I had a go at this mod (version dated Apr 26h) and I'm VERY impressed with what I've seen so far. I gave the mod an hour, and found 4 issues that need to be looked at:
1) The cage at the start. Your idea to open it is to have the player pick up a branch from the cage floor, equip it, and use it to smash open the door. The problem is that not only are the two branches hidden by the cage floor graphics, but they can be dropped OUTSIDE of the cage, where they will fall down to the ground, becoming unreachable. Game over, time to restart, and the party hasn't even had a chance to move yet! I'm sorry to say this, but this is redundant level design that does more harm than good. Change this.
2) The first note outside of the cage. The opening sentence reads: "You have been bought here..." Shouldn't that be
brought here, or is there something in the story later on that explains that your party was purchased?
3) There are several places in the first map where the game slows down to a crawl if the "Shadow quality" graphic setting is set to high on my computer. The starting room, the room with the lava field under the floor just south of the starting area, and the room just southwest of that with the spike trap and the healing crystal are two good examples. I'm not that familiar with the LoG2 engine, but considering I played through the standard campaign with all settings maxed out without incident, this might be an indicator for a larger problem somewhere in the mod.
4) The "zoo" that is reached by falling down a pit from the first beach map. To enter it a pressure plate must be weighed down, and stepping on another pressure plate beyond the door closes the gate behind you. The problem is, a dagger is good enough for trigger pressure plates. This becomes a problem when you're standing on one plate and weigh down the other one, which closes the door, starts the "boss fight" inside with the party standing outside, UNABLE to get in as the plates are single-use.
I've also read this thread up to this point, and I'm seeing several other doors behaving similarly as in the example above. I get the feeling you may have to overhaul every single pressure plate in the mod to make sure that only the proper triggers work.
I'll keep an eye on this mod and try again after the next update.