[DONE] Grimrock Model Tookit

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Re: [DONE] Grimrock Model Tookit

Post by Isaac »

Custode wrote:Hi John, I am having a problem with the GMT that I have never experienced before today, I just can't seem to be able to display textures in the viewport anymore and I haven't changed anything since the last time I used the program, it is all setup in the right way with all the paths leading to the correct directories.
I have searched the forum and the web in general for a solution or a similar problem but I have found nothing even remotely close.
I really hope you or someone else can help me solve this issue because I recently started working on a new wallset and I would like to be able to finish it.
Thank you in advance for any help.
I've had this problem for many months ~into last year... Try setting your GMT current Project to actually be the current project with the materials defined; (it's a menu option).
GMT scans the current project for material names. (That at least is how it's supposed to work ~AFAIK.) In my case even that does not always work, and some materials never show up for me.
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Re: [DONE] Grimrock Model Tookit

Post by maneus »

I´ve some trouble with inserting a animated model with right texture showing in GMT through GrimFBX.
I´ve export it with blender in .fbx and then let GrimFBX doing a model and (two) animations of it. All works well.
But after open the new model into GMT and give him the material, the model looks horrible. All texture data that I´ve made in blender is gone.

The model looks then like this:
And with exporting a .dae file in blender and importing it in GMT the texture looks normal as it should:
But when I import the animation from the .dae file, the animation stops after playing for a second.
Starting frame in blender was at 1 but after changing it to 0 I get the same result in the GMT.

Does anyone knows why?
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Re: [DONE] Grimrock Model Tookit

Post by Isaac »

I cannot really tell much from the image & description alone... but firstly... it is possible that your UV's are flipped. This was an issue with grimFBX, and GMT now has the 'flip UVs' option to fix just that problem. Load your grimFBX exported model and try the UV option.

DAE support is sadly flaky for this; it's always been hit or miss for me when trying to import to GMT through AssImp. :(
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Re: [DONE] Grimrock Model Tookit

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Hi Maneus. I have to agree with Isaac - it very much looks like your UVs have simply been flipped at some point during the import/export process. You might be able to flip them in Blender when exporting to FBX (not sure), but you can definitely just try to flip them in the GMT to see if that fixes your problem. It likely will and you should be good to go. Note that GrimFBX is far better than using Assimp to import directly into the GMT and if it's just the texture mapping that's out that should be pretty easy to fix.
My Grimrock Projects Page with links to the Grimrock Model Toolkit, GrimFBX, Atlas Toolkit, QuickBar, NoteBook and the Oriental Weapons Pack.
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Re: [DONE] Grimrock Model Tookit

Post by Leki »

You have too much nodes in model. Let me say, use 64 as max of them (well, Goromogr has 66 and it works :roll: but number 64 is good).
Make new skin and for your model use nodes in this structure:
-- local_srt
--- head
---- capsule
---- tail_a_1
----- tail_a_2
---- tail_b_1
----- tail_b_2
---- tail_c_1
----- tail_c_2

If you have rigged model in GMT, you no need to import animations from dae - just use *.animation files you already exported.

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Re: [DONE] Grimrock Model Tookit

Post by maneus »

Thank you Leki, that helps me a lot. And thank you too for John and Isaac.
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Re: [DONE] Grimrock Model Tookit

Post by maneus »

I´ve reduced the bones in my model to 52. But the texture of my model looks as weird as in my first picture above.
And as I´ve flipped the UVs in the GMT the texture lookes like this.:
So the flipping didn´t solved my problem.
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Re: [DONE] Grimrock Model Tookit

Post by Isaac »

Do you want to PM the model to one of us? (There are several here that would look at it and try to figure out the problem.)

Are there console errors from grimFBX?
(If the window disappears too fast to check, try running the application from the command line, in a command prompt.)
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Re: [DONE] Grimrock Model Tookit

Post by Leki »

maneus wrote:I´ve reduced the bones in my model to 52.
As far I can see your model is rotated around X axe- it's in wrong position in GMT, you have to check pivot orientation and export settings (there is some axes rotation)

1) I really suggest you to start with skeleton structure I posted. There is no reason to use 52 nodes for model like this one.
2) if dae exported model is ok, then use it to export *.model and from fbx export use only animation files.

make plugins folder
make plugins/servo_skull folder
make plugins/servo_skull folder/models
make plugins/servo_skull folder/animations
copy from dae export your servo_skull.model file in plugins/servo_skull folder/models
copy from grimfbx export your servo_skull_*.animation files in plugins/servo_skull folder/animations
in plugins/servo_skull make your servo_skull.lua file and write definitions
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Re: [DONE] Grimrock Model Tookit

Post by Isaac »

Leki wrote:2) if dae exported model is ok, then use it to export *.model and from fbx export use only animation files.
I don't think that can work... You'd have to ask John to be certain, but I don't think that grimFBX animations are interchangeable with anything but grimFBX .model output. :(
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