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Re: Dungeon Editor Progress
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:01 pm
by Flying Ace
I just hope the editor will be rendered in 3d, and allow us to drag and drop in premade tiles/third party ones
Re: Dungeon Editor Progress
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:04 pm
by Darklord
3d eh? Well who knows, I'd be more than happy with a simple 2d interface myself. In fact I'd prefer 2d for base dungeon design, you can select your tileset with a dropdown maybe then click away.
Re: Dungeon Editor Progress
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:07 pm
by Flying Ace
Yeah I could see how that would work. It's just that every tile would need some way to be identified easily by icons and colors maybe?
Re: Dungeon Editor Progress
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:10 pm
by Darklord
I currently create Dungeons for D&D with maptools for online use, it's quite user friendly in the way it lets you click on the tile you want and drag it where you want. Here's an example image. ... Tool01.bmp
Maybe we could have something similar for LoG?
Re: Dungeon Editor Progress
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:22 pm
by Gudadantza
Darklord wrote:I currently create Dungeons for D&D with maptools for online use, it's quite user friendly in the way it lets you click on the tile you want and drag it where you want. Here's an example image. ... Tool01.bmp
Maybe we could have something similar for LoG?
It has the flavor of the old Unlimited Adventures creation kit but modernized

. But the FRUA had an option to see the process in a window while you were mapping inthe 2d screen. I thing it would be enough.
Because I guess mapping in 3d in a game like LoG can be more difficult than doing it in 2d.
Re: Dungeon Editor Progress
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:24 pm
by Flying Ace
Darklord wrote:I currently create Dungeons for D&D with maptools for online use, it's quite user friendly in the way it lets you click on the tile you want and drag it where you want. Here's an example image. ... Tool01.bmp
Maybe we could have something similar for LoG?
Hey I see your point something similar to this for LoG would be fantastic!
Re: Dungeon Editor Progress
Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:25 pm
by Darklord
Nice eh!

LoG is a 2D game in the way that you can only go up/down at stairs so every level is independent and I really think it would suit a 2D editor well.
I have no idea what Almost Human is planning though.
Re: Dungeon Editor Progress
Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:10 am
by Patch
Darklord wrote:Nice eh!

LoG is a 2D game in the way that you can only go up/down at stairs so every level is independent and I really think it would suit a 2D editor well.
I have no idea what Almost Human is planning though.
I'd like to change that though... And a 3D editing interface would make the prospect of that possible.
Re: Dungeon Editor Progress
Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:50 am
by Red Wyrm
I'd be perfectly happy using a 2D editor, since the level design is effectively 2D. A preview mode would be handy, though, so you can make sure your own puzzles are solvable and such.
On another note, I can't believe they're moving this quickly on this. I'd have taken a few weeks off to go sit in a forest somewhere without electricity. So thanks, devs, for having the constitution to forge ahead, heedless of your own fatigue, to give the plebians what they crave!
Dev question: How much coding will we need to do to build a relatively simple dungeon, like on par with levels one and two?
Re: Dungeon Editor Progress
Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:56 am
by Weetu
Patch wrote:Darklord wrote:Nice eh!

LoG is a 2D game in the way that you can only go up/down at stairs so every level is independent and I really think it would suit a 2D editor well.
I'd like to change that though... And a 3D editing interface would make the prospect of that possible.
I'd think that the engine makes it impossible. If I know anything about game engine design, limiting movement to one plane - and in a grid - gives the engine developer a chance to use many tricks that then make it impossible to support "free" 3D movement. I read somewhere in the AH blog that they have at least crafted some of their own line-of-sight algorithms specifically suited for the grid environment. So, I would hazard a guess that whatever will become of the level editor, it will still be grid based.