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Re: Is LoG a shameless copy of a classic?
Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:43 pm
by Darklord
isamu wrote:
I love the Dos Box version because it supports save states

So does WinAUE, the Amiga emulator.
Re: Is LoG a shameless copy of a classic?
Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 5:07 pm
by Goffmog
Stamm wrote:Illusionary wall/ an alternative to walking against walls is to put/throw things forward and see if they disappear.
Stamm, your name reminds me that for years I had no idea whether it was Stamm, Stamn, Stam or Stann thanks to the wonderful font choice on the ST version and the blurriness of my TV pixels

I always went with "Stamn" - and he's probably the reason why I always end up gravitating toward being an axe wielding bearded guy in roleplaying games

Re: Is LoG a shameless copy of a classic?
Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 5:34 pm
by Stamm
Goffmog wrote:Stamm wrote:Illusionary wall/ an alternative to walking against walls is to put/throw things forward and see if they disappear.
Stamm, your name reminds me that for years I had no idea whether it was Stamm, Stamn, Stam or Stann thanks to the wonderful font choice on the ST version and the blurriness of my TV pixels

I always went with "Stamn" - and he's probably the reason why I always end up gravitating toward being an axe wielding bearded guy in roleplaying games

Yes, Stamm, an older Germanic warrior with perhaps some connection to dwarfs too (?), even though there is not much information of that available.
I do have a special memory when I played the first games of DM. There was a door without keyhole, and text on the wall read: "NOBODY SHALL PASS". With Stamm and his axe, my team passed easily.
There is also some rumors that Stamm spent a great deal of time with Sonja the Fighter, after liberating Chaos Lord. But these are so old things that you cannot be certain about them.
Re: Is LoG a shameless copy of a classic?
Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 5:41 pm
by Darklord
I wonder if Stamm is a bit like Tyrion Lannister, he certainly reminds me of him a bit!
Re: Is LoG a shameless copy of a classic?
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:15 am
by Goffmog
Stamm wrote:Goffmog wrote:Stamm wrote:Illusionary wall/ an alternative to walking against walls is to put/throw things forward and see if they disappear.
Stamm, your name reminds me that for years I had no idea whether it was Stamm, Stamn, Stam or Stann thanks to the wonderful font choice on the ST version and the blurriness of my TV pixels

I always went with "Stamn" - and he's probably the reason why I always end up gravitating toward being an axe wielding bearded guy in roleplaying games

Yes, Stamm, an older Germanic warrior with perhaps some connection to dwarfs too (?), even though there is not much information of that available.
I do have a special memory when I played the first games of DM. There was a door without keyhole, and text on the wall read: "NOBODY SHALL PASS". With Stamm and his axe, my team passed easily.
There is also some rumors that Stamm spent a great deal of time with Sonja the Fighter, after liberating Chaos Lord. But these are so old things that you cannot be certain about them.
I doubt it lasted, Sonja never had much stamina.
Re: Is LoG a shameless copy of a classic?
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:23 pm
by Stamm
Goffmog wrote:
I doubt it lasted, Sonja never had much stamina.
Well, Stamm himself had minimum mana at the beginning, but towards the end he threw 6th grade fireballs..
Re: Is LoG a shameless copy of a classic?
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:39 pm
by Darklord
Stamm wrote:
Well, Stamm himself had minimum mana at the beginning, but towards the end he threw 6th grade fireballs..
Out of his eyes I bet, see how red they are!
Re: Is LoG a shameless copy of a classic?
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:53 pm
by Goffmog
Stamm wrote:Goffmog wrote:
I doubt it lasted, Sonja never had much stamina.
Well, Stamm himself had minimum mana at the beginning, but towards the end he threw 6th grade fireballs..
Stamm was one of the best, definitely the best to resurrect (along with Gothmog!)
I think Lief and Zed were the best two to reincarnate because of their high starting stats + the points from their initial levels that went into their stats if you did that. Who did you think was the most disappointing champion when resurrected or reincarnated? For me personally it was Sonja, because no matter how I developed her she always seemed to run out of stamina too quickly and get hungry too often too
Will have to try soloing it with Sonja next time I play....
(does that sound wrong to anyone else?)
Re: Is LoG a shameless copy of a classic?
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:08 pm
by Daroou
Must place my vote for Daroou... a few Lo-Ya and you were well on your way to cultivating the Ultimate Warrior/Mage with an unmatched patch of chest hair.
Re: Is LoG a shameless copy of a classic?
Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:26 am
by msyblade
I know I'm in the conversation late (a month!), but of possible interest to all these DM fans here, I COULD NOT WAIT for the LoG dungeon editor to release, and in 1999 a fella named George Gilbert created a DM dungeon creator/level editor/Character Editor called
dmute. I use emulators of all old systems on my pc to play all the 8bit/ST games from my childhood. but dmute is made for pc. So, match made in heaven, I got pc versions of DM, CSB, and dmute and started making ACTUAL DM dungeons back then. Well, I had to dust it off to cure my jones for the LoG Editor and it still works fine
No link to find this stuff, you will have to dig, and it is only simple placement and scripting, nothing like the power of the LoG editor in real time.