Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 9:13 pm
Good luck! And I'm taking care of the receptor.
Official Legend of Grimrock Forums
Thanks! It went fairly well...20 mins and I only flipped one scripture (chapter with verse). People were still talking about it this morning, so I guess that's a good thing.Diarmuid wrote:Good luck! And I'm taking care of the receptor.
Nah, it's supposed to be Archmage, Neikun also reported it already. On the to-do list for patch 2. Did you like what I did with that receptor?SpiderFighter wrote:Patch 1 :
A couple of minor text things I've found so far, in JohnWordsworth's room:
Scroll outside JW's door: "If this ever finds it's way to you..." should be "its" (no apostrophe)
The scroll about the Rod of Savina: "A great weapon before I drained it of it's power, of course." Should be "drained it of its power" (no apostrophe)
So far, so great!
EDIT: Is the sign outside Neikun's room supposed to say Acrhmage or Archmage?
It's perfect! All the receptors you fixed are great additions...the reason my area works as well as it does is because of you, so many, MANY thanks.Diarmuid wrote: Did you like what I did with that receptor?
Two handed dagger?aaneton wrote:One minor thing, when you kill Ogre/Cultist in first room, you can actually use the empty hand to kill as the script only check if dagger is wielded (not if your attacking with it specifically). I forgot to report this a long time ago. Easiest fix would be to make the dagger two-handed.
Script polls both hands and if Dagger is in either hand when you hit, it kills the ogre/cultist. However it dosen't matter which hand you use when you hit, so if daggger is in left and you use right (empty) hand to do the blow, it will see conditions match and kill the mosnter. However as it is a special magic dagger I don't see the problem making it two-hands only (it gets destroyed after use). Of course better solutions are always welcome.Isaac wrote:Two handed dagger?aaneton wrote:One minor thing, when you kill Ogre/Cultist in first room, you can actually use the empty hand to kill as the script only check if dagger is wielded (not if your attacking with it specifically). I forgot to report this a long time ago. Easiest fix would be to make the dagger two-handed.
Why not poll slots 7 & 8?
There aren't "two-handed" weapons in LoG 1... so that's not really an option.aaneton wrote:Script polls both hands and if Dagger is in either hand when you hit, it kills the ogre/cultist. However it dosen't matter which hand you use when you hit, so if daggger is in left and you use right (empty) hand to do the blow, it will see conditions match and kill the mosnter. However as it is a special magic dagger I don't see the problem making it two-hands only (it gets destroyed after use). Of course better solutions are always welcome.Isaac wrote:Two handed dagger?aaneton wrote:One minor thing, when you kill Ogre/Cultist in first room, you can actually use the empty hand to kill as the script only check if dagger is wielded (not if your attacking with it specifically). I forgot to report this a long time ago. Easiest fix would be to make the dagger two-handed.
Why not poll slots 7 & 8?
Also I don't think it's a big deal really, no one have noticed this when testing and even if you use the empty hand to hit the monster, you are still wielding the dagger in your other hand, it's a magic dagger, so maybe it's enough wielding it and touching the monster for it to suck the soul into it
You were able to reproduce this? I can't...just results in miss after miss.aaneton wrote:One minor thing, when you kill Ogre/Cultist in first room, you can actually use the empty hand to kill as the script only check if dagger is wielded (not if your attacking with it specifically). I forgot to report this a long time ago. Easiest fix would be to make the dagger two-handed.