next ? Either the wound system, or some ritual/cult system, that would give a choice of things to do when dealing with those cadavers, like proper burial, scavenging....
For example, a white cultist could try to make souls be at peace (more XP, or little healing or mana regeneration), a black cultist to try to raise the dead soul to serve (gaining a "black item" of some kind), a nature cultist could make te cadaver dissolve into mother earth, thus producing some plants or stuff like that.
Because just scavenging the remains could disturb and really piss off the creature's spirit, that would materialize and attack...
I also thought about introducing the tailor. Main component would be some "fibers", gathered from plants, or "very light leather", crafted from leather...
This would allow light armors crafting, of course, but also Bandaging.
I might also tweak my skill success/failure check system, to introduce secondary skills as bonus. (like tailor/medic to craft those bandages.)
Anyways, cheers.
Re: [Wip]Rigale V0.8 (introducing pickpocket system) steam.
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:57 am
by cromcrom
Incoming in V0.9
more detailed skill check feedback.
minimum level requirement for some skills (you wont be able to even try the check if you don't have the minimum required level. So you will first have to go to the teaching station to learn more about the skill.)
secondary skill bonus for some skill checks (for example, armorsmithing would come as a secondary skill to literacy, if reading a book about, well, armor smithing.)
- Secondary skill bonus for some crafting (same principle).
- tailor skill and craft. Uses fibers. fibers can be harvested from plants for now (and as humanoid loot pretty soon)
- Improvement to Faction system: BountyHunting skill. either sell bounties for some cash, or turn them in to saskatwan elder to improve XPs and saskatawan tribe reputation. Bounties will be gathered from cadavers, the better the skill, the better the bounties.
Right now, only wargs and twigroots will give bounties.
-Ritual System, for more choices when dealing with those cadavers. Nature ritual only for now. Successful ritual will provide XPs and make a few herbs grows. Failed ritual will yield nothing, while botched ritual will create a ghost.
If you directly go for scavenging the cadaver, you will have all chances to find meat, skin, etc, but also a much greater chance to spawn a ghost. ghosts are monsters that give very few XPs, and no loot.
to do
testing. hopefully an evening or tomorrow release.
Re: [Wip]Rigale V0.8 Imbuing skill question
Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 1:47 pm
by cromcrom
In the process of adding white and dark rituals when dealing with humanoid cadavers, I was wondering about its benefits: i case of proper ritual, should the corpse deliver an item directly (healing stone for white ritual, dark soul bomb for dark rituals), or "soul items/gems", that could then be used for crafting, using an "imbuing" or "soul crafting" skill, and maybe then more varied items ?
Re: [Wip]Rigale V0.8 Imbuing skill question
Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 6:57 pm
by cromcrom
V0.9 released on steam.
white rituals (give powerfull healing potion in case of success)
dark ritual (give powerfull bomb in case of success)
nature ritual (grows panacea plant in case of success)
you can also scavenge cadavers to gain loot.
Beware of disturbing the creature ghost, however.
added tailor craft, requiring fibers, gathered from plants.
Improved tracking hints, they should be easier to interact with.
I tryed to solve bugs.
Didn't try ALL the features above, there are probably remaining bugs.
V0.10 will be a cleaning, bug solving release only.
Re: [Wip]Rigale OW quests/puzzles ideas anyone ???
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 5:21 pm
by cromcrom
Most of my systems are in place now. Last two stuff on my to do are a wound system, and a plant growing system (porting the ones I did for Log 1 to log 2).
So now I would like to turn this features pile into a coherent quest/puzzles game, with a main quest, sub quests, and stuff like that. However, even if I have a few ideas, I am not really good at finding good stories.
So I am looking for help in this matter.

Re: [Wip]Rigale V0.10 on Steam.
Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 8:33 pm
by cromcrom
V0.10 uploaded.
Hopefully some bug fixes.
Overall map improvement.
Skill improvement/lessons/training revamp.
One very simple quest.
Still only two areas.
Skills training options.
Skill list.

Re: [Wip]Rigale V0.10 on Steam.
Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 10:55 pm
by cromcrom
V0.11 uploaded.
Some bug fixes, hopefully
wound system and wound management.
Every time you are hit, you might suffer a severe or critical wound, in a random localisation. A wound can be bleeding, and after some times, become infected.
A wound can also decrease attribute.
There are bandages you can use on a champion (using first aid new skill), to try to stop bleeding, or reduce chance of being infected.
Bandages are craftable.
Lockpicking allows you to use lockpicks on locked chest. Its a new skill. Lockpicks are craftable.
To do: trap chests. Randomized chest loot. Breakable chest that would give much less loot.
And I started to work on saskatwan territory. there will be a saskatwan village (with doors to lockpick, and chests to loot

), with some simple quests, and a little "Ancients" ruin, where there will be traps, hidden treasures. Great place to start the trapping and archeology skills
Re: [Wip]Rigale V0.11 on Steam.
Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:28 pm
by Torst
Incredable so far. Big Work and a good explanation of the progress. Thx for.
Re: [Wip]Rigale V0.11 on Steam.
Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:47 pm
by cromcrom
You are very much welcome. If you have improvements ideas, do not hesitate

Re: [Wip]Rigale V0.11 on Steam.
Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 1:57 am
by Shaf
I've had far fewer crashes with ver 0.11 i think it just needs some script optimization. There do not appear to be any rocks available except via. the Merchant, if so Alchemy is very difficult since rocks are required to craft Vials, which are needed to brew potions.
- The quest scroll only shows one quest (Find the book)
- Can the Northern door be opened yet, I was given the key but it doesn't work.
Suggestions for Mining - allow a pickaxe to be found which can be used to break rock walls to gather rocks for use as missiles and for crafting.