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Re: (24) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS + new item drops

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:47 am
by akroma222
Thanks Komag! Glad you think so ;)

Those monsters look very groovy indeed, is that the fire spider attacking with a light/glow underneath??
I really like the tentacles and the blood slug! Very cool :D

Re: (24) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS + new item drops

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:03 am
by Soaponarope
Thanks. Hard to see since it's small, but the fire spider is spitting a fireball.

Re: (24) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS + new item drops

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:47 am
by Grimfan
Hi akroma.

I just want to say that your retextured monsters are great and they are heavily featured in my first mod (which is slowly coming along)! It saved me the job of having to do the work myself. :D

Again, thanks for your outstanding efforts. :)

Re: (24) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS + new item drops

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:46 pm
by Drakkan
some really nice stuff here ! Definitely some of them could be used in dungeons, good work and thanks

Re: (24) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS + new item drops

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 8:35 pm
by akroma222
Drakken and Grimfan,
Thanks folks... I had planned to create more and will probably do so shortly, I have just been waylayed finishing up my mod and creating the custom spells and items for it.... a lot of work!! ;)
Again, any requests, feel free to ask :D

Re: (24) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS + new item drops

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 2:42 am
by Grimfan
You're bringing out another mod? Any idea on a date? I need to get into some Akroma goodness! :D

Re: (24) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS + new item drops

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 6:29 am
by akroma222
Too flattering!! ;)
The version of Labyrinth of Lies available at the moment is only half complete (levels 3 - 11)
There is not much plot line - no beginning or ending - and the plot starts to take flavour right when it ends..
I am working on the later levels now (levels 12 -15, levels 1-2 and the great stair you must take to get to the top)
These levels will boast a lot of custom equipment/monsters/spells etc, so I can not say it will be released soon
....hopefully another month or two... time is pressing!! hehe

But thankyou good sir, it is encouraging to know people out there are enjoying the mod (or the first half of it ;) )

Re: (24) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS + new item drops

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:27 pm
by Grimfan
akroma222 wrote:Drakken and Grimfan,
Thanks folks... I had planned to create more and will probably do so shortly, I have just been waylayed finishing up my mod and creating the custom spells and items for it.... a lot of work!! ;)
Again, any requests, feel free to ask :D
Only since you're asking. ;) I would really like a lovely golden lizard steak model and maybe icon if you have even a little time (otherwise I'll just use your green lizard steak model and icon). :D I've just retextured a yellow/shock lizard and done a serviceable job (actually my very first retextured creature), but my first attempt at a yellow lizard steak made it look like some sort of horrible moldy cheese :shock: and I haven't even looked at meddling with icons. :?

Re: (24) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS + new item drops

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:04 am
by akroma222
Cool! Nice idea :-)
Yup, I will have a crack at it over the weekend
Any chance you can post or PM me a pic of your yellow shock lizard??
Just so I can get the colour correct....
Icons are a pain in the ass, took me ages to get all the layering right, but cool once you get it going... if you are going to delve I could write up a short tutorial for you

Re: (24) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS + new item drops

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 5:58 am
by akroma222
I have updated the original post to include a very simple and easy NEXUS download.
Hope all are well :D
Let me know if there are any dramas