i have to apologize for my language and behavior last night. I was freaking out and i was sleep deprived, i had been up for 19 hours trying to put finishing touches and tweaking things adding ladders in water where I felt they were unfairly too far apart, moving spawn locations of bosses because I was having the bosses do unfair cheap shots against the player (which could be avoided, but only if you knew it was coming) so I fixed those to make them more fair. I kept finding grammatical errors in my dialogue, making the wrong character speak, spelling errors etc...
and when i found out about this whole thing with the dungeon master pack I freaked out.
it's really weird, when i oped up the .lua files they all looked like a jumbled mess, the formatting was all messed up and the lines were not in the proper spots.
I came in today and was about to copy paste it and show you what it looked like, and when i copy pasted it into here, it got formatted correctly...weird. so then I copy pasted it back from here back into the .lua file and it is now correctly formatted and now I can finally make sense of it.
I thought I was getting lysdexia or something.
I'm still working on removing these assets bit by bit and making sure I don't break my mod in the process.
it seems the major issue is all the textures in the "env" folder, theres like 250 megabytes in there. if I can just isolate the ones pertaining to the beds and tables I can get rid of everything else.
good news about the custom character classes, I was able to keep my custom class Ui names and descriptions and I just changed the "base" name of each class into one of the regular classes so now (I'm going to test it) now I think my chracter will be able to be imported and they will become a fighter,rogue,alchemist and a battle mage if you import them into another mod.
I will also reconnect my script at the end allowing you to re spec the "battle_mage" character so you can give her back her magic skills that I took away.
My decision to take away magic and alchemy in my mod was not to make it boring. I feel that magic and alchemy are game changers, and some things you can do with them are borderline "exploity" some might even consider it "Cheating" nighttime and torches are an important part of my mod and allowing the player to cast the light spell would trivialize that. force field and range damage spells like meteor storm or frost bolt would also trivialize the combat and make it nonsensical to my theme.
alchemy poses another problem. I wanted to tightly control how much resources the player gets so that you have "just enough" to get by. if you could brew your own potions and spawn more herbs it would trivialize the major battles, especially since in the regular game you can
drink multiple rage potions and their effects stack, enabling you to one shot kill any enemy in the game if you drink enough of them
I mean, I dunno, maybe I can mess with the magic definitions and the alchemy recipes and just disable the rage potions and the light spell?
keep in mind this mod was originally going to be a practice mod as an exercise. it was merely to help me learn the editor, I wasn't even going to share it because it seemed so silly. but then I got really passioned into it and tried to make it worthy to be shared. I was originally going to write it completely around the throwing skill there wasn't going to be any melee weapons, only throwing weapons but then I gradually evolved it to make all the other categories fit, I have heavy weapons, light weapons, throwing and missile and theres enough in there that 2 characters can specialize in the same weapon type if you so desired. there is a firearm in there but not enough bullets for it...(I would really love to make a mod and put a nice range of actually useful firearms in it. the default firearms are just underpowered all around not worth using in the base game) the gun in my mod is a powerful weapon it requires no firearms skill to use it and does good damge but I only gave a small amount of bullets because I wanted the player to focus on using the other weapons, but if I make another mod, i will give plenty of ammo.
This mod is going to be more about mood,story, atmosphere and survival with light puzzle elements.
I'll admit that by choosing the theme that I chose, i actually limited my creative options. I couldn't just put random pressure plate puzzles or philospher stones in there. everything had to make logical sense to my setting.
I couldn't put just "any" weapon in there. the weapons had to fit my theme. magic just doesn't make sense in my story, it's implausible.